My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 22 - Starvation

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My eyes were shut. I was coming back to my senses.

Two sturdy hands were locked on my throat. They were grasping it like crazy. I could feel them going from over one side to the other of my collar.

Slowly and painfully, I opened my eyes. What came next was a dry cough that was to be let out of my mouth. I was hurting all over my throat.

My forehead was bleeding a little bit, too.

I coughed again, "Kof, kof!"

Before me, seemingly lying down with me, there was this middle-aged man. His eyes were shut too. Like mine. Except, his wouldn't be opened back up anytime soon.

And it was only then, that my senses had fully come back to me.

I groaned. A frown appeared on my face.

Where was I? What was happening just now?

"Ah… So I got in there, huh."

It hadn't been the first time I did that, and still, it sure felt weird.

Going from one body to the other, even when it was far from being the first time, actually, was still was somewhat eerie.

Anyway, here it happened again.

I had my third new host, now. Well, only the second one if we take Remie boy out of the equation. I only got conscious with him, after all. Meaning, I wasn't aware of it at the time.

Well, right now, I couldn't care less.

It didn't matter.

"Kof kof," I coughed again, "I sure went all out on this, huh. My hands--Rather, my former hands, even in death, they're not letting go of me."

I was strange, I had four hands.

Two former hands and two new and effective ones.


That's not even close. Counting up from the beginning, it was as follows,

I had six hands: four defective hands; two effective hands.

That didn't matter either, anyway.

With the effective hands, I brushed the other two off my throat. They wouldn't let me go by themselves. I had to step in.

Having gotten them off me, I straightened myself up in a sitting position.

"Argh," I grunted, "And there's also my head, huh."

A dull pain was gushing from within my head, "Why did I even bother to headbutt the host I'd planned on getting for myself…?"

Well, there was no answer to that. At the time, this headbutt just felt like … the right thing to do?

"No, no, no," I disagreed with myself, "I was just being dumb. Probably."

Mmhmm, it was more like it, at least.

Deciding I wouldn't headbutt myself anymore--if it ever so happened I was presented with the occasion of doing it--I glanced right in front of me.

❮Notice to the Player: The System enjoin the Player not to use the 『 Dwelling procedure 』 skill recklessly as it could be an endangering for the Player's Life.❯


That voice again.

"So, that was reckless, ahh?" I asked the guide before I continued, "Aren't you the one telling me to do all that, in the first place, huh?!"

Tut-tut. I wasn't the only one being dumb, once again. Probably.

Well, what could I say, I just decided on shrugging off its non-welcomed advice.

This wasn't all I had to deal with, anyway.

Because, yes … I paused myself, my eyes grew to their widest.

I didn't feel it up until now, but … what on earth can this sensation be?! I gulped.

Not knowing what to do, "Ha--Hahhh?!"

Is there any fire over there?!

A burning aching was as if gushing forth from within my stomach.

I panicked. Hurriedly, I wrapped my arms around my belly and tightened it the best I could. I was practically giving myself a bear hug on my own.

With quick, panicked movements I was now rolling from left to right.

Seriously though, what was that supposed to be, now?

And it didn't do so much as to stop.

Instantly, I got back up as I was still sitting.

I straightened my back up, for the second time. And like a flash, I took off my tucked shirt out of where it was resting under my belt.

The next thing I did was lift it up. I could see it, my stomach.

And there was nothing, I mean, there were no scratches, no bleeding, nothing--And more importantly, no fire.

My skin was as if untouched.

I was safe, and yet I couldn't breathe so much as a sigh of relief.

It still wasn't stopping.

I placed a hand on my stomach and clutched it.

"Wh--What do you want, new stomach…?"

A frown appeared on my face. Ohh, I get it, now, "Don't tell me this actually is hunger…?"

It felt horrible. There was no way it was. I mean, it felt so much different.

This took it from a tiny sensation of emptiness in my stomach to something entirely different.

It was different like water and fire. Two completely different realms.

Still, I had to admit it, though. "If I listen to my instincts, that definitely is hunger," I gulped.

Hell, it was more like starvation, you know.

When I gulped I could also feel my dry throat.

What the heck was wrong with that body, huh?

Was this tiny boy's body starving to death? It sure seemed so. I was in so much pain.

I felt so weak, too.

Still, though. As painful as it may have been, I still had to get up.

With trembling limbs, I propped myself up.

Standing up, I glanced at my previous body. The poor dead human was now lying lifelessly on the ground.

And really, it was huge. A huge carcass lying down there, right next to me.

Back when I was the one inhabiting it, I couldn't realize how huge it was.

I'd go ahead and inspect it with my new hands, but, really, I still was famished. The simple act of even standing was a hassle in itself. I could barely pull that much off.

Sturdy shoulders, robust arms, and as long as vigorous legs. This was me, the previous me.

Well, this was before it'd died, so to speak. Because now, it was on the wane. A shame the body was deficient. I mean, it was strong, this body.

There was nothing I could do about that, though, aside from accepting it.

Now, on the other hand, my body--the current one, in comparison--was feeble and thin, to sum it all up.

Sunken cheeks adorned my face. My arms were thin and hollowed out, too. Rather than muscles wrapping themselves up around bones, there were bones, and bones mostly, alone.

Lifting my stained shirt back up, I glanced at my belly, once again.

My abdomen was fatigued, too. I mean, I was so thin. The heck, bruh. I could even distinct ribs from under my skin.

And going down even further, there were my legs. I squinted my eyes, staring at them both. My glance then turned back to the previous host--

"Hmph," I snorted, making a mockery of myself, "That's pathetic. Aren't Supposedly Adventurer's arms as thick as Tiny Boy's legs, if not even thicker?"

I shook my head in disappointment.

"I need to nourish that up, and quickly."

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