My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 15 - Character's Creation

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Argh, that hurts.

My butt whacked the bricks of the ground underneath me. I was thrown off balance. That whole thing really was annoying.

I couldn't help it. I just fell to the ground.

"Hahahaha! What's the grown-up doing, mum???"

"Shh. Just ignore him, love."

A nearby kid burst into laughter.

Meh. Snotty brat. You think that's funny, huh? I grimaced, annoyed.

❮The current vessel's physical condition is deemed defective.❯

❮The Player needs to find a new vessel to ensure survival.❯

Only then did the writings speak again.


Say that again?

What do you mean?

It caught me off-guard. I hadn't been expecting this at all. Why would it even say such things, again?

I put my fingers to my temples and started massaging them. I was annoyed. It was too much.

A deep sigh was to be let out of my mouth. Way too much, actually.

I shook my head. It couldn't be true, right? I mean, why again? I was alright, correct? After having sighed yet another time, I brought my eyes up again.

So, what the heck?

That voice be damned.

No, no. This really was written before my eyes. I wasn't seeing things, unfortunately.

Seeing how I'd stumbled down, a woman not too far away from me came to help.

She crouched down. Handed her hand over to me.

Only then did she ask me, "Are you hurt?"

I was too busy processing what the voice had just told me, though.

As a result, I didn't see her at all. I was lost in my line of thought.

Yeah, I mean, what was I supposed to do with that, hm?

I'm fine!

I'm perfectly fine, okay?! I did try to engage in conversation with it.

It was in vain, though. Looked like it wouldn't reply to me.

All I could do was try to make sense of what it just told me. I mean, I'd hopped into a good host, already. I couldn't just accept its words, could I now.

Wait up a second, though.

Is that supposed to explain all those instances of lack of balance? There were also these striking pains gushing forth from within my head…

All of which I'd undergone during my visit. Was this the reason behind that?

Because now that I think about it, it'd make sense if it's the case, but … no freaking way.

I shook my head.

"Oh… My life's fucked up, really," I clicked my tongue.

Up until that moment, everything had been going smoothly.


That's messed up. Did I actually have to go through all my way up to find another new vessel, now? It seemed so.

I clicked my tongue again.

Meanwhile, the woman who'd come to me talked again.

"That figures. You must be hurt, eh?" she said.

I still wasn't responding, though.

This bothersome situation really got me upset. Noticing her was the last of my concerns.

Seeing I wasn't responding, she had to insist. "Heeeeyyyy-ohhh," she started waving her hand before me in slow motion in front of my face.

And it was only then that I noticed her.

She surprised me. It made me jump.

Hurriedly, I took a few steps backward.

"Oh," she said after leaning back a little bit, too, "I'm sorry, did I scare you?" she went on with.

"Hm?" I tilted my head to the side. What did she want from me?

"Here, I'll help you up."

"Ah," I grabbed her hand.

And now … am I supposed to pull on it?

"Uh… Are you propping me up?" I ask in doubt. I wasn't sure of what I needed to do at all.

"Mhm-mhm," she nodded, two times.

She was now standing up, leaning forward, one of her hands was stretched towards me and the other was resting on her thigh.

She was about to prop me up.

To her signal, I tightened my grip on her hand. I then firmly pulled on her hand. Getting myself up as she was inviting me to do was the goal.

What happened though is that, pulling myself up, she lost her balance and fell to the ground with me, unable to help me up, seemingly.

Uh? Was that what she was trying to do?

"Ouch…" She was now on all fours right next to me. Well, she hadn't fallen down on me, at least.

Whatever she was trying to pull off wasn't any of my concerns. Seeing she wasn't helpful I just lifted myself up on my own.

Once I was up, I wiped the dirt off my butt. I looked down at her, then gave her my hand with the same, "Here," she approached me with.

She gripped it and successfully lifted herself up with my help.

"Ah… Well, that's embarrassing … sorry." she managed, scratching the back of her head.

Was she trying to make a conversation with me, now? Doubtless, she was. In response, I simply shook my head.

She laughed awkwardly.

"Hey, goofy-goofy!"

What came next was one of her friends, I guess?

Another female was coming over to us, now.

With quick steps, she got next to her friend and whacked on her shoulder.

"So??? You go over to help the mister here," she pointed at me, "and end up being who needs assistance yourself!" she said before she giggled.

"Ouch… that hurts, you know," she said, rubbing her shoulder.

"I hope it does, hmph!" she snorted.

The rest of their group was coming here in their turn. In total, I could count six of them. Six human females were coming towards me, or rather, us.

"So, was our Goofie goofy again to the mister?" one of the girls asked.

"I'm pretty sure she was," in response, one of them solemnly nodded then went on, "That's our Goofie we're talking about here, after all."

They were all here, I think. The group they were forming was reunited.

And I was just there, sort of. Blatantly looking at and analyzing them. One after the other.

"And so, um, is that another one of these 'infamous' acquaintances of yours, hey?" The female that had whacked her spoke once again as she was elbowing her fellow.

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