My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 2 - Lost In Here

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Emerald calendar, day one.

For the first time, I opened my eyes and took my first breath.

Bright light was landing upon my pupils. Fresh air was filling up my lungs.

I grunted.

❮Suppression of Remie Hoyathu's memory 100% completed.❯

Suddenly, a voice spoke.

❮Awakening is now completed.❯

❮The new skill [Consciousness] has been acquired.❯

There had been one, two, three messages. Each one of them coming after the other.

The voice spoke, then messages popped out, right before my eyes. They seemed to be illustrating what that voice had just said.

Strange were those writings as they were seemingly written in the air. Without any apparent support, they were standing up there.

Sort of floating right before me.

What did that even mean?

It didn't take long before the messages had vanished.

"'Awakening is now completed'..?" I muttered.

There's also this 'Suppression of Remie Hoyathu's … ?'

Say that again?

Did I also obtain 'Consciousness' or something? Fine by me but, well, what does that mean to begin with?

Also, what was I doing here?

Where was this 'here' in the first place?

Though I basically had no clue regarding what was going on, it felt normal.

I mean, I wasn't lost at all, therefore it was no real problem, I guess?

I actually just had to figure out what was going on here and that would be the end of it, correct?

With that in mind, I started to scan my surroundings.

Hmm, so first off, the most basic thing is, where am I?

Sitting and leaning back on both the ground and a thick pillar.

As far as my view ranged I could see numerous things.

Tables, chairs, dishes. Some were in a mess while some others were as if untouched.

Was I sitting in the middle of a restaurant? Likely so.

Uhh… What's a restaurant again, though? I interrupted myself.

My face grimaced as I tried to answer that question. It felt off for some reason.


I mean, I know what that is … but, well, whatever.

Let's just resume with the geolocalisation thing, I decided after I shook my head.

I lifted my head back up and peered around.

This restaurant was huge. Really, really huge.

The tables and chairs were spread all across the wide entirety of the place. Topping them off were dishes and other cooking stuff.

There were thick pillars all around the place, too.

Just like the one which was sitting behind me.

Upon which my back was leaning for I didn't know how much time now.

White, heavy pillars decorated with unreadable--to me, at least--scriptures carved into them seemingly decorating them and reaching up to the ceiling, propping it up.

The array of pillars extended to the walls. Darkened brown walls made out of wood.

On these walls were scattered paintings of all sorts.

Still, I didn't know where I might've been.

I mean, except for the fact that I'm and have been resting here. I didn't know anything.

Why am I here?

But as it seemed to be all about the display of things, leaving me still clueless about my situation--I noticed it.

A shadow--No, two of them.

Secretly moving and shifting from behind that column right there.

Are they hiding?

I can clearly see you guys' shadows reflecting on the ground, though.

If you wanna hide, do it properly.

I sighed at that sight.

I leaned forward from my sitting position and tilted my head to the side.

Seeing them was the goal.

After I shifted my head over to the side, I could see.

Seemingly talking--or rather, whispering to one another. They weren't too far away from me.

Now that I'd been looking at them directly I could distinguish the faint sound of their voices on top of one another.

They were chatting.

I couldn't make out what they were saying. Looked like they were keeping it a secret for some reason.

Well, that part wasn't important.

I only felt relieved, because, guess what?

They were humans.

When one of them was tall and had a sharp presence, the other was about a head shorter and was far less keen to my senses.

Now, on one hand, there were the two newly discovered living creatures that might have known something about me whatsoever.

And on the other hand, there was me, the lone lost sheep--Well, no longer lost, now.

They'd help me for sure. No doubt about it.

Now, to top all that off, guess who else was human here?

Yes, it was me, obviously.

And I just got my way out of this predicament since I had found other humans.

As such, I genuinely felt relieved. Wasn't I in dire need of information, after all?

It was good news.

As all those ideas went through my mind, I understood it was pretty clear now, first of all--I was new here.

And on second thought, yeah, maybe I was slightly lost after all.

Still, no need to panic.

The next question I needed to answer was 'What was I doing here?'. With these two humans, this question was as if already answered.

"Mhm, mhm." I nodded my head, satisfied.

See? Everything went smoothly, right?

Why would I even be concerned about such trivial matters such as 'Who am I?' or even 'What the hell am I doing in here?' when I had my two human allies with me.

I smiled delightfully as I glared at the humans who were standing not too far from me.

I was lost, I needed their help and on top of that, I was a fellow human. I sat back down and crossed my arms, satisfied.

"Why wouldn't they help me when I reunited all of these conditions, huh?" I said out loud, sort of filling me in with confidence even more.

They would definitely guide me, right?

I could only count on them anyway.

Having just been cheered up by myself, I decided to take action.

I needed to go talk to them.

I was confident.

Yes, I was confident.




Author's note:

Hey, it's me again. Thanks for reading, guys. If you enjoyed the chapter, don't forget to leave a comment, tell me what's good about it and what's not.

Share it with your friends.

Or even upvote me with your power stones, it'd really help.

I'd appreciate it. All of your support's most welcomed. It means a lot.

See ya.

EDIT 01/10/2022: how cute, the past me didn't know how to use Author's note, so dumb

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