My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 24 - Failure

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Not enough mana. Not enough mana. Not enough mana. Not enough mana. Not enough mana. Not enough mana.

I was lying on the ground, my back facing the earth, my face facing the sky.

Not enough mana. Not enough mana. Not enough mana.

I was drained. Be it physically or mentally.

Not enough mana, huh.

MP stands for mana point, I think?

I didn't have enough MPs. I didn't have enough mana.

I was going over that statement over and over again within my head.

I mean, I'm hungry. I wanna eat. Some real foods, at that. I'm not fine with anything. Leaves and grass are out of the question.

Frustration, right? That was what it'd be called. I was frustrated.

So much so that I wouldn't move. I was too tired to do this.

Plus, now that I think about it, it doesn't look like I'm hungry anymore. I mean, of course I am. Though, I no longer feel my stomach's rumbling--Except for a little bit, actually.

As I was thinking all of that, my eyes slowly shut themselves down. My breathing grew lesser and lesser, too.

At some point the feeling of starvation completely faded away.

And somehow, I passed out.

It was quick.

I wouldn't qualify it from sleep.

I just fainted.






❮The Player has met the requirements to undergo 'Evolution.'❯

❮Evolution: in progress...❯

❮Failure to proceed: the following requirement, 'Sufficient MPs Supply ' is not met.❯

❮Working out an alternative solution: in progress...❯

❮Alternative found: drawing Main Body's MPs.❯

❮Failure to proceed: Successful evolution towards 'Demonic Parasite' would result in an oversupplied of the Current Vessel's mana core.❯

❮Working out an alternative solution: in progress...❯

❮No alternative solutions found.❯

❮Retry later.❯






Though unwilling to do so, I opened my eyes back up.

And at some point, I woke back up. How many hours did I sleep? I couldn't tell. The sky could clue me in, however.

I could feel the cold ground from underneath me. It was a little bit moist.

And without any comment whatsoever, I lifted myself up, entirely. My legs did try to waver a little bit. After I'd strengthened them, though, they somehow managed to take it.

Legs took me up.

It was daytime, according to the sky. And who would question the sky about the time, hm?

Sky tells me it's daytime.

And what possible conclusions would I draw from that? There's food.

I yawned, then blinked.

And as if automatically commanded, my feet were now dragging me towards my destination.

I'm sure the old man will understand.

I'm sure he will.

Exiting the back alley, I turned left and left. Two times.

Shouts and yells ranged out, here.

Same as yesterday, huh. If not even more populated, actually.

Well, whatever.

There I was in the commercial zone.

And I was still trudging along the road.

The old man, he'll understand. He has to. Otherwise, I don't know what I'm doing.

I could only drool and gulp at the remembrance of his cup of noodles.

He has to understand, I repeated to myself, clenching my hands into balls.

I really was looking forward to a good meal, right now.

Better not fail my expectations, uncle!

There it is.

Sure wasn't a long march. From the back alley to his stand, there was roughly 10 minutes of me marching. Well, more like 15 minutes with this tiny famished body.

It wasn't a long distance to march. Yet, it felt like 2 hours, minimum.

But now, it was in sight. I finally got to the stand.

There weren't too many clients, it was good news.

Had he been too occupied, I'm sure he wouldn't bother dealing with some lost child looking for food.

Hesitantly, I took a few steps towards him. He and his gear were only a dozen meters away.

I could see him, the same old man--No, more like middle-aged adorned by the same old beard he had yesterday. The same old white hachimaki wrapped up around his upper head.

It was my saviour.

I still didn't know what to tell him, but it didn't matter. He was before me and it was all that mattered.

Thinking, let's just get this over with, I decided to take action.

Promptly, I was presented before his sight.


He'd ceased all activity after having seen me.

"You dare come back…!"

"Hahaha," I chuckled strangely as I was scratching the back of my head. "Yeah, it's me again…"

Did he actually recognize me…?

No way.

How did he do that? Truly a great man, huh.

"Get lost!"

It surprised me.

"Wh--What? I mean, why? Can't I just eat, like yester--"

"Get! Lost!"

"I mean…"

"Where your stinkin' brothers at, huh?!"

Was he that excited to see me again? His 'favorite adventurer' like he'd called me the evening before?

"Sigh," a deep sigh was next to be let out of his mouth. Next thing he did was slamming his cookware on his wooden counter. His nostrils inflated in anger.

Needless to precise this whole situation caught me off-guard.

Uh … what did I need to say next? Anyone? Help?

After he'd slammed them with force against the counter, he exited his stand as if being dragged by some supernatural evil force. He seemed so furious at the same time.

A chorus of strong 'thud's sound was then to be played. With each step, another 'thud' was let out in the wild.

Throwing his legs, one after the other, before himself, he decisively marched to me.

"So, where your brothers at, huh?!" He repeated to me, for some reason, "Ain't got no chance you coming here alone to mess with my business," he added back as he had me take a step back.

He pushed me over on my shoulder.

I nearly stumbled down.

I observed the man.

Something clearly was off with him.

His glance was darting around everywhere as he spoke to me, "Will ya reply to me?! Dontcha dare tell me cat got yer tongue!"

He surely was over-excited, for some unknown reason.

This wasn't the good old uncle I'd dealt with yesterday, that I was sure of, now.

What was more, he'd dragged our surroundings' attention by being as noisy as he was, going about shouting each one of his lines loud and clear.

It was as if he'd been doing this on purpose because it totally worked.

From looking around me, I could see eyes directed at us along with some moving lips, most certainly directing their chatterings at us, too.

"I'm--Listen, old man, I'm sorry, but I--"

"Th--There--There's no…" he stammered, his face brought nearer to me each passing second.

My little stature gave me a huge close-up of him, from above me, getting his huge hideous face right before me.

I grimaced as all his spluttering was flying towards me, landing upon my face.

He wouldn't let me talk to him. Well.

And no one of the assembling crowd stepped in to help me.

The heck was that.

Oh? Expect for one human, fortunately, "Dad, let me handle this, okay?"

A hand was to be put on the shouting man's left shoulder, "I'll handle that, you go ahead and deal with the clients."

"Hmph," and in response, he only snorted at my face before he turned his back on me.

Fully understanding what was happening, my brows could only arch up in worry.

Wasn't there supposed to be food for me?

I was naïve.

I can't take it anymore, I sighed and looked down.

That's a game over for me.

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