My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 13 - Life

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A city.

What is a city?

And who will tell you what a city is?

"It's so wide, the city."

In that vast entirety that extended from North to South and from West to East, there were so many things.

So many things that could fit in all that piece of land. A piece of land surrounded by walls, delimiting the area of the city.

Be it landscapes, buildings, people.

All of these were fitting in the city. And so much more, actually.

"Come to think of it, aren't all of these things making the city what it is?"

Yes, it must've been that way.

I had seen it from above back at Pizzato's. From that elevated place, I could peer at the better part of the town. At least two-thirds, I'd say.

And from up that place, I could already tell how huge that piece of land was.

Now, I was among the tiny ones I'd observed from up there. Going about walking and traveling, down here. I was with the others.

And from where I stand right now, it's even wider. I can tell you that much. Upon exploration lies an even more impactful experience. That's what I've been experiencing.

An even more impactful experience, yes. An experience that'd show you how wide and gigantic that city actually was.

And like I said, it wasn't gigantic and empty. It was full of so many things, for real.

There were so many things to witness going down there.

In that wide entirety, there were so many things you'd easily look and marvel at.

Yes, yes. A gigantic full of things!

"Indeed, this must be the official definition of a city," I nodded, satisfied.

Like, look, you don't believe me?

Then just look at the rivers, for example! Yes, yes. There were rivers there.

Sometimes huge and large, sometimes tiny and thin. Some other times deep and broad or shallow and empty.

Rivers, hm, they were channels. Channels that had been dug right into the earth!

But still, that's not it. You'd need to then pour water in it. Great quantities of water in abundance. How would I mention the rivers without mentioning the waters?

So, yeah, you'd need to pour water in a river to make it authentic. A great many tons of gallons of water, again and again.

So, can you do that? And still, that's not all about a river. Because, yeah, actually, all the water you're pouring into that, you can't ever stop doing that. So, can you do it or not?

Because if you can, well then, there you go. You have your river. Amazing, isn't it?

They were going across the city, cutting it and parting the land away here and there.

Going from the upper lands and running down towards the lower parts of the land.

From these very rivers, when you needed water, you could refuel.

You could even drink directly from the source if you'd please so.

Mhm-mhm. There were people who did that. I think. Probably.

Well, okay, I'll give you that, maybe it was only me.

But still!

That wasn't all about it.

People would even wash their clothes in the lower parts of it!

Yes. And all of that was to illustrate how wonderful rivers were. Impressive, right?

Oh, and I forgot to mention the pontoons!

Did I tell you about pontoons?

--Oh, and there were bridges, too.

Yes, yes. The rivers were crossing the land and then, there were the bridges. Indeed, from these very bridges people would, in their turn, cross the rivers themselves!

Hell! Some people wouldn't even do that, no. They'd rather stop by these bridges and then what? Lo and behold, they'd be fishing foods!

Yes! There even was food swimming around in the rivers.

People would leave their homes and head to the river--I observed them--They'd come out with all their fishing stuff.

Oh? And some of them even had giant chunks of wood on wheels. Transporting all of their gear and stuff.

How was that huge chunk of wood even moving? Well, they also had horses, yes. Living creatures like myself.

Anyway, these ones? They were the ones who'd catch the largest number of fish.

They'd fish, fish, fish, and fish. Sometimes for an hour, sometimes for two!

--There were even those cat-like creatures from among the beastmen, I think.

With their cat's ears and whatnot--Those ones were the most fond of the river's food.

I can testify to it!

I saw them gnawing on their fish with their delighted faces!

They were going nyaa this and nyaa that, while their ears were twitching.

So, so, so many things, I'm telling ya!

There were also buildings--Tons of buildings.

Among them were homes--Four walls, for most of them, topped off by a roof--within which the humans would be dwelling.

In these, they'd also reunite with each other. While some other time, they'd simply visit themselves. Families did that a lot, I think.

Oh, and there were also these things you'd call shops.

Be it a bakery, a forge, a magic shop, or even other regular shops.

There were all of these.

In a bakery--Humans would bake bread.

In a forge? They'd be smithing weapons and armors of all sorts as well as selling them.

Alchemists and other insiders would be using the magic shops.

And then there were the regular shops. Grocery stores and whatnot.

These ones would sell you about daily necessities.

Whatever you're lacking, just go tell 'em!

"No seriously though, the outside's even wider than the sky from where I stand--Well, no, obviously. But still, you get the point," I told myself.

I was still dragging my feet along the road.

And let's not forget to mention the organic things of life, too.

Because yes, organic creatures, like myself, there were lots of them.

An even greater quantity than that which I killed back at my place of birth. A good thing they weren't all knowing of my situation, huh. Otherwise, things wouldn't be so good for me.

Humans and their fellows were here too, yes.

Humans, elves, dwarves, reptilians, and beastmen. That's among the species I saw.

Inhabiting that city, I saw more humans and elves.

Dwarves, reptilians, and beastmen were hardly living there.

Well, they were scarce, but there still were some.

All of them going on about their daily life activities as they were interacting with each other.

They were crossing the city here and there.

Either by foot or by carriage with their horses. Because, yes. The chunks of wood pulled by horses, there were many of them. Looked like seeing them was an everyday occurrence.

Anyways, they were here, like myself. And like myself, once again, they'd go about wandering around the city.

Well, they had things to do. They had that, at least. So, yeah, it wasn't really wandering but anyway.

For my part, I had none. Nothing to do.

I was just lurking around, I guess.

Strolling along the road, I'd go by several places.

Sometimes jumping around in excitement. Some other times just walking normally.

And within that frame of time, I'd see all of that. All of that which I mentioned earlier. This was fun, really. This was life.

I vaguely knew all these things already. But seeing them in real life was a different experience, though. As I said, it was impactful. I really enjoyed it.

Anyway, here I was, dragging my foot along with the road.. I was within one of the many streets of the town.

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