My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 162 - It's Just The Game

The young man became angrier and angrier … and their conversation didn't seem to be going anywhere.

He decided to ended the conversation.

And his counterpart, the older brother, only agreed.

As the younger boy was about to take his leave, though ... "Oh!




He isn't looking at me … by any chance?

Mistrustfully and frowning my insect-like face, I turned towards him, and … "Meh," would've been what I'd have said, expressing my … well.

"That–woah!... that's a grasshopper?"

And, "Please, no," I would've also added. "Am not a grasshopper."

"Do you see it, do you see it???"

"… No. What?"

"That, that, over there."

"Hmm … oh, I see it."

"A grasshopper … or what?"

"Nah. Must be a cricket."

"It's a grasshopper!–not a cricket!–and I love these!"

Damn. Neither a grasshopper nor a cricket!

How can they all not tell??

I'm not an insect! Am a parasite!

–But anyway, let's run!

Their conversation sure was interesting and full of wonders (did they talk about me, during this conversation?) but I had to go running, now.

In the first place, I wasn't to stay here and eavesdrop on their conversation. Old would've said that it is rude.

I didn't want to be rude.

Now, it was too late, but I could still run.

Maybe running would absolve me of my rudeness. Maybe it would not. Maybe their conversation was of some real importance to me. Maybe it was not. Maybe I really was a grasshopper. Maybe I really was not.

Well, thinking that among other things, I stumbled my way down some nearby stairs in order to escape that younger human, whose eyes weren't so angry and loathing but rather filled with sparkles.

He must've been fond of grasshoppers.

Unluckily for him, I already was out of sight.

I could leap very fast, then I could stumble those little stairs to the side in a very insect-y like way.

Anyhow, I was off!

My mission up till now was big sister Elina!

Hurriedly going down to following the guide … I worked my way up to the stairs again, and took the stairs going upward again.

I did that yet another time.

And the kid fond of grasshoppers really was out of my face for good.

Where was I again?

Oh, hm, it's this way.

After the stairs, the place opened up on a little hall again.

The search of the princess was still up. Where would I find her? I'd been looking out for her for quite a long time now. But this little hall, there, I think I'm on the right track again.

And by that, I mean she wasn't certainly really far from me.

And … the quest, the quest, the quest. I wanted to do the quest. I only was living for this. The quest.

Sensing around, all my legs entangled themselves all together again, and–woosh!–at my own scale, I was rushing in the right direction–woosh!–and I leaped again at full speed!

Very soon, that's right, I thought. That's right here. On that sign, there was written something about apartments. It must be where she dwells. I'm sure of it. It guides me up to here, and now I just gotta get behind that door–ah?

The door's handle is being clutched … someone comes out.


Not someone.

They're two.

Two 'someones.'

Mai … maids?

That's the word they used, right? 'Her personal maids.' Was that them? These two people got out of this door.

From the very same door, I think is the one.

"Y…yeah, right? Her Ladyship already is asleep."

"Her leading the campaign surely has been hard on her … well-being. And health. I'm hoping she gets the rest she deserves."

"That's exactly what I told her, mark you. It's been really hard, mm-hm! But she has achieved great results, that's very normal."

"Mm-hm. That she has. And naturally, she is tired after that. … Well."

"You're right. Let's keep going. Gotta take care of the washing, now."

"Mm-hm. So that she sees it all done by the time she wakes up … I'm excited, maybe she'll thank us…!"

"Hehehe. You really love her, don't you–"

"And who doesn't? Heh."

Move it, humans. That's right; go, go.

The two girls in maid outfits took their leave. Still continuing their conversation, which held big sister Elina as its main topic, they left her room and went away.

I couldn't see them when as soon as they'd closed the apartments' door. Why was that? Well, I'd skillfully slipped in while they went out.

The door was just opened for me to go in just at the right moment.

And surely, I wouldn't open it by myself when I heard they locked it after them.

The monster was in.

The monster could go on to completing the quest, now.

The monster only needed to get all comfortable with the princess.

That was it. And that would be it.

The room the monster just entered was spacious.

Truly spacious.

And from one widely opened window, from which the winds would come and make themselves comfortable inside of the bedroom, many sun rays also got in, lighting up the whole of this confined chamber.

Within this room, the monster could observe desks, shelves, closets. All of which being way too imperial, majestic, beautiful, extravagant.

Carpets of the finest quality, too. Upon which one would find either a little throne, a little coffee table, or any other little dumb expensive accessory one would want to get themselves.

It was a mess. Without being a real mess. A royal mess. The monster sure wasn't familiar with such riches.

Wildly and hurriedly scanning around myself: paintings in abundance, covering every six walls of the very grand bedroom.

All of them were encased and enveloped in this golden fabric wherever they were.

Also, animal skins; well-taken care of, and hung around on the walls as banners would be, further decorating the royalty's bedroom.

So many details. So much riches.

The monster, up till now, certainly had come across riches and wealth going about finding that special bedroom.

To that point, though, I hadn't.

But anyhow: the princess.

In the middle of this horribly funny bedroom, there was that huge double bed.

Adorned by the same very expensive-looking fabrics and linens, golden outlined, up against one wall.

Many sheets of the finest quality, then again, were to be found and worn by this very bed. Above them, many blankets and a duvet, disorganized and unevenly spread upon the thick mattress.

Then again, one layer above these blankets and duvet, there was a woman.

One noblewoman.

She was sleeping soundly on her bed, on her back, without a worry in the world.

She also was completely exposed to the monster.

"Heh," did I chuckle once I'd regained that stinky human form for no real reason but the wish to simply be calmly chuckling.

Aside from the only thin layer of blanket covering her body–the noblewoman was completely exposed to the monster.

But the monster didn't feel the urge to chuckle anymore.

❮'What lies behind the story?' – Meet with the princess of Rinceville at her apartments and get all comfy with her.❯

Rather, the monster only slipped in the blankets of that double bed.

'Get all comfy with her.'


The monster wondered whether this was the way or not … but ended up not wondering too much.

After all, getting all comfortable needed not thinking.

'What lies behind the story?'

What story?

The monster's story.

Or should I rather say Skill's story?

My story.

It was my story.

Only kinda.

Why 'only kinda'?

'Cause it also is the story of the Game.

And likewise, it also is the story of Boramana.

I didn't know about my story. Or the Game's. Or Boramana's. Or the Player's. Or the Players'.


It was true.

I knew nothing.

Nothing much of anything.

–And suddenly, I fell asleep.

Getting so 'comfy,' I did not think about anything but getting comfortable and relaxed. My eyelids became suddenly heavy.

I heard the princess moaning. I turned towards her. And then it became all black … and funny.

Yes, I fell asleep.

Yes, without thinking about anything.

Yes, not even about the reason I'd been brought up here. In this very bedroom. Accompanying this very noblewoman. With the sole purpose of getting 'all comfy.'

Yes, I didn't think about that.

I didn't think about why I had been brought up here by the Guide.

Or should I rather say by the Game.

I didn't also think about the fact this was all only to hear about 'that,' story.

The story of the Game.

By Isekai Production.

And I had been involved in 'that.'

I'm the Player, after all.

But, hey.

It's just a game.

She called it a benediction.

Rather, it was a malediction.

But, hey.

It's just the Game.

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