My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 116 - What’s That?–that’s So Cool~

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The humans had retreated. Was the war coming to an end on their side? No, no. It wasn't.

They'd just retreated.

Maybe some sort of strategy or whatever. I didn't think too much about it.

Things just happened. And now, retreated or not retreated–I'm back on the humans' side all the same.

Well, but back is a grand word.

I'm still very far away from them. But from this distance, I could at least observe them better.

All the men lining up altogether.

And the distance I'm covering by running super-fast the way I am right now (can you hear the air going woosh~?) the distance is shortening itself very quickly.

And the distance between me and the orcs' camp is doing just the opposite. It enlarges itself with no end.

I was motivated.

I got to see this closer than that.

And why?

First off, because that's where I'm headed to. And secondly, because I'm slightly curious, after all.

And, oh…!

What's that?

It's in the sky. A long, reddish, and smoking flame's just been seemingly … shot in the air?

It's just been shot, it seemed to me. Shot, or blasted off … or simply tossed above in the sky with very strong arms.

What's that?–that's so cool~.

And yet another reason for me to get to see that from closer.

And it's emitting a ringing crackling sound. It seems to be very far away, but I can still hear it. It must be screaming like crazy for me to hear it.

As it goes up and up, the sound intensifies, up till–pah!–it just about exploded.

The reddish smokes and flame simply disappeared.

That's the first time I see this kind of thing. Discovering new things sure is fun.

I wish another one would go flying away. And I wish for it to be … right now!

In expectation, my feet even came to a stop. The chief's head stopped its bobbing and jumping around by my side.

Narrowing my eyes at the sky, I only saw remnants of the reddish fumes…

And it was blasted off from right up ahead, down there … hm.

But, nah. Doesn't seem to be happening. Well.

Let's get going again, why don't we?

And now, thinking that I'd maybe discover something about the flying fire flower if I get where it'd been blasted off from; it only strengthened up the course of my feet.

<Quick Pace>

Last time I overdid that skill, it only got me super worn-out and exhausted, leaving me breathless and inefficient for a bit.

"Quick Pace!" my shout ranged out in the vast entirety of this dead battlefield, before–"Quick Pace!"

Tap, tap, tap, tap!

My feet danced their way.

Shouting, "Quick Pace!" really was catching and amusing.

But I didn't overuse it.

"Quick Pace!"

The horizon wasn't part of the horizon anymore. I'd gotten to the horizon when another horizon had shown itself up in the actual horizon: this makes sense.

"Quick Pace!"

Taking very broad steps; I sometimes had to jump over some dead armored human or almost well-naked dead orc; sometimes simply step upon and run across the red-tainted grass of this wide field.

"Quick … Pace!"

Even trying not to overdo it, I'd gotten myself tired and huffing. It was only slightly, so kind of okay.

But still was tired, me.

I decided to slow down. The battlefield wasn't all that broad and large. After I'd buckled down to it and became serious–the very long row of humans finally was near enough.

And I could see it didn't seem like no laughing matter–another flying fire flower went up diving through the air!

Still running, my eyes were full of sparkling stars, looking up at it. I quickly snapped out of my excitement. I also gathered it'd been shot from behind that neat rank they all formed.

Without counting on <Quick Pace> I was now simply treading my way up to them, trotting.

They were soldiers, the humans. And eerily enough, there only were soldiers forming that alignment.

No adventurers whatsoever.

Where have they gone to?

My running feet slowed down again and were now only being on the go.

I observed around.

They were soldiers, yes. And only soldiers. The same helms above the same metallic, rigid plates. All the same outfits.

All are lined up and equipped the same way. This wasn't a row or a rank or something similar, no; this was a wall.

They were motionless and only seemed like statues to me. Having the time to find that funny, my attention now drifted towards some people else.

The wide and thick row of metallic statues wasn't just about standing there forming a perfect wall, no.

Humans, there were others who weren't quite nourishing the wall and its thickness by their presence, no.

Humans like this, there weren't many of them. My scanning eyes could spot maybe a dozen of them as they were also sort of lined up, in their own way, a bit out front from the wall.

They were big people.

With big statures, for most of them. Either very tall or very large … or why not even both!

Check that one up, for example. He's a titan. A titan among gnomes. That's impressive.

All these big peoples … supposedly … they were taking care of the wall.

Standing out of it, a good ten meters away from it out in the front–about hands movements and gestures flew off of them to the packed, well-organized crowd in front of them.

I gathered that by doing such gestures, they indeed were taking care of the wall and entertaining its well-formation.

And this was about the whole picture of them, the humans.

My pair of feet had dragged me near enough them.

Peering back behind over my shoulder, I scoffed and shrugged at how far I now was from the orcs' place of settlement.

My previous running super-fast had been reduced to a simple casual, easygoing trotting.

This very easygoing trotting was now, in its turn, to be reduced to lesser than itself.

Slowly pacing still towards the humans, my legs simply walked.

Only a matter of fifty meters separated me from the metallic human wall.

My eyes had been set onto their group for a good while, now.

But it's only now that they have theirs set on me and my casual promenade.

One of the thickest ordering humans (from among those who were in charge and giving orders) the one that'd been the nearest to me quickly turned his shoulders towards mine.

His huge breastplate was facing my already falling to rags stained shirt.

Why was he looking at me? I didn't know about that, and what did I even care?

His two flaring-up eyes had only bothered peeking at me, their guest, after so long.

And I, having come from behind them, have long since been acquainted with their presence here.

Meaning, I've grown bored of this metallic, organic wall.

I wanna see past of it? Of course I do. What's behind? What's that flying fire flower thingy about? What's all the acoustic ruckus for? It sure seems lively behind them.

I wanna see and take and look–that's where I'm headed to, anyway.

Should I then jump high enough to peer behind them?

Nah, nah. No use.

Where's the fun in even spoiling myself? I'll just discover that in due time once I jump them over.

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