My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 32 - The Player Has To Create His Character (2)

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❮Quest's instructions: 1. Let the Player follow the guiding fragrance and enter Foret's forest. 0/1❯


I abruptly stood up. It was astonishing.


What's that?

Is that the 'guiding fragrance' the guide's talking about…?

Sniffing around, I could perceive and feel it.

Letting my nose guide me I went up to a corner of the room, "And so the fragrance's going that way, huh."

That was pretty neat. I hadn't been expecting anything of the sort. It surprised me. In a good way, at that.

In between the joint of the two walls, my nose was stuffed there, "And it smells kinda good, huh," that too was astonishing.

I had to come to a stop, though. Had it been guiding me for real, that was the way I was supposed to follow.

But well, "I won't just go through the wall like that anyway."

And even in the occurrence of me unexpectedly going through the wall, out of the blue, it wasn't like I intended to do as the guide indicated.

Oh, and there were the guarding guards, too.

What was more, it still left me clueless about it all. There were many details, yes. But upon each one of these details, I could raise other unexplained details.

I went back to my bed and sat upon it.

Maybe it was the way, though.

Asking for more information?

My hands were resting on my thigh, I wondered, "Should I even ask for more info…?"

If you asked me about the Usual Guide, well then, no. I wouldn't be so confident in asking for more. Already gave me much with all that.

But as of right now, Guide sure sounded pretty chatty and all, "Maybe I should just go for it. Nothing to lose, anyway."

"Ahem, ahem," I coughed emblematically, marking the beginning of my elaborate speech, "Me ... need other info. Otherwise me--"

❮Quest's additional information: Nobility. The Player has met the requirement to obtain his 'Nobility.'❯


❮Upon obtaining enough of both intellectual and physical power, a Regular Monster is acknowledged by the Mana as a 'Noble Being' on equal terms with the other humans.

❮When acknowledged as a Noble Being, or also known as Unique Being, a monster is granted a human, thus noble form.

❮The Player has obtained both power and sentience and as such, the Player is deemed worthy of obtaining a Nobility.❯

To be fair, I wasn't expecting much.


"Much information."

What else could I say?

Having both strength and intellectual sentience leads to being noble. I was strong, I must've been strong. Plus I had gotten the consciousness skill.

So that can happen, huh.

It says a regular monster can be granted a Nobility or something.

And so, if I got this straight, humans are noble creatures among other ones. And me, I've been acknowledge noble, too?

There must've been other cases of that happening, then.

That's cool.

Maybe I've got some fellas out there.

Ahh. And that wasn't all.

I'm kinda getting what that whole voice-writing thing is, at this point.

Basically, my guess is, it's just like what I'd call it--A guide.

She--let's consider it a 'she' since she speaks with a female-like voice--has been guiding me all the long.

From the first host to the last.

And that wasn't all.

There were the skills, too.

Then, was that guide something only specific to me?

This question would remain unanswered, even though I guess it was sort of unique, in its own way, too.

Anyway now, the guide's guiding me towards that quest.

While listening to all this information, my complexion ranged from a grinning one to an interrogative one.

There was much to talk about and discuss, but mainly: I'm strong; that I was sure of.

Now, so far, everything she, the guide, told me were indications on how to survive or whatever.

So, I mean, "A quest? Maybe I should do it."

The quest's about going to the Foret's forest or something.

"And this fragrance is showing me the way, right, okay," I could still smell it when I concentrated.

"All of that is very pretty … though I can't get out for now, Guide," let us not forget the guards wouldn't leave me be if I tried ahead and went out.

"So, Guide, Voice, Writings, whatever your name is, let's just call it a day."

There was also my job here.

Even though there were some technical problems, I'm sure I'll still be up to the job.

"Sorry, I just can't do that for now," I dismissed her.

And she said nothing.

Was that thing's confidence so high that she didn't even need to oblige me to do as she wanted?

I mean, so far, wasn't like I had any choice.

I peered back at the opened window again. I was thinking I should maybe go ahead and close it.

A fresh wind was finding its way inside the inn alongside the rays of the sun.

My third sun.

My third day.

And, oh.

There was also my third problem--which I had to deal with right away.

"But, uhh…"

What was it again?

"I mean, there definitely was a third problem," this was according to what I remembered.


"Well, I dunno anymore," I tried again to remember it, placing fingers on both temples, my eyes turning to a slit, "Well, no."

I couldn't recall.

If I've forgotten it, it must mean it wasn't that important anyway.

"Yes, it mustn't be important," jumping off my bed I got up, "Let's just take care of my work, now."

Before closing the window and curtains, I was headed downstairs.

I closed the door of my room behind me and continued on.

My light steps were silent on the wooden tiles.

The descending stairs greeted me as I took my steps downward.

After the stairs, I came to the main room of the tavern.

Relatively lesser people than yesterday, hm.

There were only a few people here and there, sipping on their soup and munching on their bread.

The big sister had already told me the busiest times ranged from sunset to nighttime.

Didn't quite believe her but well, upon observation lies strong evidence.


So there wouldn't be that much work for me at the moment.

Still, there must've been something I could've done.

Yes, I'm working here now.

Still, I had an issue.

I came to a stop.

A frown appeared on my face.

My fists were clenched.

What if the kind ma'am didn't want me anymore, in this form?

It wasn't like I could tell her I was what I was. That is to say a monster. No, I couldn't.

I bit my lips as my fist was clenched even harder.

Please, just let me work here, I prayed silently.

A sigh was to be let out from deep within me. There was no use brooding over it. I'd just go for it, as I always did up till now.

Only then did I proceed onwards.

Arriving next to her, from my tiny stature, I looked up at her face. Her face was just as usual. A bright smile was hanging on it.

Was she always smiling like that?

No, surely she must've seen me by now. I was blatantly approaching her.

Was she smiling at me then?

Coming to a stop, "I … I will work," I hesitantly managed.

"Young lass," she turned her face towards me, stopping what she was doing. "Working? Yes, yes. Working is good. Do you want to maybe do the same work as this aunt?"

"Yes, I will work," I took a step towards her, "Please, I will work. The same work. And eat good food afterward. Plus, I'd like to survive, too."

"Mmhm, mmhm. I understand. Times are hard, aren't they?"

Did she really understand, though?

"Here," Kind Ma'am took both a slice of bread and cheese, put the cheese on top of the bread, and hand it over to me, "Work hard, then, little princess. But first, you have to eat."

"Take this," next thing she took was my hand as she placed her bread in my palm, "You first got to eat well and be strong, strong, strong. Only then will you be able to help the ones around you, okay, princess?"

Standing back up she also muttered a few words which I didn't fully grasp the meaning of.

I don't want this cheese and bread, Kind Ma'am…!

I want food but I also want to work!

How did I need to introduce myself to her so that she'd let me work with her?

No… She has to get this straight…!

I just have to tell her!


"Oh? Has she been bothering you?"

They surprised me. Two hands.. Gripping on my shoulders, immobilizing me from behind.

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