My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 25 - Where Is The Monsters’ Home, Ma’am?

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"You and your brothers, you're pissing us off, you understand that?" the young man said as he pushed me on the shoulder. "All of us, all the merchants in the village!"

"You guys have been screwing with us ever since you got here! And now it's too much. Way too much, you understand?" he added in both words and gesture, redoing what he'd priorly done, that is to say, whacking my shoulder.

"We're pissed off. Pissed off, yes. What did you guys expect in the first place, huh? If it weren't for the fact that, in our tiny village, there're barely any guards nor bigger authority, you'd have already been caught and put behind bars."

"Yes, behind bars. Like the rats that you are," he now clenched his fists into trembling balls, then he sighed and went on, "See? Around us? That's where your place is--With the rats and the trash."

In the back alley, once again. I was here, against a wall. Before me, there was this young man, giving me a preach or telling me off, about whatever he saw good to preach me or to tell me off about.

And be that as it may, I mean, so what?

"Hey, I'm talking to you here!"

Together, we went all the way up from where we were standing in the commercial alley to where we're standing right now.

He'd forcefully dragged me all the way up to here. I didn't know what to do, so I just went on with his lead.

The boy took me to the back alley once again. I didn't know why. He must have had his reasons.

"Hey! You listen to me?! We, merchants, we're here struggling to get food on the table, for our family, and you pieces of shitty thieves are screwing with that...!" he came to a stop, angrily peered around him before he added, "And yes! I'm talking to you pieces of shit, too!"

"So, where are they, your brothers?" he asked me with his gesturing chin, as if indicating me to hurry it up.

"Hey, you know what you don't wanna talk? Fine, I'm gonna beat you up," he supplemented, as he pushed me even harder than before. This time, with both his hands.

He had force against me, my current host was weak. Plus I had no mana. I hit the wall behind me and fell to the ground.

I was now on my butt below him when he and his stature--which was clearly big in comparison to mine--were above me.

He rolled up his sleeves, looking down at me. On his face was a difficult expression. A wrinkle showed up on his forehead.

"You and your brothers, you're not kids anymore, now...! You're grown-ups, you need to understand how life works out."

Hmph. Had I had enough strength to do so, I would've thrown in a chuckle right there. I mean, he's not even talking to me, and yet somehow, he talks to me.

Life, huh.

Ah, more importantly anyway, was I about to be beaten up, here?

"I'm not enjoying this more than you do … you know…!"

Whatever, man, just do what you got to do, I don't care.

His trembling clenched fist was to be clenched even harder. All at once, though, he opened it up and let go of his anger.

"... You know what, fuck it! I'm not doing this," he shook his head and took a step back.

"And you," he threw a last glance at me, "You can still turn your life around."

That much I don't care about, too.



He left.

The sound of his footsteps was distancing itself from where I sat down.

And just like that, he was gone without even having finished what he'd wanted to say. Then again, maybe there was nothing to tell me. No matter.

I don't like it.

Life is no fun.

I just stayed there, sitting down in this alley that was practically mine now. My head was tilted back, I looked at the sky.

As time went by, the starving sensation within my stomach was growing weaker and weaker.

Looking up to the sky, I was thinking all of this over.

And seconds, minutes, maybe hours went by.

I did doze off a little bit, or maybe not at all.

I don't know. I don't care.

Why didn't I hop into another vessel you ask? I mean, that young man, I could've taken over him easily, but...

Well, what was the point? I was tired of all this.

Honestly, I didn't know what I was expecting. The first time he had served me food, he'd told me I was an adventurer, and as such, he'd gladly help me.

But, now … it was different. I wasn't the same human to him.

Still, though, to think I'd have been his enemy.

Oh, right.

His son spoke about my brothers, right?

Maybe I should just wait for them. Tiny boy's brother would most likely come for their little brother … right?

And thus I just waited, maybe my 'stinkin' brothers' would come for me.

Well, I had nothing better to do. Or rather, I didn't feel like doing anything else at all.

Waiting for them to come for me didn't require from me anything at all.

I'd just wait.

And so I did.

One hour.

Two hours.

Maybe three?

But they didn't show up.

Pushing behind me with my back, I slid myself into a lying position.

I smiled upside down.

Game over.

Game over.

Game over.

And sleep overtook me at some point.







I rubbed my nose, "Achoo! Achoo!"

Damn sneezing, waking me up out of nowhere, just like that?


"Argh, will you stop already?" I said as I rubbed it back again.

Unwilling to move an inch, I just stayed down, lying.

Eventually, I straightened my upper body and slid my butt back next to the foundation of the wall. A yawn escaped my mouth.


The weather was fresh. Clouds were up in the sky. There was no sun. Still, the sky wasn't dark. It was still daytime.

Who told you, sneeze, to disrupt my slumber, eh?


I placed a hand on my stomach and squeezed it. The feeling of hunger had finally come back.

A deep sigh was to be let out of myself.

And with the help of my arms, it was time to get up. I was desperate, but not that much desperate. I didn't want to die, yet.

After having gotten up, I tapped here and there on my clothes. Getting rid of the dust and dirt was the goal.

Maybe eating grass and leaves would relieve me of this hard feeling of starvation I was assaulted by.

What's more, I was thirsty. And where you could eat grass, you could drink water, too. The river was just next door.

I mean, sure, there's grass everywhere, virtually. It wasn't abundant, though. Plus people would stomp on it.

The grass over the riverside, it was abundant and fresh.

Being thirsty, huh?

Hmph. And this was among the numerous things that'd piss me off. Yes, I didn't understand some things and as such, I'd get pissed off, sometimes. Like right now, for example.

Why didn't the tiny boy even drink? I mean, sure, food isn't that easy to get one's hand on.

But water, seriously?

I mean, never mind.

I have greater projects. Better get going already.

And that was it, I brushed off all the dirt of my clothes and started traveling again.

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