My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 187 - The Bigger Monster

Well. With a quick glance–and all that took for the analyzing of this place to be done was just a quick glance–I spotted a cabinet, that surprisingly fit pretty well in the empty room, and oh?

What is that?

I also simply wall rack not too far away from the light cabinet. And it got my attention.

As all the layout of this one-roomed stern, yet slightly funny office obviously was off and didn't certainly inspire awe and admiration in the observing observer's mind–this wall rack probably did.

I found it cool. It was super cool. Really, really cool. As you very well know, I got an eye for cool stuff. And I could tell: super cool.

Or maybe was it the sword resting on it that was so inspiring to me? Of course, it was. That rack–it carried a sword.

And the sword was the impressive thing. The longsword was totally pitch-black. As I paused before entirely inviting myself into the place, my eyes turned to a slit as I checked it up.

The sword was long, mesmerizing, ungraspable. Yes, the sword was present, alive, gripping.

Was that piercing and chilly aura from not too long ago actually coming from that…? I'm sure it wasn't, but now I don't know.

Oh, and did it just move… or shudder? Well, hm.

It felt just like an egg … ready to hatch. This longsword felt like this. It sure did. … Or, rather than hatching, on second thought, it was ready to burst.

Unintentionally, I winced. This one some dark ominous egg I didn't want to get in trouble with. That, I knew for sure.


❮ 'Bigger Monster' – Additional Quest: Meet, and get acquainted with the instructor of your guild. 0/1 ❯

"A–ahem!" I reiterated with confidence, "this, um, me, Emerald, and I, uh … in the house?... well, no, never mind, sir."

Tut-tut, tut-tut. I was just trying to be a master conversationalist here, but that stern-looking swordsman, silently sitting lonely in the middle of the hall didn't put in any words at all.

It had actually been a good thirty seconds at least after my first greeting … but well.

This rude human was the main piece of the play. Yet he didn't play a role. All he did was sit here, in the middle of all the emptiness of this place, as if to fill a void there … or as if to simply wait for me to come down there.

I took one foot deeper into the room.

"You–you're the, err, instructor or master of this gui–guild, right?"

The prick didn't reply still. Both sternly and formally sitting still, somehow perfectly motionless, his posterior was on his legs, his hands placed flat on his knees, his legs down to the ground.

"Know what?–never mind again! … You–you've been the one doing this. … Assaulting me with your mind and aura!–right?? … I figured you, uh, wanted to fight. So, erm … well, yeah, sure, mister, you just be sitting there and you don't say a word, I'm cool with that!"

This certainly wasn't the way someone would react to me. And all the human did was just about the same still. That is to say, sitting in the same position without moving so much as a finger or a tongue.

His creepy eyes were about the most of this taunting person's unusualness. Being neither too full nor too closed, they just stared off in the void before himself.


The relatively young human swordsman reacted then. His eyes simply jumped and went fixating themselves on the other sword this place had.

As it was the first time I saw a sword made out of wood–a wooden sword used as a practice weapon, a bokken–I flinched.

I flinched at the inoffensive sword, but I flinched way more at the persistent nonchalant demeanor of that prick.

I'd been assaulted … or rather, picked on by him more than twice. What was it with his act of right now? Surely, it kind of put me off, to say the least. I had rather expected for us both to … I don't know, just fight, maybe?

I mean, this all was weird now.

When I say it put me off, it really did. So I'm left there, standing before halfway through the entrance, not knowing the heck I'm supposed to do.

Maybe I should just be rude to him, too? That human might be acting all docile right now, but he's rude to his core–I'm sure of that.

So let's try something out: "Well, shit!" I threw at him … without him receiving it. "I, uh … yeah, well, okay: how to be rude? … No, I ain't–I'm not cut out for this. … Plus, better not be rude, because: 'watch your mouth, young lad!' and you got it, me."

Let us just sit with the man!

When Old Sipping wants to have me taught on something; he sits me with him. Everything always works out for us both when he does.

And when even irritated I started to throw, one after the other, my shoulders before myself, adding much power and emphasis to my strong way of carrying myself, I proceeded in.

I had entered his place–and quickly (the room really wasn't all that big) I had found my way in.

The sleeping swordsman, formally sitting down, lied about the middle of the room.

And as my feet had once more strongly stomped onto the last bit of wooden tile they'd come to–abruptly letting myself fall down, I sat my butt a couple of meters away from him, facing him.

"Since this is about a quest anyway, why not just do that, hm!"

I didn't know what to do with him, now that I thoroughly thought about it. All I knew was: the empty room wasn't only filled by him, now; there was me, too.

Sitting in front of each other, staring at each other, being tensed and pissed, we would try to speak. Just as per Old's fathomable wisdom.


I really, really didn't know what to do about him.


Ah, maybe I should just kill 'im?


Or maybe I shouldn't?


His vivid eyes went off of the lifeless bokken lying beside him. They were done sucking up all of that wooden sword's life, now. Only half opened, as if perfectly relaxed, they were set on me, then.

And that same chilly vibe, closing in on me, began to suck up my own life. That, without a doubt. As the cold eyes gripped my own, by showing off one hell of a big set of frowning brows, I pressed my lips altogether and snorted, "Hmm!" I wasn't afraid.

Wasn't this man still being … amusingly or not … taunting the monster, there? This man certainly was. With his set of two cold eyes, he started to stare at me differently.

He brought his chin up a little, straightened out his back, his eyes grew fuller, and as if with contempt, he looked down on me from above.

–At this point, the monster already had met with the 'bigger monster.'

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