My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 188 - Author Likes This Cause Its Odd And Fun

He brought his chin up a little, straightened out his back, his eyes grew fuller, and as if with contempt, he looked down on me from above.

And I wasn't imagining it, he really was being taunting me this much blatantly! To say the least, I still had my doubts up till now, but now it's clearer than could be!

That day when I first got bored of all the academic stuff going down at the Institution, I came scouting here–and it was him.

That other day, too, after we got back home to Old with Leafana, I wanted some funnying around, so I got back here to watch … and again, it was him.

And now, for today's day, as I thought I'd come back here yet another time for the sake of fine-tunning the real important stuff the grandmasters don't teach you and (only probably) met with 'it'–there it was him again!

His eyes still locked onto mine, his chest slowly went up as his hands clutched his knees with palpable strength, a sigh went out of him.

Good grief. Young folks nowadays. I can take him out. Just like I'd planned. Even though he quite strong, I can pull that. But … nah.

For the second time, by now, I did what I did. Putting aside all the … I wouldn't even know how to qualify it. Putting aside all the cold and irritating state of things, for now, I decided to at least get something out of this human.

Looking at him and watching him very closely, isn't he also but an observer of things? His eyes are similar to mine. I can feel it in my gut. Though I mean, then again, is there some kind of bad blood between us two I'm unaware of?

No point in assuming what I don't know, I should talk:

"So? Got something for me? When will you actually talk?"

And then he shook his head.


He shook it again.

"Me, I only need some feedback here–so why don't you … I dunno."

For the third time, he shook his head.

"–Okay, so you don't got 'something' for me?"

Oh, and then he nodded!

"Oh!–but is it a 'yes, I don't,' or a 'yes, I do,' though???"

He nodded again … but then he shook his head again.

"What…? What?"

Then he shook it further … and shook it still … but didn't hesitate to nod back with it. And it wasn't over yet, eh.

"Yes, no. … No, no, yes!

He nodded, nodded, and nodded, but shook it, shook it, and shook it some more.

"Yes–yes–yes … no–no–no!"

Going along with him so far, as it kind of sounded fun to me, with each nod of his head I said 'yes,' when at each shaking of it I said 'no.'

And even when having this much fun with each other, he didn't break yet! I mean, his chilly eyes and stern looks sure weren't going down anytime soon, I could tell.

Argh, and to hell with that: "Yes, yes, no, yes, no, nyes, nos, yes, no, no, no, yes! … No, no, no, no, yes, yes, no, yes, no, yes … yes, yes … no, no, yes!"

Argh, but at some point, my facial expression only decomposed itself. I wasn't so weirded out by what was happening, no.

This was just a show of funnying around right there for me. I liked it a lot … but rather, I couldn't keep going anymore!

This was ridiculously growing well on that human. All that shaking and nodding of his head seriously had made its thing on the human prick.

"Yes, yes, yes, no, no, no, yes, both!–no, yes, no, no, yes…!"

And even though I wouldn't admit it, I could no longer keep up with that!

Just as the stern yet very funny human prick noticed that he stopped the shaking of his head pretty quickly.

Now, it was only me shaking my head at myself for having lost that game.

I no longer kept my eyes locked on the young human in front of me, but rather down to the ground, looking at my clenched frustrated fists.

"This is too much…"


And he burst out, finally.

"So this my win!"

"Yes! It! Is!"

I wouldn't have imagined that voice to be his: it was gentle and full of life!

"This my win!"

"It is, it is!"

"And you admit it, human!"

"Surely I do, surely I do!"



The change really was weird, huh. From cold and tense, we went to warm and cheerful. I could believe it.

We were both smiling at each other, laughing, our eyes still fixated and clinging onto each other: I won.

Laughing some more, our laughter gradually died down. The laughter's vibe still was present around in the air, though. And it played a good role in changing the atmosphere dramatically.

"I really thought–"

"But of course I wouldn't eat you, youth."

"But I really thought–"

"You didn't think anything, you didn't think anything."

"But still!–I really–"

"No–you did not. … And I'll tell you what: in the end, you're the one killing me all right, hahaha!"

"… No! And this wasn't what I was about to say, anyway–"


"… No."



"… Yes."

"No!–I wasn't gonna say that anyway: I really thought you wouldn't stop with that nodding … and shaking around … sir."

"… Yes, you will have to, heh heh," he whispered to me. "And, oh, calling me sir again, huh. I'm not against that, I'm not against that. … And I know this was pretty good, right?"

"It was pretty good."

"It was."

"… Yes."


"Yes, ahem."

And we sunk back into our silence again.

We were still staring at each other.

I tilted my head to the side.

When I'd found my elven princess, I had found the first person who accepted me for what I was, without being interested, without bullying me at all, she actually was even quite fond of me, I think, probably.

Now that I found that human … it's fun by me. I wasn't even looking for that weirdo.

I wasn't looking, but I was at the same time. I could say that because as I had found him, I knew I found something I probably needed deep down.

So I found that human who was just like me in so many ways I had yet to find out. That human found me. I was looking for him, though I didn't know about it. And he was looking for me, he knew about it.

Like I said, the monster already had met with the bigger monster.

❮ 'Bigger Monster' – Additional Quest: Meet, and get acquainted with the instructor of your guild. 1/1 ❯

❮ 'Bigger Monster' – Additional Quest: new instructions … ❯

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