My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 20 - Die For Me

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The human I talked to had enlightened me.

What did I need to get my hand on a new vessel?

As he said, I needed to be in a relationship with them.

That was in the occurrence I'd do things properly. Things weren't properly done the first time I'd tried my luck with the bunch of human females.

And as a result, they did call me names.

So, yeah, things had to be done properly. He'd insisted on that. A relationship. A serious one.

To get another human's body I gotta be in a relationship with them.

Meaning, being responsible and taking care of them afterward. Well, in my case, this would be a lady, he said.

It was a huge process, he'd told me. Courting a lady; being kind to her; slowly making things progress by offering gifts and whatnot; being patient … Well, there was a lot for me to do.

And finally--as in most cases--once I'd sleep with her, well, she'd be mine. Or so he said.

"Getting a new host sure is complicated… Lady, lady, ladybug! Maybe it's only true when it comes to ladies, though."

Did I even have time to do all of that, in any case?

"Boy. Sounds like lotta trouble. Don't like it."

Nope. I didn't have time for this.

I'd eventually die without a new host on hand.

Right now, I'm not feeling bad at all. But look, isn't that just how this sickness of mine works? Surely, the voice will come to me again.

And when that happens, I need to be out of here.

All of that in order to ensure survival, just like it indicates to me.

So, what to do, now?

Was I able to somehow find a loophole and get a new body without following the rules?

Because, so far, I've got to admit it.

It wasn't likely they'd do that for me, these humans.

I guess one's body isn't something to give away that easily. I can understand that just fine.

Had I been given the same choice, I'd surely choose not to give my body away. No doubt about that.

"Still, easy."

I'd just break the rules.

Nothing to be afraid of.

I'd just need to corner some human brat in one of the many streets of that city.

And that'd be pretty much all, right?

At the present time, I was wandering off in the back alley that was situated behind the commercial alley.

It was nighttime. I'd left the man's stand not too long ago. He left at the same time I did. We'd gone our separate ways, afterward.

A place to sleep. I was looking for a place to sleep, right now. I was sleepy and this space seemed to be perfect to get a good load of sleep.

"Uaahh~" I yawned.

And also perfect in the sense that this would be a good spot too, I think, to get my new vessel.

Cornering a human here--preferably a brat from among them, it would be easier to handle--and steal his body away.

That way, I'd be done without troubling myself too much.

I could already visualize the whole operation. The fight was being simulated inside my temple era.

Preparing all of my plan, I yawned.

The alley I was in right now was empty.

Nobody's here, so, perfect spot.

Except for some wooden barrels here and there.

Some half-opened while some others were just completely broken.

A few chunks of moist straw here and there, too.

The sun was settling down. It became darker.

"Bye-bye, sunny. I'll miss you. Be sure of that."

Fatigue and weariness also started to settle down on me.

Well, it was only natural for me to be tired after all the miles I'd walked today. I'd slept not too long ago, though.

I guess the time I'd slept was barely sufficient at all to get me brand new.

I hadn't been shying away from adventuring, today. Thus, my worn-out current human body.

Tiny tears showed up in the corner of my eyes as I yawned again. I stretched my hand up to my mouth doing so.

"Well, tired," I said sluggishly. "Sure are tons of yawns."

I had a whole lot of work waiting for me. I was tired.

Thankfully, it'd only come tomorrow, "Let's worry about tomorrow's problem tomorrow."

Just need to get some rest for this old body of mine.

And I'd just do that.

My back leaning on the wall behind me, I let myself slide down to a sitting position. My butt was on the cold ground made out of bricks.

In a second time, slowly, I let my whole upper body tilted to my left.

My left flank then came in contact with the ground. I was lying down on my left. I could feel the coldness of the ground from underneath me.

Thus, I tried to sleep.

Sleeping in the dull silence of this place. The atmosphere sure changed compared to the daytime.

Then again, I guess that alley wasn't that frequented even in broad daylight.

Aside from the few rats scurrying around, in the back alley, wiggling here and there, there wasn't any noise.

I couldn't see them. Though with the [Mana perception] skill, I could sense them as they moved from one chunk of straw to the other.

Sometimes dropping by the half-opened barrels, some other times just wandering off in the opening, without giving me any mind.

Things were moving from time to time. It was the rats' work.

And that was it.

My eyelids were now shut.

And I just had to wait for sleep.

Just like that, sleep came naturally.

I went away to the realm of sleepiness and rest.




❮The new passive skill [Poison resistance] has been acquired.❯

❮The Player has reached level 30.❯

❮Notification: The Player has advanced to level 30 therefore processing an evolution is deemed possible.❯




Both the sky and my mind were dark. I was still sleeping. The sky had been sleeping, too, probably.

Both I and the sky were undergoing a deep, good sleep. This was about to come to an end, as you might be expecting, though.

The sky? It remained dark.

Me, though.

"Hey you, old homeless freak!"

Next thing I knew, a powerful kick landed on my ribs.

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