My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 117 - Hindering My Sight!

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I, with my clothes in rags.

The grass, with its beautiful green coat.

The wall, with its dull and heavy presence (I'd grown bored of that wall).

The commander in charge, heavily armored, looking at me in surprise.

I wanted to see past the wall.

Shall I then be jumping very high to observe what's lying behind itself…?

What's the fun in even spoiling myself?

My feet steadily still were walking on the grass beneath my still bare toes.

Chief's cold and heavy head could settle down now that I only was walking peacefully.

His hair still was entangled with my left hand's five fingers. And I still hung it by my side.

The sharp armored chief soldier had seen me–up till now, he was only addressing me with bedazzled eyes, without uttering a word whatsoever.

But soon enough, a frown got to appear on his complexion (the big human in charge had no helm) and his eyes were doubled by a reddish, exhausted flame of both embarrassment and loathing.

"Adventurers … again?" he muttered to himself.

And I heard him since I was as keen as my short sword. My senses were. Super keen. Just like that short sword of mine … oh!... my short sword!

It was lost, by the way, my short sword. Long since lost. Orcs took it and stored it in someplace, maybe. It had happened a moment ago, already. That was so sad.

It's only as we speak that I've actually noticed that … I held it fine, thinking I'd complain later to Old Sipping.

In Charge got a hold of me.

And little by little, the soldiers' eyes also started to consequently fall down on me too.

They surely already had noticed me, for some of them.

Now, it was different. They also paid attention to me.

Should I … kill them?

That short sword … I've lost it for sure–still got this orcish dagger, though. I sure can take them all out at once…

I just gotta seize it that way, and slash it at them!


Gripping on that orcish dagger's striped handle … I'm just kidding, duh–you vile creature!

I'd not do that, no.

I'm just observing, too.

In Charge got my attention the most. There were others like him, but far away.

Simply too far away to be part of this.

"Adventurer…!" In Charge called me out.

His huge chunky massive body's hugeness became more and more obvious to me as I passed by him.

Only ten meters separated me from him, and his apparent frustration (which I must admit not knowing comes from what) became even fiercer, by now.


My eyes finally were decided to go up and meet with his, though my feet didn't dare stop their walking all the same.

His eyes rounded up even more. Not knowing what to choose between anger or bedazzlement must've gotten him very tired.

"Adventurer! Boy! What's the meaning of this?!"

And in the end, frantically gesturing at me to stop and also expressing his discontentment, he spoke equally frantically, "What's the meaning of this? Do you not heed the instructions? The signal has been given at once–and thrice already! Do you not heed the instructions! You're just a kid? Where's your party? Hah?"

And he simply then gulped nervously, marking the beginning of the blank that followed.






I didn't understand either what was going down, now. I was exhausted because of the battle, I wouldn't lie–this was too much; why stop me?

Why am I being yelled at again? Or even worse, told off, huh??

I expected all this … obviously, they were having a problem with me, the humans … the way they all looked at me … I understood but it still pisses me off for some reason.

I'm never to be told off, am I? Even worse if this is about them. Hmph!

And seeing I'd been going back at treading my way towards that wall after I'd stopped because he interpellated me–only the amazement could take over the angriness of his complexion.

Or … did the amazement really take over?

It was suddenly then doubled again by his prior frustration and discontentment; he stated solemnly:

"Lost kid or mindful grown-up–the regulations have to be of effect, still!... And what's this ruckus going behind your ranks for, soldiers! Be still and disciplined; don't let this disturb yourselves and be worthy of your King!"

"Yes!" shouted the crowd.

And so, I was having that kind of effect? Let them not be disturbed–I'm just a passerby!

I was still walking towards that very crowd … but I have to admit having grown very hesitant.

Maybe it's big people's serious business, like Old would say. Serious business always is not to be hindered, according to the old man, hm.

What should I do…?

"Cap–Captain, sir!"

"What, now!" questioned back the very present In Charge.

"But … this is…" mumbled a soldier.

"Yes, Sir! A woman from the group of the adventurers is asking for … she's trying to pass our formation, sir!"

"And what is it about again, with the damn adventurers! Can't they simply follow our regulations?!"

"Yes, sir!–see for yourself, sir!"

At this point, I finally didn't really know which way to turn or to look.

This was big people's serious business. Am I hindering the big people's serious business????

I must be, for some reason!

But!... what if I am? What should I be doing–but when the soldier who reported the problem coming from behind stated his last line; they (the very front soldiers) immediately opened up their formation–

The commander blew with his nose, waving his irritating mood away, but stupidly replacing it with an even stronger irritating mood: turning to me yet again, "You stay here."

Have I been bad again? I just stayed here.

–and their formation opened up entirely.

The soldier who'd talked alongside another just slid their shoulders and opened a passage with their bodies–the woman didn't last long before she showed up.

Her entrance was kind of a funny one: straining her shoulders forward as she tried to pass through, finally, the soldiers had let her pass, but with too much strength now put in her coming through; she fell off onward with a funny, "Ouchie!"

'See for yourself, sir,' huh.


❮Additional Quest – head over to the rear, and simply wander there.❯

What? That again? Move it, you're hindering my sight!

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