My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 161 - Grasshopper

That left a hole for me to go through, following still following the route like a good law-abiding citizen of theirs.

Naturally, I helped myself and went through it. Climbing up the ramparts would've been way too much of a hassle.

I happily leaped through the gate one jump after the other.

I can go in without even causing trouble again … that's very cool.

And one of the two guards noticed me before the other:

–"Oh. Look at that, coworker. Someone passing the gate illegally!... just kiddin': hah, hah."

"What! Where? Seriously? That? Be serious."

"Err … sure. Just a grasshopper, though."

"Leave it be and temper yourself. You never know when someone really tries their way in illegally. You must be ready anytime."

"Ah … 'that so."

"A veteran's word. Take it."

"Mmm, sure. … You never know when someone illegally tries their way in. … Noted."

And that was for sure. Surprisingly, the older soldier was right. And the younger one … well, aside from setting his eyes on me, narrowing them, and muttering stuff to himself, he didn't do anything.

Did he take that up to the word and decided to even mistrust a 'grasshopper'?

Well, that was that–and being creeped out I still followed my way.

Farther behind the open gate, the royalties' domain was spreading to no end.

Terraces in abundance. Gardens and fountains, too. Statues, here and there. Noblemen and women, going about whatever was their affair down here. And patrolling guards.

Well, there was a lot to wonder at. I didn't give all this too much attention, though. I was just a passerby.

And so, I only got all my legs to work, making my tiny black smooth shell to go jumping and jumping around.

I passed through the gardens. It was long, but there was an end to them.

They were making up for the better part of the royalties' domain.

And now, the beige and gray castle was nearer to me.

Big gates and whatnot. I still didn't pay attention.

The same way I got all my way up to here, within the domain I needed to enter; I slipped into the castle.

Sliding myself in was an easy thing for an insect to do. People looked down on bugs. And that's what they took me for.

I was in.

And there was a big hall.

Super giant, and super royalty-like. My eyes couldn't number all chandeliers and paintings and other fancy stuff decorating this place.

Many people were in there. Maids, soldiers, and nobles.

But well, then again: this wasn't my stop.

I stayed on the bus … and I got farther away.

Farther away, but still in between all these walls.

They were so many, the walls. The corridors and galleries were virtually as numerous as the walls.

Up till now, I'd only been following the guide and its directions … but at this point, everything was confusing to my senses.

Shall I proceed onward by this way … or this way?

Woah … finally got out of this endless gallery of arts; this or that way, now?

Okay, and now my guesses are, taking whichever way would put me on the right track … correct?

Well, my thoughts on this point were by far way too numerous.

And I came to think that the inner part of this royalties' domain really couldn't be compared to the outside.

While the outside was grand in its broad distances and large fields of green, the inside of the attractive castle was grand in its … this was a maze.

And I was mad at it. Mad at maze. Mad maze. Ha, ha, ha. Very funny.

Moving on, moving on:

When I was outside, it was easy to follow the guiding fragrance. Because it was just pointed in one direction and that was what I needed to follow.

Now, though, there simply are too many directions, I think. Which leaves it completely clueless?... no, it's not that it's clueless, it's just that there must be so many ways guiding to the same spot.

The spot where Princess Elina should be.

And so … yeah, let's be heading this way, I can feel people's presence … maybe it's her??

I don't think it is. Otherwise, I'd have sensed it.

These corridors and hallways are pretty empty anyhow, what are these two doing there … hop!–hop!–hop!–hop!–hop!–hop!–hop!–hop!–hop!–hop!–hop!–hop!–hop!–hop!–hop!–hop!–hop!

And there I am, folks~

Seventeen 'hops!' would amount to seventeen jumps.

I arrived in yet another corridor. This one was bigger, though. Maybe I was onto something? The right direction, maybe?

Well, I could only guess.

And anyhow, the two's conversation increased in volume as I got nearer to them.

They were two young noblemen. And as I thought I'd just pass by them and go about my way; I was first intrigued by their clothes.

All the noblemen and women I'd met on my way, they were all following a certain dress code and attire.

These two were different: they reeked even more strongly of riches and wealthiness.

It immediately reminded me of big sister Elina. I was on the right track. If I saw people like her, then most likely, I was on the right track.

And so, I stopped a bit by them as they still talked, their backs up against wall, not particularly looking directly at themselves.

To say the least, they were beautifully dressed. And not in an extravagant way or anything. It suited them, and I paused to analyze that.

In the future, I'd want to be classy like them.

And then again, they really reminded me of Elina … when I suddenly overheard that very name.

–"Elina, Elina, Elina."

"… I know, right?"

They were still going about their relaxed and unformal discussion.

"Let her do, let her do, younger brother."

"Hm! Why do you keep saying that? You really think we should let her … 'do'??"

The two young and refined men sounded angry when they spoke of big sister Elina.

"She's our sister. Our younger sister. … But I understand you're pissed off. I am too."

Oh ho? They really sounded angry, now.

What was it with big sister Elina? Did she do something wrong?? Why are they so 'pissed off,' as they say?

It aroused my curiosity and chased away my boredom. Of course I'd stay and overhear the two boys.

"Right, older brother?!... She first has the heroes from the other world for herself … and now, 'that'?"

"Heh. What's wrong, though? You're showing signs of jealousy, younger brother–"

"No but seriously!" the younger brother tapped his heel against the ground, which made me tremble with the wave of the shock. "First off, she only is doing all this to impress Father because she doesn't wanna marry into that old count's family…!"

"That's the way. I'm letting you vent, my boy."

"And I mean … why are you acting so cool about it, older brother?? Say it pisses you off too…!

"Sure. It pisses me–"

–"She's just a woman! She should know her place!"

Oh, boy. He tapped yet another time his heel into the pavement, angrily continuing, "So, she just does all that for her own sake … the little selfish cheeky fool … and … woah.

"Does Elina realize to what point the battle near Ladafar (the one which has only been wrapped up today, did you know, older brother?) was a complete failure!–she may have won, but the casualties in soldiers, though?

"Doesn't she see she isn't suited for this? And Father laughed at her saying she go and campaign with our troops! At such a sensible time! What are we, clowns??"

"I know. But what can we do? As you say, Father has given his approval. Let her do as she pleases … till she fails. That's all we should be doing."

"–okay, and what about this?! What about the fact she got herself that 'my new powerful asset for the sake of the Kingdom's cause,' like she so well says, blah blah blah … she already talks and brags about it to her personal maids, the fool…!"

"And the oracles have been clear with Father, yup. I join you on that. She's stupid, the dumb little sister will never change. Then again, that threat the oracles are talking about–"

"And we already know the whole matter of it. For fuck's sake. The oracles have been clear, yes, older brother. We can't trust any outsider in these times of crisis … I know we aren't yet in the middle of 'that' crisis, but man."

"Yet, she gets herself … a monster … huh. You're sure it's 'that,' though?"

"My sources are sure. The surest. You can trust me. She speaks way too much. She's already leaking her own little secret. Red-handed. Seriously."


"The prophecy is for real, older brother! I know you might not take this too seriously, but it's for real–"

"Now, lower your voice."

"Tsk. We'll have to do something about that. And enough of this conversation."


"I'm taking my leave…–oh!... see that?"





Up till now, I only was sideways to them, stealthily crawling, my way towards them … at some point, I passed them, but paused, thinking I'd listen to them more.

But see what the younger human boy just said?–he went on again, "That–woah!... that a grasshopper?"

Please, no.

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