My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 31 - The Player Has To Create His Character

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❮Awakening is now completed.❯

Feeling an oppressing mass on my whole body, I woke up.

I tried to get rid of the overwhelming massive pressure sensation that was coming from above me.

Rashly straightening my upper body to get rid of it wouldn't get me anywhere.

I clearly couldn't bring my upper body up. It was too heavy.

Still, I had to move. Getting myself out of here wasn't an option. If I couldn't push it from underneath, I'd just sweep it aside.

Moaning and wiggling myself the best I could under this pressure I could work my way out of this.

And finally, "Ahhh," I could get myself a fresh breath of air just fine.

The mass pressuring me.

"Hahh? And was that my previous host?"

True, I remembered. I just sort of left here after having gotten myself into my new head.

❮The Player has successfully evolved to 'Demonic Parasite.'❯

The corpse was a hell of heavy, to be honest.

I was more thinking about some huge rock or something being placed on top of me.

It was a surprise.

My breathing was rugged. I tried to calm myself.

What would strike me with surprise even more, though, was, "Hah? And how come it's morning already?!"

It was a simple reflex. My hands were extending all around me, I was feeling around.

Didn't really know why, but well, it proved effective. I knew where I was thanks to that maneuver.

"Okay, it's fine, I'm still in that old inn," I observed.

"Fuuuu" I exhaled deeply. So, okay, let's not fucking lose it right now.

I'm still in the inn.

❮A new quest has been found.❯

You shush, shush! Damn writings! With violent waves of my hands, the writings obeyed me.

Or maybe it did.

It'd come back at me any moment, I knew that.

I just started to get used to it, at this point.

❮The Player has met the requirement to start the following quest: 'Character's Creation (Compulsory Quest)'.❯

❮Character's Creation quest's content: To start the game, the Player has to first create his character. Follow the lead of the 'Instructions' to complete the quest!❯


"Didn't I told you to shush for now?!" I waved back at it.

I had to breathe more, I think. Deeply inhaling and exhaling, I came to a stop.

"It's all good, man," I reasoned.

It was all good ... wasn't it, now?

So I've just changed bodies. And there would be consequences to that.

Did I even ask for those consequences? Did I even want to deal with them?


Capital letters, NO.

Well, whatever.

Who says I'm in trouble again?

I'm cool, man. I'm cool.

I'm just an elf now.

Ohh? And a female at that. That's true.

Wasn't I what I wanted all the long??

"Hmph! I'm served..!"

Here I come…!




I could barely grope anything.

Meh. These are only tiny ones.

Plus, it doesn't even feel the same anymore. I think.

Why didn't it look that appealing anymore?

My hands were resting on my chest. My butt sitting on my bed. Soon enough, my back would follow, leaning back, to go find its resting place on the blanket.

"Hmph. Whatever."

I just then sort of tossed that to the side. I came back to the reality of things.


I sighed.

This one's a motivational sigh, though, you know!

I'm just sorta breathing all in and out to get motivated.

Mmhm, that's it, I'm cheered up now.

I came back to my sitting position.


First things first.

I was sitting on the side of my bed, my feet brushing on the wooden floor as I swung them.

Next to me? A corpse. There was this corpse on my bed.

Though, to be fair, it didn't even look like one at all. I mean, sure, it was a human body. But well, was it always that black, this body?

Is it burnt, but like, for real?

How scary can this overload of mana thing be?

I swear it genuinely looks burnt.

With my hands on my mattress, I came closer to it. My eyes squinted, examining him. It was a mingle of both melting and burning.

Hmph. I drew my face away from this stinky thing.

Boy, I'm happy I've changed found a new host. I've pulled the good moves.

And now, I can understand where that burning sensation came from.

Good grief.

Well, this was one thing to deal with.

Hopping off the bed, I stood up, "Ahh, it feels different," I stretched my body comfortably, "This sure is light, compared to the other one."

How can I get that dead body outta my room?

Though it hadn't been my room in the first place, now it certainly was.

I mean, yeah. Body's mine, and room rolls with that.

This room, it wasn't large nor minute.

There was a wooden bed, mostly.

Also some other features, like a closet and a chest for instance.

However, mostly, there was the bed--And nothing.

Ah, yes, there was a window, too.

This window was giving on the outside.

"And so it'll be my way out of this, huh?"

Coming closer to the window, I drew both curtains away with an opening movement.

The light assaulted me.

With squinty eyes, I opened it before I peered outside.

"Mmhm, mmhm. So there's enough place to do that," the opening of the window was wide enough, "And as it's in the back of the inn--Not facing the road with the people and all, nobody'll notice."

As my tiptoes grew numb from standing tediously standing up there, peering outside, I undid my position.

"Okay, so you, previous host, you'll go outside by the window, I can't just let you crash here. You'll draw too much attention, you know, right?"

With little jumps, I got before Tiny Boy's past self. I tangled my arms around his shoulder, "And heave-ho!"


Uh, was that normal?

Why wouldn't it move?

Shall I try harder?


Of course not.


I mean, aside from dragging him down to the floor, I couldn't do anything.

I had intended to lift it all up ... but well.


I'm not convinced.

I can lift it. There's no way I can't.

Deciding on that, I gave it another try.

But no.

"Huf, huf," my butt on the floor, I was exhausted, "It really won't move, huh…?"

Apparently, I can't just get rid of it through the window.

Still, no need to panic.

Well, it was a good plus to all these troubles I've run into so far. My dealing-with-problems skill had gone way, way up.

"Yes, indeed," I nodded to myself, "I can still shove it under the bed, correct?"

And thus I did. That elve really was weak. I wanted to scold her for being this weak.

From now on, though, I guess that's me. Let's just not be too harsh on myself.

Shoving it under the bed was still painful, but I've gotten by so far. That much wouldn't get me weak-willed to the point I'd give in.

Shoving the burnt and melted one under the bed?

I was done with that.

Once again now, I'd call in the terrific power of my newly obtained skill I 'Deal With Problems Like A Genius'--that wasn't even a real skill, for who knows what reason--and went on what was awaiting me.

Second thing, now.

Second thing was,

The guide. The voice. The writings.

My eyes turned to a slit, "So I do have little control over it, at least."

So what was the guide going on about spouting nonsense?

"Do your … uh, do your thing...?"



Then, let's try it that way:


❮A quest has been found.❯

Yes, that's it. I know.

The instructions, now.

❮Quest's details: The Player has to create his Character. Let the Player be heading to the Forest of Foret, ancient elven kingdom, to then meet with the Dryads. The dryads will surely help the Player creating his character. Only then will the Player start the Game.❯


So that was the Character's Creation quest, or whatever?

Back when I was only at my second host, I can remember having complained about all the trouble of having to constantly change vessels and whatnot.

Was that the apparent solution for me?

Was it showing me the way?

Still, the instructions? What do I need to do in order to accomplish that, guide or whatever?

❮Quest's instructions: 1. Let the Player follow the guiding fragrance and enter Foret's forest. 0/1❯


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