My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 14 - Life (2)

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Anyway, here I was, dragging my foot along with the road. I was within one of the many streets of the town.

It's now been around 5hours since I started visiting.

And as a result, my feet hurt.

It's not only my feet actually, all my body hurts.

Well, that and I'm sweaty too.

As time went on, I felt weaker and weaker.

This stroll of mine sure fatigued me a lot, huh.

"Argh, and it's too hot," I complained, looking at the sun. He really wasn't kind to me, this Sun.

Well, I guess I was also kinda struggling in my own way. Like the other humans, I mean. They were going about their working activity, going here and there. And I was walking again and again.

My body was aching all over.

Never stopped me from visiting the city, though. How was I to stop when presented with so much more to visit as I kept walking forward, hm?

That was what kept dragging my foot along the road, somehow.

I intended to visit it all. Entirely, yes.

"Right, sunny?" I stretched my hand towards the sun as I talked to him.

"We'll do that together, right?" I added.

Lonely as I was, I only had him.

He'd been following me all the way over to where I stood right now. Or maybe was I the one following him?

No matter. We were still together after all I'd marched, after all.

My only mate. The sun.

What's more, I knew he wouldn't stay here forever.

The sun wouldn't stay here, hanging up in the sky forever. He'd fall at night time and sleep.

I knew that, too. And that was another reason for me not to stop. I wouldn't stop, no.

Suddenly, my stomach growled. I was surprised.

"Oh? You again?" Not that much surprised, though.

I hadn't only grown familiar with the city and the sun, today, no. There was that guy, too. My stomach.

"You wanna eat that, too, huh…"

I glanced at a stand, not too far away from me. It was situated on the road, on the sidewalk. There was a stand.

There were people doing that, too. Holding their stands in the city center. They were running their business.

Accompanied by its brothers, that stand wasn't alone. There were many others following it, forming long lines.

Most of them were just regular: a counter on which they'd put whatever they sold, with one human or two sitting or standing behind the counter, and then a roof above their head.

On top of their stand, were also some banners, indicating their names and whatnot.

And all that makes a stand.

"'The World,'" this was the name I could read on that stand's banner. Its written name, huh.

So, yeah, there were writings too. It was another thing humans had got for themselves. Most impressive.

Anyways, there was that stand, 'The World'. That person's stand was giving off an enticing odor, making my stomach growl in expectation.

I was hungry. Still, I wouldn't eat.

"I already stuffed you with grass and leaves, stomach," I told him. "You need to bear with it for now."

He'd already been hungry a while ago. Thus I got to feed him. And now, he already was craving for more?

"It hasn't even been 3hours. And you? You wanna be stuffed again?" I pointed out to him.

If I did go eat, the night would fall too quickly.

And as such, I wouldn't be done visiting.

I had better go on ahead and finish that up, already.

Tomorrow's sun wouldn't be today's one.

If my sunny was gone, he'd be gone forever.

I needed the sunlight to go about visiting, in any case.

Well, anyway, I'm in the city center right now.

I'm walking and peering at the stands and the people, here and there.

"Sure are a lot of people here," I observed.

I was just in the middle of the road, still marching onwards. Without anything much happening to me.

Kinda boring, in a way.

But just as I thought that, it'd come at me again.

"Oh!" And as I just thought that, it came back again.

There was that thing, too.

As it was about to act up again. I could sense it.

"Argh, that again? That hurts," I complained.

Yes, that 'thing,' remember it? It first happened back at Pizzato's.

And there it was happening again.

It was the earth.

All of it, all at once, started to spin around wildly, seemingly trying to throw me off balance.

I resisted, though.

I had experienced that a couple of times now.


I won't fail.

I refuse.

Without missing up a beat, I organized my body in a well-balanced stance.

The wild shattering of the earth wasn't stopping all that much, and I expected that.

Hell, I think it even got worse.

I planted my feet on the ground. And stretched my arms before me in curved positions.

What's more, I leaned forward a little bit.

"That's it! I'm good! This time about, I'm doing this!" I cheered myself up.

But it wasn't enough.

I was still, like, spinning around without really spinning around.

It was too much this time about, too.

"Crap…!" And there I lost it.

My balance.

Thrown off balance, I fell.

"Hahahaha! What's the grown-up doing, mum???"

Ohhhhhh. That's pathetic.

"Just ignore him, love."

It happened again. But this time, I swear!

I swear it's only because it's getting worse!

I had it under control…!

I nearly had it under control…!


So, yeah, there was 'that' too.

You remember, back at Pizzato's?

Well, I thought everyone felt it.

Everything was spinning around and I lost my balance.

Apparently, no, I was the only one seeing this.

The earth shattering and spinning around? This was just within my head.

It was definitely not spinning around and moving like mad. The others were perfectly fine, after all.

Actually, all of that was only taking place within my head.

I've only figured that out not too long ago myself.

When it occurred over and over again, I'd struggle not to fall to the ground. Everyone else was fine, though. It was odd, right?

Thus, I kept wondering.

How would people just do as if everything was normal?

And well, it really got me thinking.

So I thought and I thought. Up till at some point I just decided: hey, why not just go on ahead and ask some people about that.

Maybe this time around, they'll help me.

And so I did.

"Do you also feel when the earth goes guwah and then pushhhh to both sides, or is it just me? Oh, and kaboom-part right to the ground? You feel that, too?" I simply asked.

"Umm… I'm sorry…?" They'd tell me with an awkward smile put up on their face.

It took me a long time to get my answer.

For some reason, they weren't getting me all that much.

Anyways, at some point, I'd finally gotten myself an answer.

"Uh… No, I guess?"

Only to figure out that my suspicions had been right on the spot … It was only me.

I was the only one seeing that. Well, more like feeling it, then. Why was that happening? What was the nature of that thing?

Well, I had no idea at the time, not gonna lie. I'd soon come to understand it, though. That matter, I had no idea about, too.

But like I said earlier, it never prevented me from visiting the city.

Toughing it out throughout the ways of life? That was one of my specialties.

I was a tough boy, yes.

Anyways, I'd just fallen to the ground.

A kid made fun of me.

Yeah, makes sense. I must be pretty ridicule right now, I thought, brushing dirt off my tunic.

So, in spite of all that, I was kinda fine. Getting by and whatnot. But to my surprise, there was more to it.

Indeed, it was only then that it spoke again,

❮The current vessel's physical condition is deemed defective.❯

❮The Player needs to find a new vessel to ensure survival.❯


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