My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 142 - Isn't Elina

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She's explained her thing. I've explained mine. And now we're done.

She must be going over so many questions in her mind, too.

Oh, and she begins whispering right when I think about that, huh?

Narrowing my eyes, I concentrated on her lips.

"Is the child-like appearance not his due, then? There's no doubt about that. Is it … or he, rather, is he really this young?"

She really is doing that again, heh. Maybe I should call her out on that?

"It can't be … right?... he feels so strong, after all … that aura I felt back there … shivers..."

Even if I let her know that, what am I winning in that?

"Still though … he really seems to be 'this' young. That's basically only a kid, right?... yes, definitely so very cute and so very sad at the same time…"

I should just leave, right?


Let's just tell her.


Giving yet another surprised start with her head, her eyes were forcefully taken off of the wooden surface where they dug themselves and were brought to mine.

Really was lost in her thoughts, huh. How's that even possible, lady?

"You know I can hear you, right?" I explained with a playful and sarcastic smile on my lips … her late reaction was to rapidly bring her moistened hands to her mouth.

"Hmph!–you really weren't aware of that, were you?... and you're supposed to be a big person too!"

I found that fun. And I liked fun.

And then what?–her cheeks even had the time to noticeably turn to a bright shade of red, even though it was still very slight, "I did that again?... oopsie."

"Hahaha!–yes!" I then exclaimed with a burst of joy and laughter, "You're a fun person, yes, I like you, big sis'!"

"I … hehehe … that's, um…"

"Yes it is 'um…' hahaha!–and now, I got to leave!"

And that was it.


Giving a push with my tiny arms, I drew the chair backward and didn't wait before hopping off of it.

"Yes. I explained to you. I'll take my leave."

Completely forgetting poor Chief Orc's head still lying on the ground … I was hesitant to leave, but in the end, what else was I to do?

❮You have heard the princess of Rinceville's speech: accept her offer and get to directly dive into the conflict between Ladafar and Rinceville.❯

That's enough.

That, and I wanted to see. Would she stop me? If she really needs me, surely, she would do that.

And I explained to her, yes. She had to understand. Though her face still was a bit abashed and frowning.

Did she get it? Yeah, she must've got it. Maybe she didn't expect me to leave so soon, though.

Anyways, with no longer hesitant legs, I started off this calm and isolated room.

I knew the way home. And I thought I'd let her know, "No need to see me off, know the way out … and…" about to tell her she could tell her friend hiding in the shadows (that I only noticed too late, not gonna lie) to get out, 'cause I wouldn't hurt her well, I decided against, "goodbye–"

Stretching out one hand to me as though she wanted to stop me, "–But, wait … please!"

"Wh…what … what is it, big sis'?"

"I'm … I'm–look, first off, I'm sorry I really misjudged you… For my defense, I'm really not good with that."

"Misjudged me?... and what 'that'?"

"You know, I really thought you were … some kind of…"

Some kind of…?

Tell me?

Nah, she stopped?

Stopping halfway through her line; she shook her head to herself and started to walk towards me.


Throwing one leg before the other, she quickly arrived in front of me.

I completely turned towards her, and she was turned toward me too.


Still not saying a word, but now staring at me with confidence and determination … what was on her the lady's mind?... she knelt with one knee, bringing herself to my height.


I want to grow tall, in the future. Grow tall, and overpower the mountains. That's what I want.

Seriously, it's too much. That big sis' isn't even tall, she's rather short, yet she has to stoop to talk.

"I'm sorry I really misjudged you. I couldn't be more wrong, I understand. You know, I really felt … and thought, rather, that you were some kind of … you know. You felt so strong, to be totally honest. There was no way you'd be … the 'genuine article,' I'd like to say?

"And, like … you know, regardless, I understand who you are, now. And really, like … I mean, you want to be an adventurer?–it's okay by me, it's okay by me. Of course you can be that if you want.

"I promise you won't be discriminated … only if you agree not to show so blatantly your … forgive me for the term, ominous kind of aura, you know. But like, yes, totally fine. You very much so look human, after all."

And then, she seized both my hand with hers.

The genuine article, huh.

Maybe that's what she is right now, too. Is she being genuine?

Squeezing my hands:

"You know, my offer still is up with you. If you want … you know, I've already come this far, and it really is a golden occasion to me, I'm not going to make up lies, I really could profit from you. We could work together. And being an adventurer, for now, is just about enough, really, I mean it.

"And if you want to have fun, of course, you can have that. I mean, like, I get it, really.

"You're a monster … but, like … you're not a 'bad' monster, are you?"


"Are you, now?"

"… no."

"Well, let me tell you that I can see that only too clearly now, hehehe. And I was a fool for, to be blunt and honest, thinking you might've disguised yourself in order to fool people ... sorry. Even now that I say it again, it really feels wrong. But that's of the past, now!... hopefully? You aren't a monster to me, you know."

My eyes were cast on the ground, for some reason.

"… you really can see that clearly, now, big sis'?"

"I can, I can!–so, let me do that for you, take my offer and be what you want … an adventurer if you want; I could really need you, so I want you."

"… can I really, now, big sis'??"

Bringing my eyes back up, I let them dive back into hers when they were filled with sparkles.

"Why, but of course!"

And she squeezed my hands with even more emotions.

"I wanna accept, then!–and then we'll go overpower the mountains together, big sis'!"


❮The Player has completed the quest 'Meeting with the princess'❯

❮Two additional quests have been found: 'What lies behind the story…?' Compulsory Quest has been obtained.❯

❮'Which Kingdom, which Kingdom?' Additional Quest has been obtained – wait for further instructions.❯

"Su…sure, sure, hehehe. Do you accept? You only have to go and see with your uncle, then, right?... and say, you wanna let this kind me know the name of this kind you, mhm?"

"Oh–absolutely, my name!

"Hmm … my name, huh?"

"Yes, your little name. Oh, but I should let you know mine first, what a goof. I'm Elina. Elina De Rinceville… Tell me yours?"

"Oh, Elina big sis', yes, okay, hm…

"My name, you say…

"What's even that, a name?"

"Oh? Is there something wrong with your name, by any chance, hahaha."

"No, no!–but my name … my name isn't Leafana!–I only know that, I swear, big sis'!"

"… oh?"

"And it isn't Elina, no, my name isn't that!–I can swear an oath to that."

"… ah, okay?"

"But … it isn't Old Sipping either, y'know … so, well…"

"Ahem," she went on smiling at me even more brightly.. "It's okay, 'isn't Elina', it's okay."

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