My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 21 - Die For Me (2)

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❮The new passive skill [Poison resistance] has been acquired.❯

❮The Player has reached level 30.❯

❮Notification: The Player has advanced to level 30 therefore processing an evolution is deemed possible.❯

I was sleeping.

❮Analyzing the Player...❯

And the sky was sleeping alongside me.

Both I and the sky were undergoing a deep, good sleep. This was about to come to an end, as you might be expecting, though.

There were movements. Swift, quiet movements.

In the dark alley I was peacefully resting in, three humans were finding their way up to me.

Quickly and promptly yet silent and soundless. They were gently sliding close to me. I didn't hear a single sound from them.

❮Analyzing the Player...❯

Whatever was their profession, they were good at it.

One step after the other, they carefully proceeded onwards.

❮The Player has met the requirements to undergo 'Evolution': confirmation...❯

All the three young men were now right in front of me.

They'd come to a stop.

What was their next move?

With a strong kick in the ribs, they had me up.

❮Failure: the following requirement, 'State of sleep' has been disrupted.❯


It was a surprise.

Hastily, I tried to get up.

I was trying to make a sense of the situation.

It was only at this point in time that I saw them. Three shadows before me.

After the big one of them had his kick landed on my ribs, he backed off.

What the freak…?

"We are…!" They all looked at each other before they nodded--Expect for one of them.

"... the three thieves!" he threw in, as he took a strong step towards me before he laughed proudly, "Hehehe!"

For some reason, the one having just backed off quickly called him out, though. One glare had been enough, the little one swiftly got in line with his peers as he took a step back.

Once again, they looked at each other, nodding. This time about, it was the whole lot of them.

They finally seemed to be ready. Pulling off whatever was on their mind. I wouldn't know what, though.

The bigger one of them was now holding out one hand to his peers.

My glance darted on his fist.

What are they doing--More importantly, what the freak, man?

I knew people might've come here--I mean, I wasn't sleeping in any home or whatever. The street was free for anyone to access. Anyone could come here.

Still though, that kick to my ribs … what was that for?

One after the other, out of his clenched fist, fingers were to be let out.

One, two, three fingers.

At the count of three, all three of them burst at the same time.

"We are the three bro-th-ers!" Weird poses. Each one of them struck a weird pose as the word 'bro-th-ers' leaked out of their mouths in unison.

It was quite ridiculous. Surely, this would be followed by an explanation, though.

So, what was that kick to my ribs for? Was that an enemy?

I tried to wait for them to explain something, maybe?

But no, nothing. From there on, they were all just looking at me with blatant eyes. They sure looked dumb, these young people.

I shook my head and exchanged glances with the bigger one of them, sort of urging him to speak.

So … what was that?

He glanced back at me as he undid his dumb pose. He was looking satisfied, for some reason. His arms were now crossed upon his chest.

Quickly after that though, he turned back to the ones he'd called his brothers. Only to find his satisfied-looking face efficiently disrupted.

A frown appeared on his ugly face. He uttered the following words, "You dummies…!"

"We undo the pose after I cross my arms--That was in the script, wasn't it?!"

That statement being uttered, both the two younger brothers jumped in surprise. They'd been scared. They even almost fell as they lost their balance.

With no further delay though, they regained their composure--if one could even call that a composure--and deeply bowed to their older brother.

"We're very sorry, big bro!"

"We're very sorry, big bro Jack!"

Beholding all that nonsensical circus, I went on again and shook my head. A deep sigh coming down from deep within my lungs was also to be let out.

"How many freakin' times we've been going over and over this freakin' script…! You two dummies are not even capable of--" There he stuttered as he continued telling them off.

At this point, I didn't even bother listening. I mean, what'd be the point?

What other words to describe this than 'nonsensical circus,' huh?

Anyway, I'd just taken a hit to my ribs, yet I was fine.

I could get up just fine. And so I did. The other guys? Still going on about talking about their script or whatever.

I ignored that.

"I was about to ask you guys what was all that nonsense about, but, never mind."

"See?! You two dummies are messing it all up! Dammit! That homeless bastard even has time to get up…! He must be making fun of us, now … in his head or something...!"

As they finally straightened their back, undoing their deep bow, the poor lot of them jumped in fear again. Once again, they were nearly thrown off balance. It was to prove how much of a circus this scene was.

"We--We won't make that mistake again, big bro Jack!" they stated solemnly, as they quickly went back again to bow their whole upper body to the jack-human.

"Y--You dummies…! Can't you just understand! Stop! Stop it! Not for now!" the Jack-human told them, flailing his arm around in the air, sort of giving them instructions they failed to understand.

What can I say? Following the script wasn't their forte. It seemed so.

And, to be honest, it was too unimportant to me. It didn't cross my mind up till this moment, but now it did.

"There goes my new human."

My back still leaning on the wall behind me. Giving it a light push, I got myself perfectly standing up. I took a step towards them.

A grin popped out on my face.

"So, which one will it be? Which one of you guys will die for me?"

"Huh?! Attack, you dummies! Attack him!"

My pace was accelerated as I threw one leg after the other before me. I inhaled profoundly, sharpening my senses.

It was only the second time I'd take part in a fight.

After what he'd waved towards me to his brothers, he darted backward.

And just as he indicated, his two brothers got in the course of things. My attention was drawn towards the tiniest one of them.

"Hyah!" Without missing a beat he charged towards me, letting out his battle cry. I could distinct his fists being clenched.

So he'll go with his fists.

Having observed that, I brought a hand up and brushed his own hands down.

Seeing I had outdone him, he bit the bullet and shut his eyes down.

What was the boy even doing?

Next thing he knew, with my other hand I pierced through the air. The distance between my hand and his throat was to be cut short really quickly.

I firmly gripped on his throat.

In front of me, now, I had both tiny boy and human jack in vision. I tightened my grip on tiny boy's throat. He choked letting out some throat noises.

So, was that all, now? Weaklings like in the beginning, huh.

Seeing me strangling his brother, human jack's fighting spirit didn't waver any bit. He even nodded to himself, slightly and continuously. His eyes turned to a slit.

Was that a normal human's reaction? I didn't know much about them. How would I know? I wouldn't know.

One of my brows arched up in interrogation.

Suddenly though, "Haah!"

True. There was the other brother, too.

Hurriedly, my eyes darted everywhere around us.

Oh, there he is!

It was too late, though.

He was coming at my left leg with both his feet.

My leg was to be shaken up. My balance was disrupted.

I cursed inwardly as I clicked my tongue, "Tsk!"

Well, I was inexperienced.

But no matter.

Letting me go down--as I didn't really have any other alternative, now--I brought with me tiny boy, still struggling to get off my grip.


We hit the ground.

"Good job, dummies!" shouted human jack as he rushed towards me.

Was it his turn, now?

I got a quick glimpse at him. He was rushing towards me with velocity.

From his belt, he drew a dagger out, "Behold the power of my dagger-sleeper, peasant! Kahahaha!"

Well, I hadn't expected any of that, but it didn't matter right now.

Yes, it didn't matter, because, with both my hands now--one still choking tiny boy and one placed on his shoulder--I pulled him nearer me.

Our two foreheads now touched, "Dwelling procedure!" I headbutted him.

❮Procedure of dwelling: activated❯


So it worked.

This had been total improvisation for me. Still, it worked.

Next thing I knew, a cold yet warm sensation took me.

"Ugh," I grunted.

"Haahh?! You seriously stabbed him, big bro Jack! Wh--What will--"

"--Nope. Won't kill him, don't worry, Niyube. It'll just send him to a good sleep."

❮A proper vessel has been found.❯

Ah, that sensation of warmness again. I might get used to it … if I endure it some more times...

"B--But, big bro…! Doesn't seem to kick in, yet! Still strangling our lil' bro!"

"Don't worry, don't worry. Besides, I'm sure he knows one healing spell or two. Won't die. That's adventurers for you, lil' bro. Jot that down, would ya."

❮Dwelling procedure is undergoing.❯

"No … but…! He ain't sleeping yet, big bro Jack!"

"Uh? Lemme see that… Hmph, that's true. Tough guy, huh… Let 'im go! Fucking! Let! Him! Go!"

"Wh--Why are you kicking him, big bro Jack…! We gotta help our lil' bro! He's choking to death here!"

"Th--That's what I'm doing right now, dummy! Sh--Shut up! Wait up. Where's that aura come from?"

"S--Sorry, big bro Jack…"

❮Notice to the Player: The System enjoin the Player not to use the 『 Dwelling procedure 』 skill recklessly as it could be an endangering to the Player's Life.❯

"Shit. What's happening? I'm--I'm shivering, dude! What are you staring at me with such eyes for?! Can't you feel it?! Argh, never mind! Did you take his monies yet?!"


"Where they at?!"

"He--Here, big bro Jack…"

And it was at that moment that it went black again. My third host, already.. I just connected with his brain.

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