My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 30 - Leafana

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Father, mother, it only can exist in the past, now.

A true kingdom.

It was a true kingdom.

Our people were happy and vigorous.

Our forest was just and fair.

Our families were safe and sound.

But now, there is just me, and everything went wrong.

There can only be me, your crying and moaning lone, little daughter...

It's all in the past now. All the rest. All behind us.

It matters not how strong one's will can be, at the end of the day, if one does not have any power, one does not have anything.

The righteous one can be stomped under the foot of the evil one. It would not matter.

Observing this scene as it unfolds, no one would do so much as utter a word of discontentment.

Except for within their head, maybe.

Be it the righteous or the evil.

They would not utter a word.

And that is just what our people are doing, father.

We are weak and lost without your guidance and reign.

Without capability and strength, no one does anything.

I wish I could do something to fix that, though...

I wish I could bring our nation back to its peak…

And restore our glory...

But I can't!

I can't just pull something that big off!

If I had the power, I surely would!

What can a lone weak feeble girl like me do on her own?!

I'm no warrior…!

That's right, I'm only weak and can't even assure my own protection, father, mother.

Now, all I can do is follow them as they forcefully drag me around every little remote village to stall some time.

Stall time before the inevitable occurs.

Be it days, maybe will it be weeks. Who can truly know, maybe even months.

I haven't experienced any fights. Nor any kind of struggle at all. I'm so weak, and I can't do a thing about it.

I'm only the weak girl that I am, trapped in this spooky room, I don't talk to anyone.

This inn is the fourth. Will there be a fifth? Will I be saved?

I'm so weak...

I'm no warrior...

I wish I was one, though!

I wish I had experienced fights and struggles!

I just wish I was strong.

That way … only following that way I would be able to provide protection and shelter to our people, father…!

But I'm nowhere near that.

Father … I blame you for this…

Had you not overprotected me, we wouldn't be in such trouble!

And I blame our people, too…

Were you not, my father, the king, and idol of our country?

The sovereign and model or our people?

How then can such weak-willed people be drawn from your example, father?!

Did they not heed your advice and teachings? Did they not want to be worthy of your reign?

Did they not think it was their duty and responsibility to fight?!

Fight for the lives of their family and their people?!

At least to put on some resistance…

At least to put on some front and resist the enemy's threat…

Not to be the ungrateful people that they've been.

After you left us, father, everything went down. We went from a proud, strong elven people to a desolate and dishonorable one.

And I, too, am to be blamed. I'm sorry I wasn't worthy of our nation, father, mother.

Indeed, the one I blame the most should be myself…!

Father, mother, when the dark elves attacked, I should have been able to keep our people united and lead them towards betterment.

But I've failed at my task, father…!

I should have known better … I definitely should have!

And yet, I could not do a thing.

The dark elves started to attack us, father, and I could not do a single thing.

There must have been traitors … or other kinds of mole!


No, I'm not making up excuses!

I know I'm still to be blamed, father, mother.

But I'm sorry … When the dark elves attacked us with the other Demon Lords' factions, we could not do anything--I could not do anything!

And now, father, everything has fallen to shattered pieces.

There is no Foret Kingdom anymore.

Everything is gone.

And--And … now, what are they going to do with me, father…

They plan on doing evil things to me, father, I'm sure of it … and I'm scared. I'm so scared, father.

Please … I … If only you could still be there. If only you were there, father, mother ... I know you would save me.

I know you would … but I just can't … I just can't bring myself to stop the tears from flowing, father, mother…!

I should not whine.

I know I should not.

It serves no purpose.

And yet, I can't help myself but do so.

Don't worry, father, mother.

Don't worry about me.

I shall be strong like you, father.

Your beloved daughter shall be strong.

And be as kind as you, mother.

Though, at this point, it might simply be too late.

Still … still!

This whole situation feels worse than death itself…

Our people--No! I should stop referring to them as 'our,' father!

The elven people--They think that by handing me over to their liege, they'll get away with the consequences of war.

But I'm not like them, father, you taught me well!

And, had I not been to their mercy, I swear I'd have tried to do better!

It's not like by handing me over to the enemy's side, our people will survive...!

Can't they just comprehend that much?!

We are dealing with shameless enemies!

How then would they keep their end of the bargain, when they didn't even bother doing it in the first place...?!

And all of this, for the sake of our--

I'm mad at our people, father … will you forgive me?

Father, mother, you're not here with me. I recognize this truth.

However, still, even when I know you're not here, listening to me, as I moan and complain alone, without an apparent end--The only gesture of speaking to you eases my heart of one huge load of anxiousness and pitifulness.

Without this, I'd be already dead…!

That's right, father, I'd have killed myself!

I have lost everything I had. It's hard on me, father, mother… It's super hard.

I want to be strong!

I do want to be!

How will I bring myself to that point, though…?

How am I to stop the tears from flowing?

Indubitably, I am not to stop them.

I just wish I was with you, my beloved parents.

Right this instant…!

That is my wish!

And I want it to be fulfilled.

My other prior wishes? I don't want any of them to come true!

Let my wish just be only this one: I want to be saved.

I want to be saved with you, father, mother…!

Was I just too much of a coward to end my days myself, though…?

I must have been.

I'm a coward.

And unworthy…!





I'm startled.

Who--Who is that?

A shadow gets on top of me.

Is he going to hurt me, too?

Does he want me to suffer, too?

Father, mother…!

I--I can't do this without you.

My heartbeat increases

I need someone.

Someone, help.

I beg of you.

Just help me.

I'm in this inn in that room in that bed.

Just … send some help…!

Whoever that is, help me.

I just…

Do not let that person hurt me…

They immobilize me...

I cannot move…

I close my eyes, frowning.

I'm scared--As always.

Nothing changes.

I'm still suffering.

Oh, but then again, maybe is my wish coming true?


I gulp.

Will I be saved?

Will I finally get to join you, father, mother, in the Everlasting Forest?

The shadow brings their face nearer mine, I can distinguish their facial features.

A young boy.

Young, very young.

Probably even younger than me.

What's more, this boy's eyes … aren't they like mine, too?

Aren't they crying for help, too?

Does he need to be saved, too...?

Will he be my savior...?

It's not important.

I calm myself.

My breathing grows stabilized.

Any of that isn't important.

Perhaps it is right. Perhaps it is just how it is going to end.

All of this.

All my world.

Will it finally disappear?

I smile at my aggressor.

His lips move.

He tells me he's sorry.

It was weird. I couldn't help but smile … it truthfully was eerie.

Will my wish come true? Will I be saved?

All of this was worse than death, and it would finally come to an end.

Or would it?

He brought his nose near mine … what could he be thinking about…?

Was it how it was to be done…?

Well, whatever.

Whatever it will take for me to be saved, I shall accept it.

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