My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 23 - Starvation (2)

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"I need to nourish that, and quickly."

Otherwise, how else was I supposed to live, hm?

Mhm, was that even called living? My routine wasn't anyone's routine. Who else in the world had to deal with all of this?

Let's not dwell on that. I'll abide by my motto, as always: let's just go on with the flow.

Whatever direction I was turning towards, it didn't matter.

There were just facts, for now. And facts pointed out to one other fact--I needed to go get food.

Real food, this time about. Not anything else. No leaves, no grass, no dirt--I didn't even enjoy the taste of it when I first ate it, anyway.

On top of that, was it even nourishing me? Hardly, from what I recall.

Past Stomach could testify to that. I'm sure he would if I asked him.

"So, I must eat."

It was nighttime.

And I was starving.

No need to panic, "I know where to find food," I stated as I forcefully dragged my foot in front of me.

The first steps were the most painful.

This famished body? Worst thing that has ever happened to me. Ever since I got born, yes.

The stomach wasn't even growling at all. There was just a constant feeling of pain coming from within my guts.

Life really was going hard at me.

Anyway, thus I began trudging along the road under the dark sky.

It was kind of hard to see in this darkness, too. What would come fix that problem, though? Yes, [Mana Perception]

At this point, [Mana Perception] was as if part of me.

It was like breathing.

I was just naturally using it, without much trouble.

Well, it was one of the rare things I could be happy about.

So I enjoyed reminding myself of this skill. I mean, it surely wasn't something anyone had, I think.

Regardless, I kept walking down my path towards my food.

It was tiring, but so what? The first steps were the most painful and laborious ones. Quickly, with due time, I got used to this dull sensation I'd feel all over my body.

Just like that, I arrived at my old friend's stand. Was he my friend, though? I didn't know, just felt like he was.

My friend would offer me food, just like he did the day before.

Yes, he would … But, uh?




With a slow, sluggish movement, my whole head was tilted backward. I was looking towards the sky.

"Yeah, that's dark. The sky is dark," I sighed.

With a deep, long sigh, "Ahhhhh, I wanna cry," I complained.

How stupid will I be? Of course, during nighttime people don't work. No work equals no stand. No stand equals no food.

"Tsk," I clicked my tongue.

Having observed that, like a mechanical golem, I lifelessly turned backward. One hundred and eighty degrees rotation. And, once again, I set off down the track, towards … "Tsk."

Well, I really was looking forward to this good ol' cup of noodles. What can I say, though? My mistake. You should've known better, me. Next time, be sure to learn your lessons.

Going on with the flow, heh. I chuckled at my thoughts. I don't know how many times I've been going about that replica of mine since the beginning.

I've been going with the flow, like, tons and tons of times already. I knew too well that whatever was happening, so what?

My feet wouldn't move on their own to get me wherever I needed to be. Nor my lungs would be filled up with air on their--Wait up, though.

I chuckled yet another time.

Dry chuckles, huh. Guess that's that for me.

Well, whatever.

I had to do something about that stomach.

And when there were no noodles for me, the grass and leaves weren't a suitable option, either.

What would I do, then?

"Here I come, little babies," it didn't take long before I was back.

Back to my place. They back alley. Well, I was there, yes, but not that deep within it anymore. I mean, there was a corpse I didn't want to deal with deeper in the street.

And as such, I wouldn't go too deep into it.

This far is okay, anyway, there are lots of them here, too. I didn't speak out loud. I didn't want to scare them away. The rats.

And come to think of it, now, I take back what I said about the [ Mana Perception ] skill. My surroundings were becoming fainter and fainter as time went by. I wasn't even seeing properly, now.

Still, I wouldn't shy away from little efforts. Weren't they food? The rats, I mean.

Yes, food they were. And I just needed to buckle down to the task of getting 'em into my stomach.

Getting a rat for myself, it was, then.

To get that done, I stood up. It was the first step. I relaxed my whole body--Tried to, at best, relaxing too much would get me too sleepy.

The air? I inhaled and exhaled it, repeatedly.

I did that over and over again, trying to expand my senses around me.

I didn't know how much time had happened since I'd started that little exercise. If I were to guess, though, I'd say around 4 minutes.

Things around me finally started to move back again. Like how things were moving when I went to sleep here.

I still remained motionless, though. My breathing wasn't disrupted, I stayed that way--with things being moved here and there around me--for roughly 2 more minutes.


Regardless, I was just doing that.

And, oh?

Here we go. I'm served.

A fuzzy black ball. A curved ball, yes. It just went out of one of the barrels it was hiding in. Going about sniffing around with each step it took.

Mmhmm. So there goes my meal.

It sure loved to sniff around wildly, the rat. With each decisive few steps it took, it went back again at pleasure, that is to say, sniffing abruptly its surroundings.

And here was my time to shine, finally.

I thought about it. The skill.

I only thought about the words and how it'd eventually go.

『 Quick Pace 』

That's you. You're the one I need.

Calmly, I exhaled one last time before I'd go for it.

『 Quick Pace 』


I said inwardly. I hurriedly took my first step onwards as I curved my back. That's how I did to use the skill. That's how it'd go…!

Food, oh, my delicious food! Wait for me, for I shall come to you…! No matter what…!

I did go all out on this.

Except …

I did not so much as one quick dash onward.

This wasn't how my skill was supposed to go.


Indeed, I could only take one feeble, sluggish step forward.


❮Not enough MPs to use 『 Quick Pace 』❯

I propulsed my upper body way too fast, though.

My legs wouldn't follow.

What was more, stumbling upon one paver of the ground, I lost my balance.

I could only wag my arms before me, trying to regain a sense of balance.

No can do.

My face grimaced in expectation.


"Squeak!" the rat threw at me, out of mockery I bet, before he skillfully skedaddled.

Thus my long-awaited food had run off to who knows where. And I fell.

A return to square one.

My face against the ground, I moaned out of complaints.

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