My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 189 - Food~~~~~~ Yum Yum

The bigger monster!–he was funny after all!

Yes, he was. So much so, that if it had been him, he'd have said himself: "what a funny man, what a funny man," nodding his head twice along the way.

Because that's what he was, indeed. A funny man. I liked him, already.

Now, now, now … I had met him by now.

❮ 'Bigger Monster' – Additional Quest: Meet, and get acquainted with the instructor of your guild. 1/1 ❯

From my hidden station, I'd come to him in broad daylight! Him, this was that one infamous 'him,' the one who'd previously been ceaselessly inviting me to a fistfight!

I'd come to him, and I well intended to deal with it all.

Shrugging off any dangers he might've been to me, I proceeded to come back here at the guilds and face that human!

Whatever would go down, I was ready.

But to my surprise, as I came up to him, engaging the hostilities … well, nothing actually went down.

That instructor was a cool dude, all things considered. Wasn't as cool as the coolest and bestest me–that was for sure–but still was cool in his own way.

And from utterly cold and judging, to thoroughly warm and resting–the way he was completely changed.

The face I had in front of me wasn't so much similar to the prior one.

While this one laughed and smiled happily, making me comfortable too–the prior one really only was callously calculating, making me stifled and repressed.

I wasn't so much astounded by that, though. Weird people I'd either just met or who were part of my life, so far, there were many:

Me, Old Sipping, and that Instructor.

Well, so this one human might as well just be the way he is, and that's all there is to it.

All that mattered was he wasn't being a prick no more. I wanted to kill it at first, but I'm cool now. He isn't a bad guy anymore. How could I tell, though, you ask?

Well, we could laugh together–wasn't that all I needed to assess and figure him out? 'Course it was!

The two people down this place still sat in front of each other. And the same distance separated us. Only physically, though. Because, 'emotionally,' we were just as good as best buds, after all this laughing around.

He'd shaken and nodded his head way too much–and while that was reason enough for me to be laughing and guffawing still, that human thought of stopping.

Maybe too much laughing would kill the laughing. I found his decision to be wise. I stopped myself with him, only a bit chuckling.

Well, well, well–and where to go from now??

Too much shaking and nodding his head around got his hair disheveled.

The human tilted his head onward. With one hand still resting upon his bokken, the other one went and mingled with the deep brown hair as it arranged it back.

As he tilted his head a bit, still looking me from above, but way, way more friendly, he locked back his similarly deep brownish eyes into mine.

And giving my eyes to his, I got to observe more of that rather weird creature, that only rested in front of me.

He was young–particularly young. But though young may be his appearance, he didn't strike me as the 'young' kind of person at all–if that makes any sense at all.

He actually seemed so big, so tall, and so … not old–but wisely experienced. And to be totally honest, as I thought about it now, it kind of was the first time I was inspired with so much awe out of a person.

I admire that. My senses admire his. Or maybe I'm just too quick to review that guy, eh? Maybe I don't know him or whatever he gives at all, hm?

His facial features were clear. Very fresh and clear. Fresh as if just splashed out with fresh water. That was a handsome person, I think.

And my mind wasn't so put off at all by perhaps-to-come evil intentions–my mind was relaxed and seeing. It wasn't busy being overly on guard right there. Relaxed and seeing.

Whenever I encountered fine and lovely human females, I always found it quite amusing to observe and scrutinize every bit of their faces, trying to see what made them this way compared to the others. This was found interesting by me.

And now that I think of it, too, now, it might be the first time I got to do that with a male, now.

He had a handsome face, I thought, heavily frowning my brows and squinting my eyes. I hope I got a handsome face, too, hm. I wouldn't wanna be left behind. Being ugly mustn't be cool, now that I think about it.


"… hmm, what?"

"Well, heh, heh. Aren't you the one putting me off, now, with such deeply staring eyes, youth."

"… okay."

"Should I venture to even ask?–what is it that you're, err, even thinking about–"

"You did that, too, y'know, sir. You observed me. So I got the right to, too."

"Oh, all right. But what's on your mind anyway?"

"I … simply don't know."

"Yes, you do."

"I … don't think I like ugly people, sir."

"Hahahahaha!" he burst out laughing loudly again, "what an utterly bold thing to say, youth–I'll have you know I don't think I'm ugly at all. … And, no. It's not even that I don't think I am. I know I'm not. Mm-hm. Women always call me … come on!–why do I even brag about that???"

"… okay."


I didn't even say he was ugly. He must've misunderstood. His brows were beautifully long and thin. Just as long and thin as the man's eyelashes. His nose was harmoniously both squared and rounded where the need was. His eyes still very sharp and compelling. His crimson red lips were neither too thick nor too thin. His white and smooth skin only was a little tiny bit tanned thanks to the sun.

And–"Kindly stop staring now."

"… okay."

❮ 'Bigger Monster' – Additional Quest: Meet, and get acquainted with the instructor of your guild. 1/1 ❯

And that was MY instructor, eh? Well, about that, I still wasn't quite sure, Guide, but sure.

❮ 'Bigger Monster' – "Finally, my instructor!" did the Player say – ❯

I did NOT say that.

❮ 'Bigger Monster' – Let the Player strengthen the bond he now has with the Instructor. ❯

Ah, most interesting. And how would I go about that?

❮ Let the Player share a meal with the Instructor. ❯

… ah?

❮ 'Bigger Monster' – Shared meal with the Instructor. 0/1 ❯

… ah.

"Hey, hey," he gestured to me with his chin. "I said–and I repeat–kindly stop staring, youth."

"… okay."

This time about, I really stopped staring. To the best I could. I didn't have to stare. So I simply didn't.

–And now, talking about sharing a meal … another person just made their apparition here!

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