My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 186 - Ivblkljkjkjb

–I had felt death. It was preying on me. Of course, my senses reacted to it. They reacted to it, and they felt it but too clearly.

But I was waiting for it, though. So it didn't surprise me all that much. Right…? Right.

I ain't surprised. I ain't. I'm tough. I'm strong. Yes. Though little may be my stature: I'm a tough guy. And what's the number one rule being tough-guying like me? Tough guys can't be surprised. Right.

And so it was clear by now: this aura clearly is directed at me. At me, and at me alone. Of all the people gathered here, going about each other's business, training, and fighting–clearly: only I could sense that.

Nobody was moved. Nobody was interrupted. Nobody was disturbed in the slightest.

And there I was, in the middle of all this hustling and bustling around, in and out of the guilds' offices, the people's actively moving around here wasn't so disturbed at all, only me, the only little guy standing erected down this place without a real purpose in mind, sweating a little.

Sweating a little? Don't make me laugh. There clearly was ill intent, here. That assaulting aura really was coming off on me real hard. As my forehead started to become sweaty, I knew I should move.

And so, what to do?–frantically swinging my head from left to right, I scanned all around me. This place I'd already pretty much discovered in its entirety, but where was it from?

I have to spot the source of it!

In the wild, only I was to be preyed upon. Certain things really wouldn't change, heh.

But I wouldn't stop the almost-mad swinging of my head in all directions. If someone saw me going like this, there was no denying they would think me mad. My eyes darted everywhere … and I spotted a place.

"Found you, huh!"

I had spotted a place, a direction, a destination.

And facing that direction, I brought one of my feet up … before I angrily foot stomped it on the ground with strength.

I wasn't so angry, though. Just wanted to play it tough! Anyone who saw me going like this would think, 'Woah, tough guy.'

And so that prick would think the same!

But: no, no, no. As the white brownish-white cobbles of itself shuddered with a 'thud!' I shook my head in disagreement.

Why are you shuddering, my dear old planet?? The ground shouldn't be afraid!–only that one human prick–who maybe just wants to play and have fun too, just like me–should be fearing the consequences of their act!

Heavily stomping upon the cobbles of the still shuddering ground as I marched on still, with much alacrity, I proceeded to reach that one next destination.

The monster was still in on the training grounds of the Guild. So naturally, there were still all the different guilds' standpoints.

My big sister had called them 'mini-guilds.' I'd counted around a dozen of these mini-guilds. Being taking place around the 'main' grounds of this open huge training ground, still under the sun and clouds, there were the 'main' ones.

Neatly arranged and presented to each new adventurer. And all this for the purpose of recruitment solely. As big sis' also said, these were hardly the headquarters of each guild.

They were rather each one's quick presented outpost so that they were spread enough, and so that they would recruit enough.

After all, the more members to a guild, the stronger its strength grows, right? This makes sense.

This one, though … the hell is with it?

And then, there was this little loner.

I was well fixated on finding out who that person stealthily assaulting me each time I passed by these training grounds was.

Taking a quick peek at the senior adventurers and fighters was the sole reason for me to come here … and while I did so, each time, that rude person picked on me.

… naturally, this was to be over with!

But still, man, what the heck is that: can you even call that one a 'guild'? Or an office? Or, I don't know, something? Well, yeah you can. It just wouldn't sound right.

Humph!–and it's stopped, now. That ominous assaulting aura was brought to a stop. The way I carried myself only too manly must've kicked in already!

Are we afraid of the consequences, now?–heh, heh, heh.

This guild could hardly be called a guild.

When the others' light offices were filled with assurance, brightness, tidiness, and attractiveness–this one could not; and thus, totally absolutely; be called a guild whatsoever.


❮ You received 1 new notification(s)! ❯

❮ From 'Learning the ropes!' Additional Quest, a new quest has been obtained. ❯

❮ 'Bigger Monster' – Learning the ropes of the job … although how?–the Player, as an apprentice adventurer, should also need a guild, correct?! – Join your guild, make the best of your adventurer career, and see what could be drawn from that in the Player's future! ❯

Yeah, okay. All I got to say is: how funny that is to me. So far, without the System–that somehow perfectly lined up with my natural abilities–I wouldn't have gotten here; and it's still funny, somehow, how it doesn't bother leaving me a choice at all. I mean, ain't that thing supposed to be me, somehow?

My point is: 'join the guild of your choice'?–no, no–'join your (preselected) guild'?–yes, yes.

Guide, our interests may align most of the time … but right there: 'NO!'–in all caps–NO!

Do I got to join this??? I said 'no.' I. Simply. Don't. Kindly stop your bullying, Guide.

Forsaken and pretty fatigued, this guild's construct lied down far, far, very far on the side of each of the bigger branches of the guilds. That timid, pedagogical training field really was a loner.

While the others' outside was well-presented and cast a good first impression for themselves; this one's outside wasn't only plain and simple, without any beauty or whatever–but also weak-looking and meek.

The sign indicating 'The Art of Lames' wasn't even standing straight. Lacking an obvious nail, it leaned down on one side, leaving the other end of the panel too much up.

Shaking my head some more, I heavily stomped on the ground one last time.


Racking up my brain effectively, I quickly found a way to introduce myself to that passive swordsman: "Emerald in the house!" I cried out.

My feet brought me in here. And then again, I'd shake my head at how plain and boring it was on the inside, too.

It was sad to see that, indeed, and I was sure of it now, there was only not three, not two, but one, and only one, supposedly instructor, here.

What was more, there was no fancy kind of well made-up rings of any sorts laid on the tiles so that the disciples would fight; there were hardly any disciples standing in here for said rings to be of any use; no lofty pillars standing propping the whole heavy and strong guild's structure up; no decorative stuff, weapons, or sorts of trophies gripping on the walls.

Well. With a quick glance–and all that took for the analyzing of this place to be done was just a quick glance–I spotted a cabinet, that surprisingly fit pretty well in the empty room, and oh?

What is that?

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