My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 152 - Just A Whim, Though

And … thinking back on it now, wouldn't rather the classy word 'Mountain' instead of both of the particles 'big' and 'powerful' make up for a better name, hmm???

"Yes! That's genius!"

This time about, I did no such a thing as clenching my fist in victory, no.

Because you'd have guessed it: for such an occasion, only clenching it timidly was far from being enough.

Rather than doing that, "That's genius, indeed, hahaha!!" I pumped my whole fist into the air, being truly victorious, this time about.

Let's rather call it Mountain Residence of Me. This is a matter upon which my decree has already come to pass, my residence.

Your name is even greater, now.

Still walking onward on the cobbles that made up a path towards the double-door sober entrance, "I'm proud of you, Mountain Residence. You're stronger than the others, that's very cool of you."

I had nothing to fear of being overpowered by the neighborhood at all, with such a residence.

Silently grinning to myself, I felt pleasure. So much so, that soon, that grinning face of mine was to be doubled by an all the more silent chuckling.

Where were we?

Ah, and finally, about the 'residence' aspect of itself, well, no need for my tedious nonsensical blabbering for that.

The walls were all of the same wood material. At first glance, I'd say oak tree. (I didn't know a damn about woods.) Very good quality then again emphasizing the powerful mountain-like aspect of it.

Down at the first floor, I could count one, two, three windows. Beautifully defined and clear-cut windows, all of which were neatly closed as we spoke.

And to each window, a strong set of wooden rods (probably made out of the same wood) were standing tightened and firmly before each window.

That was kind of cool, I thought to myself.

The windows, in their entirety, actually, were pretty cool by me … but I didn't really like to be seen.

That would be a problem, now, wouldn't it, since they're so big and present, these windows, right?

Well, not for the least.

Can I even see the inside of it from where I was standing outside? No, I couldn't.

Do you know the word? They're called curtains. And they do that kind of stuff. They hide things.

Curtains did a great job at hiding the inside of the residence. Very great job, in fact.

Even when I was standing pretty close to that residence, I couldn't make out of its inside.

Was I to cheat using [Mana Perception], now?

I was not. Seeing the inside of it wasn't even the point anyway. The fact was, it could still all be pretty secretive inside of the house.

And this aspect of it got me worried at first; because let's not forget we're in the enemy's territory, right now.

I should be able to hide away when things go south.

Following up from that double-door entrance, giving off such good vibes, there was the second floor, now.

It was half-dug in the big wooden roof.

And, even though there weren't that many, I could count one, and two windows, located by each end of it.

This was a fine dwelling. I liked it very much. And that would be as far as it went for me.

Other peculiarities about that residence were that, first off, we had kind of a broad garden (if I may call it that way) standing before it.

And also, our house isn't all that near to the two on both sides. There are trees in between each spot. And these trees, I think they very much add to the charm of this place.

Going from both sides, they were Old Sipping's brothers.

Very tall, and very wise.

Plus their branches and leaves going about only slightly falling back onto the roof; I kind of like that.

Well!–that's that like I said.

We also got this neat cobbled pathway of ours. Since it's directly connected to the entrance of the residence, I pretty much think it's ours.

That very cobbled pathway, I followed it. And in less than thirty seconds, just about enough time to cover up all descriptions and illustrations of this home; my stained feet had brought me right in front of it.

I was pretty hyped. How would be the inside, now?

Separating us, there only are these five little steps carved onto that rather huge cobble threshold.

Jumping all of them at once, my nose and the doors' noses were facing each other.

I just had to take a hand to press the handle and open the door to go in … but then I stopped halfway through.

"I don't think I've heard her go, though."

Throwing my eyes behind of me at once, "Hmm, that's what I thought, I haven't heard her carriage go, what's she still doing here, hm?"

But turned back to that entrance relatively quickly, thinking, "Whatever, let's go on inside–oh?"


Though before I could even place my hand onto the handle and press it; Old opened up the door from inside, "Oh? Young lad."

"Old Sipping, I missed you!"

"Oh, hoh. I imagine you missed me, indeed. And I started to think your human princess would never wake you up, at this point, hoh."

"Old Sipping~, kindly get out of my way~!"

"Oh, hm. Very well, my dear disturbed boy. Lower your voice, though, the elven princess still is up to sleeping."

"Ah!–right … okay."

Not my hand had pressed the handle of this door, but in fact, Old Sipping's hand did that.

Was he going out? Why would he? Oh, right. The human princess has stayed, maybe the big people still need to discuss things.

He was going out, it seemed to be. And I was going in, it seemed to him.

So we stood in each other's way. But Old Sipping kindly got ranged on the side like I'd asked him, "thank you, old man."

And I finally took my first steps inside of my first residence.

"Woah–huge … but why is it so poorly lighted, though?... Hey, Old, I'm talking to you."

"Oh, but the elven princess sleeps, didn't I tell you, young lad? Now, mind you, I need to step outside."

"Oh, all right, I kindly get out of your way, old man.

"Oh–and, before you leave (what are you going to do, by the way?) I thought I'd tell you …

"This residence, it's very cool, very strong, very big, very … err … mountain-like and all but–"

"This healthy young man really can outdo this old one with his will alone. I am occupied, anything you have to say will have to wait when I get back … fine?"

"No, but you wait, that's important … and where was I again–ah!–I know:"

"Sigh. Do tell me, but make it quick."

"Hm. I know: this residence is very cool, very strong, very big, very mountain-like, and very mine, or ours, if you want, so it's kinda cool … now, though, when I asked for this big house to big sister Elina, I wanted it real, real big and all, y'know; but now … I understand it was just on a whim that I asked for it … y'know?"

"… and where exactly might you be going with that, young man?"

"What?–you don't understand? My point is just: we won't call it Big Powerful Residence Of Me, nor Mountain Residence, or any other idea of a name I may have come up with; instead, we'll just call it Whim Residence!–oh, oop, my voice. … You get it yet, old man?"

"But … my boy, the more this old man gets to know you … the more I …"

"Y'know what, I understand!–I totally do. It's fine, it's fine. We won't call it anything. It's but a residence, after all. Why'd we call it anything at all, anyway?

"Who said we should, hah? No one, right? Am I wrong? I'm not. So why call it anything in the first place, it isn't important at all–"

"Ho, ho. Allow me to take my leave, thus."

"–goodbyes, Old Sipping."



And faintly hearing, "I will be back, young lad."

Old Sipping spoke from behind the door I just closed.

Which left me all alone.

"Well. Got myself a house, today. Still is very boring, though.. But don't let yourself feel down. Soon, it'll be adventuring … you know?"

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