My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 33 - The Player Has To Create His Character (3)

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"Oh? Has she been bothering you?"

They surprised me. Two hands.

They came quickly and now were resting on both my shoulders.

"We apologize if she has," said one male elf to the kind ma'am.

Ho--How could I just forget that??????


"No way, she hasn't, now."

Hastily brushing the two sturdy hands which were resting on my shoulders, I turned facing him--Or them.

Is he alone?

My breathing grew stirred.

Or is that one on the left with him, too?!

"You…" I stared angrily at the one who'd touched me, "I know this doesn't look like it, but…"

"Yes, princess?"

"Just leave me alone!" I slowed my breathing down, "I have nothing to do with you…!"

The atmosphere became tensed.

Hurriedly turning back to the kind ma'am, I tried to speak, "Please, if you could just let me--"


"Will you stop touching me already?!"

Crap. Now they'll clearly see something's off with their, err, daughter, probably.

"Princess, what would that ruckus be for, hm? Please, don't make a scene here. You know well these kind people won't stand your fuss when they want their calm and peace."


Keep your lessons to yourself, elf.

Hate to admit it, but he was right, though.

I didn't know myself why I was this high-strung. I just couldn't help it. Maybe I didn't want to be taken away from here.

More importantly, was I that stupid?

It wasn't a given that nobody would come after me after I'd gotten myself a new host.

The first time, with Remie boy in the restaurant, they came after me--His family members.

They even killed me.

After I'd taken over the one who'd killed me, more family members came to me!

They wanted to kill me, too!

Only the third host, whom I'd called Tiny Boy, so far, there had only been him with his wicked brothers to leave me alone … well, at least they did that!

Now, of course this would've happened.

Me, I'm a monster.

The humans, they all wanna kill me.

Think … think!

I have to find a way out of this!

Mana--Maybe I can use mana, in this form!

Okay, it's good.

Using my skills, I'm sure I can shrug off any of their tentative plans to kill me or to take me away.

Looking around me, there were the two elves.

One of them was extending his hands to me, sort of trying to calm me, "Princess, please, let's just talk this through, okay? I'm sure there's a misunderstanding. We will work this out, okay?"

My eyes met with the other one of them.

"Hmph!" He only coldly snorted when he saw me.

A wrinkle appeared in the space between my brow. I frowned.

Turning my back to them, I looked at Kind Ma'am. She was just behind me.

Her expression seemed to say something like, 'Is this okay?'

There was nothing I could say.

I only nodded to her. Hopefully, she'd understand.

"Sure, okay, whatever you say," I turned back to my new problems, "Let's just talk this out."


I was tired of all of this.

I just wanted to settle down in some cozy place--Like this inn, for example.

And they were getting in the way.

What a pain in the ass, seriously.

"Let--Let's just--Follow me," I stammered a little bit and I headed outside.

Repeatedly clicking my tongue, I reached the creaking door. It would lead me outside, the door.

With abrupt movements, I slammed it open.

Thud, thud, thud.

Three steps on three stairs and I was out.

I turned and looked behind me, they followed just fine.

These two, I'll kill them.

I tightened my grip.

A knife was stuck in there.

I'll just kill them.

End of the story.

Calming Elf was first to leave. While he was holding the door for his colleague our eyes met.

I could see anxiousness on the man's complexion.

Quickly stuffing my butter knife in my pocket.

I looked at him, sort of asking him where'd we go to talk this through.

Even though I had no plan of talking anything through.

They'd just be dead.

He didn't say anything, "So, where do we go?!" I urged him to speak.

"Th--This way, princess," Calming Elf showed me the way before he turned to his angry counterpart that I shall refer to as Angry Elf.

"What's the matter with her…?" He said while whispering.

I could hear that just fine though.

In response, Angry Elf simply stared at him, he didn't seem to care.

His expression really told much about him.

He didn't care.

He had better things to care about.

He wouldn't just care, to make it short.

His face? It wasn't ugly.

Yet, he must've been the most hideous-looking person I'd ever seen.

"Tsk," I clicked my tongue in annoyance.

I truly was pissed off. My situation would piss off anyone.

Without a delay, I got where I needed to get, I think.

There was a carriage. A big wooden carriage with two horses ahead of it. The likes of which I'd seen while visiting the village, at first.

It was parked next to the inn, sideways. And it hadn't been the only one, there were some other carriages over here. Though tinier in volume.

Some horses were also scattered here and there attached to their respective columns.

And that was it.

My hand went back clenching my knife again. It was resting within one of my dress' pockets.

With that knife, I could go all slash-slash at their face.

They were finally here.

I gulped.

Their footsteps followed mine. I turned back and faced them both.

"So, princess, will you explain to us what is weighing down on you?"

The two of them were only a half dozen meters away, facing me.

"I just--"

"Tsk, tsk. I didn't say anything up til now, now it's too much, though. You really don't know how to handle her, Laerd," Angry Elf disrupted me. "She only has value as a slave, now, and you know it."

"Don--Don't make it like she is…! I forbid you from doing so!"

"Uhhh? That attitude again--"

"She's still our princess!"

"Shut! Up!" And this was my replica, "I'm nobody's princess, ya understand me correct?!"

The two of them only looked at me with dumbfounded faces.

Angry turned back to Calming.

"See? That's what I'm telling ya, Laerd," Angry Elf cracked his neck and proceeded to walk towards me, "Just look and learn. That's how we need to educate her."

"Don't be rash…!"

"Shush, shush, just behold the man."

"I'm telling you not to be rash!" Calming grabbed his fellow's left arm, "Don't be rash," he insisted.

"Don't you ever do that to me again," brushing Calming's arm away, "I'm showing you how to handle the kid," getting his arm off Calming's grip, "You just watch!"

So, what was that, now?

A mutiny?

No, it wasn't the word.

Rather, it was a conflict.

It was good.

Conflict would beget confusion.

And confusion would work with me.

"What's up with the angry face, princess, huh?! It doesn't look girly at all," he threw at me as he walked towards me.

"Let's say it's not girly, what of it? What you gonna do about that, hm?"

"You want it?"

"Try me?"



That blasted off quicker than I'd thought.

"I'm telling you not to be rash … son of a…!"


I mean, sure, why not.

"I'm Laerd Lifiel Vertael! I'm your superior...! Don't force me to use it!"

I grinned.

"Ho? Does it amuse you, princess?" Angry grinned back at me.

"Nah. Actually, it's just … "

What he didn't know was that he was within my reach, "Four Deadly Black!"

My hand drew a line at him.


He avoided.


Following with another line. Horizontal, this time.


"My fingers…! My fucking fingers…!"

Two light thuds clapped on the dirty ground.

"What--What the fuck was that?!"


And I wasn't finished, angry one.


"Saritar Ek Olan!"

From his left hand--the untouched hand--gushed forth blinding light.


What did he do?

I can't see a thing ... what's that?

Did he avoid me?

Is that his hand grasping on my forehead?

Ahh… My eyes are heavy as hell.

What's that…?

"You brought this upon yourself!"

"You shut up Laerd! And you nutty princess, you go to sleep for now!"

Yes ... I just go to sleep--No!


Am I really sleeping, though?

No ... I can't just...!

My eyelids were becoming heavier with each passing second.

At some point, they just closed.

"That's it, you little bitch...!"

I just went to sleep.

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