My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 141 - Mistaken

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"Think I'm afraid of you…?"

"Oh, pardon me? What did you say?"

"Think–think I'm afraid of you??"

"Ha–I … ahem…"

She didn't understand–and I understood she didn't.

Sighing and frowning a bit, she deserved an explanation, didn't she?

It was sad to me. With full-rounded, gleamy eyes, and sad lips, I began to talk:

"Y'know ma'am, I only came here in order to … can I call you big sis'? … I only came here to trade my head, big sis',"

Giving a quick start of her head, I didn't let herself put in a word as I continued, "–uhh, orc's head, I mean. I wouldn't wanna lose my own head, right, hehe–but ahem, let me explain to you…

"All of this is pretty, BUT:

"If possible, I'd have wanted to become an adventurer, too. Adventurers are so cool~. I really wanna become one … if possible, then again, yes."

When I began my talk, she immediately pushed back the bureaucratic documents and papers away.

She leaned down on the table, and from that very far refined chair she was sitting in, she even unceremoniously dug her face into her hands.

She was looking straight at me. Her eyes were wary and present. At last, she could give me back the eyes I dived into hers.

Nodding at me, when my lips briefly stopped, she indicated to me to further my explanation.

"…'Cause I know just too well I can't and … that since … it is sad, big sis', basically, you're a human and me, I'm a monster; so people don't really like me and I know I can't just become an adventurer like this, nor ask that of you."

As her eyes grew gleamier and gleamier with time, for some reason, her two red plump lips were pressed together in such a way.

Maybe was she taking pity in me and my childish looks?–let her not! I can be a big person and do not wish to be pitied in any way.

Scratching the back of my head, "I'm just saying this because I know becoming an adventurer would be too much and that … well … I can't become an adventurer since am being discriminated and rejected, but I understand!"

And her brows now simultaneously arched up with empathy, forming little and barely visible wrinkled on her wide forehead.

No good, no good. I don't like the way she looks at me. I'm not to be pitied.

"–Ahem, these were just my thoughts about that particular matter–can I really call you big sis'?–yes, these were my thoughts, big sis'."

She couldn't hold it anymore, at this point: biting her lips with gleamy eyes, and a so very emphatic look, she uttered, as silently as possible, muttering words to herself, as she so was used to do:

"So … very cute…" her eyes were cast downward, " and so very sad, too… but that's just an appearance … though I'm not sure at all, at this point. Could it be that…?"

Same thing again; even though she whispered that I heard too well. I should tell her to stop that.

"Now, big sis', you don't offer me that exactly, I think. That's another thing, hm. 'Cause playing around can be one thing … and doing what you want me to do, well, that's another thing, now that I seriously think about it.

"Y'know, me, I just want to have fun, big sis'!–and that's one thing, yes.

"I wanna have fun, and fun is fun, so I want even more fun, if that makes sense by you, big person.

"And you know, when you also say, gold, gold, shiny gold, sparkling gold; well, it doesn't really interest me, you know? Can it interest me, hm? It can't! Because gold isn't fun. I can't eat gold, can I? I can't eat money?

"Or maybe I can, but either way, it wouldn't taste good. I know that because otherwise a week ago back in the village with the kind ma'am; they would've given me gold to eat if it tasted good.

"Point of the matter is: they didn't.

"Just take … just take that moment when you wake up–I woke up a couple of times already, I know what I'm talking about–your tummy is all going all growl this, growl that, I want this food, and I want that food, right, you follow me?

"Well, at such a moment, what do you eat, hm, big sis'?

"You don't eat your gold and coins–you simply can't, ha!

"That's another thing, hm, I can't eat gold, and I can't have fun with gold either.

"What's even the use of gold to the big people, I ask myself.

"Big people, big people. I don't understand big people, and that's another thing, by the way, big sis'!

"Okay, I'm rambling here, ahem.

"'Cause, you know, Old Uncle says whenever I got to take a big decision with my life–I need to seek out for his exp … exp … what's the word again?... expertise!

"And not take a big decision on my own!

"I have to rely on my old uncle because he says that's important since I'm just so little–even though I'm not little at all, y'know, I'm a big person too, y'know–that's that! I gotta ask him first, I can't accept that, even though the quest and you say so!

"Yes, even if it's the quest, I dunno big sis' ma'am."

Ring!–❮You have heard the princess of Rinceville's speech: accept her offer and get to directly dive into the conflict between Ladafar and Rinceville.❯

You shush!

Hm. And that'd be it, right?

I voiced my choice. Just like she wanted me to. It may be of disappointing to her, but that's just how it is.

And … she doesn't say anything?

Maybe she is that disappointed after all.

She really needed me, huh?

I could be a strong asset to her, that's what she said, basically. Now though, couldn't she simply find some person else, hm?

And I mean, the humans are strong already. Would they even need me?

Nah, she isn't talking, really. Has she lost her tongue? And what's that stare directed at me for. Hmmm, I don't like these eyes.

Is she seeing through me? Or trying to, at the very least?

Her eyes definitely are far away, most likely due to the fact this strategic board is so far and her sitting at the opposite end of it.

And still, they feel so nearby.

Well, so many questions.

She must be going over so many questions in her mind, too.

She must've a lot to think about, seeing how out she seems. She doesn't seem to be whispering her thoughts out loud, though.

Hm. It means she is prudent. Can't be too outgoing when dealing with an evil monster, after all, right…?

Oh, and she begins whispering right when I think about that, huh?

Narrowing my eyes, I concentrated on her lips.

"Is the child-like appearance not his due, then? There's no doubt about that. Is it … or he, rather, is he really this young?"

She really is doing that again, heh. Maybe I should call her out on that?

"It can't be … right?... he feels so strong, after all … that aura I felt back there … shivers..."

Was the princess mistaken about the monster?

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