My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 190 - Mmmmmmmmmmmmunching

–And now, talking about sharing a meal … another person just made their apparition here!

Would the guide's instructions be super fitting as they usually are?? Yes, yes, yes–that person had some sort of a box–my nostrils popped out–box which was smelling real, real nice.


Two knocks were given on the door. The sounds they emitted were as clear as hesitant. And after these two, another finally was given, too.

Neither of us talked down here, and the new arriving person didn't either. The only thing that talked was this set of knocking fingers. Our attention immediately switched these knocking fingers talked.

Both my ears and that instructor's could pick them pretty easily.

And as I quickly turned my face to the opened door, wondering what was that was coming to me, this time, the instructor's face stayed put.

Why was he? Well, he knew about what was coming, most likely. He was expecting whatever came to him.

But this time about, the fingers seemed to be too hesitant.

The instructor of the poorest and tiniest guild ever then turned to the lady at our door.

Engaging with a smile, he thanked her. Doing that, he insisted how very not sufficient were his thanks. And, what was up with her anyway?

She slightly bowed to him.

She usually invited herself in pretty easily. Oh, but was she being intimidated by this little one sitting in front of him? No, but she didn't have to, she didn't have to, he said.

Explaining that human how unusual it actually was for him to even have someone sitting with himself, with two big eyes set on me, the lady very carefully made sure to leave her shoes by the entrance up against the wall–she came in.

Oop. I only realized then I should've maybe left my shoes there too, hm.

Well, no matter. All the little specks of dust I've brought here must've been feeling very lonely outside, heh. So I'm cool. You got it, dusts.

When she proceeded towards the host of the place, her eyes weren't set on me anymore. And even then, they weren't set on the guild's master. Rather, they meekly jumped from one place to another around her feet.

Did she hesitate to even sit? Well, yes, she probably wouldn't sit there since I was here already. Meaning the instructor was busy and wouldn't give her of his time. That's what he told her.

She shyly, still unwilling to eye-contact him, nodded, and inquired about that one very special disciple he seemed to finally have found.

Oh? Yes, he said. He'd found what he persistently was looking for, for now quite a long time. Oh.

And that was that I think. Whatever she was doing here. Just get us the food, human, and your job's pretty much done.

And so she bent her, placed the packed lunch on the instructor's left, bowed back one last time, and took her leave.

When she left, she closed the entrance after her.

Only when the clicking sound of the two doors was emitted, "Well," snorted the instructor, "see, now?" and he snorted once more, with a playful and contented smile on his lips.

When I said he was a funny man–I was right:

"Handsome face? Totally," he playfully bragged, before he went on, "Using the guilds' fine ladies that they be bringing me a meal every day? Absolutely. You, kid, were wrong calling me ugly all the long??? One hundred percent right–thank you very much–"

"We will have to share this meal, sir!" but I couldn't hold it anymore. I tried to restrain myself waiting for him to say it himself–but I had to say it!

"Pardon me?"

As I spoke too quickly, he didn't catch it.

"Share the meal, sir!"

"Uh, I mean, I was going to say that, sure. … But it's my call though, not yours."

"No, but … let's just … share this meal, sir!"

"… My meal: my call."

"… Share this meal–"

"–We shall!"

The lunch was unpacked by two quick hands. The pretty piece of fabric that was wrapped around it, covering it all up, was untied. The lid, then, was to be taken off, too.

Down below rested the opened box.

And by now, I'd already closed in on my motionless prey. Dragging my butt on the smooth ground with repeated movements still, my knees couldn't be closer to it.

My nostrils puffed to their fullest. I nodded to myself in satisfaction, imagining how I'd wolf all that down. Drool accumulated on the corners of my mouth.

"So, you just dig in if you want to, all right?"

Of course! And you don't have to tell me twice.

Rearranging it, I made it quick: snatching the lid, I placed it upside down next to the lunch, seized the whole box of food, and started to–"Wait!–wait, wait, wait…"

My eyes instantly shot that human the most mistrustful look ever: "… 'tis my food. What, now?"

"I'mma just–Look, I understand what's the project here. I'm doing this alone. You keep your filthy hands to yourself."


My hands weren't 'filthy.' Not cool.

–The human held out both hands. Applying some sort of amusing spell, without chanting or anything–an indication he was fairly strong–as I had already witnessed before, coming from Old Sipping, a light amount of water came out of the man's hands.

Doing whatever was to be done with it–washing his hands?–the water quickly disappeared.

I let him took the lunch box to himself alongside the lid. And getting bits of food off of the lunch box–MY lunch box–he placed them on the upside-down lid next to himself: "Erm, see, I don't eat much," he mumbled. "Only took a fifth of it. And you can have the rest. … I," he insisted on the 'I', "give it to you. My call. "

"Keh, heh, heh," I only knew to laugh, knowing that both victory and all the rest of this was for me to eat.

This human person was really cool. Letting it all to me when it was to be his in the first place. Should I let my gratitude transparent on the outside? Probably. Probably not.

It doesn't matter–what matters is what would follow:

"So, youth, I figured you may have questions."

"Munch, munch, munch…"

"Questions about our guild."

"Munch, munch, munch … no … munch, munch … some person I know already told me all I needed to know about guilds, sir … munch, munch, munch…"

"Ah. Okay. Sure. … But you don't have any questions for sure? This person you said filled you in on all this guild business–they also spoke of my–and yours too, now–guild?"

Still eating, I now managed to be both speaking and talking:

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