My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 34 - Old Sipping

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Rolling again and again.

They were treading their way on the moist ground.

The wheels turned and turned. Over and over again. They didn't do so much as take any second of rest.

They only did that.

Why were the wheels rolling that way?

The wheels, they were guiding something. A huge chunk of wood from above them.

Indeed, on top of the wheels, there was a chariot. And it wasn't just any chariot, no. It was their chariot. The wheels' chariot.

This whole little group of four wheels and one chariot were navigating through the lands.

How were the wheels even moving, I hear you ask further?



Horses were transporting that old rusty carriage, yes.

They just sort of carried it alongside the wheels. It was a funny set.

Giving them names, it was just like this; Horses would pull Carriage, and Wheels would help Carriage sliding smoothly on the ground.

It wasn't my first time beholding that spectacle. I'd seen that already back in the village. This time, I was part of the carriage, so, even funnier, right?

Anyhow, I was here, rolling down the road, alongside that rusty carriage as it swung from left to right.

Abruptly swinging and trembling, the carriage still was moving. It didn't give in to the road.

The road wasn't all that smooth in itself, no.

Still, the carriage managed to get pulled and pulled.

And thus, there was me, in a carriage, going about my path--Or rather, the carriage's path.

However, I wasn't aware of any of that.

I was sleeping.

It wouldn't take long before I'd wake up, though.

The carriage, as for itself, was still steadily marching onwards.

It wasn't deviating nor was it straying from its way.

The only imperfection was just as I mentioned earlier: Carriage liked to swing from left to right, at some times.

On the crude path of this place we were traveling through, there were holes here and there. It was an unrefined and plain pathway.

We were in a forest.

A vast, green forest.

The forest was dense and large.

And aside from the chirping birds, and the creaking sounds emanating from the big chunk of wood, there were barely any sounds at all.

❮Main Quest: Character's Creation.❯

❮Let the Player follow the guiding fragrance to find his way into the forest. 1/1❯

❮New instructions: ...❯

❮New instructions: The Dryads aren't the Player's enemy. Surely, if the Player calls the Dryads in for help creating his character, they will help him. Head to the forest's core and find the Dryads in Foret's core--Resulted in failure.❯

❮Recalculating instructions ...❯

❮New instructions: The old man's house is within the woods. The old man will certainly play a core role in the Player's journey. Head to the old man's place, he will surely help the Player to accomplish his quest. 0/1❯

Oh, and now, I did mention the path, yes.

So, the path?

Where was it headed to?

I dunno.

I wouldn't know.

Just as always.

'Cause, me, I've just been knocked out, remember?

I tried to fight them. But … well, let's not beat around the bush--I lost.

I hate to break it to myself, but I have to.


Pains me to admit it, but that's just how it went.

The elves, I must've underestimated them. They got me unconscious as a result. With some sort of weird spell, if I remember correctly.


Now, since I just mentioned them, let's move on to them.

The elves.

They were here in the carriage, with me.

Our carriage, it was mostly made out of wood.

Simply yet beautifully structured.

It wasn't big, nor was it little.

It could just fit the two of them on one of the benches perfectly fine. And there would also be still enough space for a third seat if they tried to make room a bit.

Their side of the carriage gave on the horses. There was something like a window. Except, there wasn't any glass.

Yes, it was just an empty square space on their behind. From that hole, they'd probably manage the horses.

That must've been it. Otherwise, it'd just be a useless hole in the chariot's wooden structure.

A useless structure that'd invite the fresh wind inside, letting it go in and out as it pleased.

All three of us were inside the chariot.

Angry and Calming were on one side of this enclosed moving space sitting on one bench.

On the opposite bench, I was resting.

And this wind, it was cold.

Going on in and out, brushing my fragile white skin here and there, also going all its way up to my nose, the wind was freezing me.

It was good.

Don't get the wrong idea. It wasn't agreeable, far from that.

Still, it was good.


My sneeze would wake me up.

I sneezed, coming to the world.

And I'd sneeze again a couple of times.

That was pretty much it.

The wheels went on creaking from time to time.

And though it was kind of rare, the carriage did creak too, sometimes.

Chirping birds were to be heard here and there, too.

To all this nonsensical yet harmonious chorus, now, my repeated sneezing sounds joined were to be added in.

And just like that, within that virtually soundless green forest, we just went on with the road.

My sleepiness was growing flimsier and flimsier with each sneeze.

At some point, it finally woke me up.

I rubbed my nose, "Achoo, achoo!"

And that's exactly at this moment that I started to scan around me.

The benches.

The carriage.

The horses.

The elves.

The forest.

In what mess did I get myself involved in, this time?

I frowned.

A little blanket was lying, covering me. I took it off. Stretching my arms on the bench, I got myself into a sitting position.

My eyes stared at them. The elves.

A yawn then escaped my mouth.

It was a big yawn. So much so that it made me tear up a little bit.

My tiny little hand hiding my gaping mouth, I looked back at them.

Calming's eyes met mine. A hesitant smile was to be put on his bright lips. He did try to utter words, I think. His lips had parted. But before letting the supposedly words out, he stopped and looked down.

Calming's expression wasn't that of his fellow.

On the opposite side of their bench, there was Angry.

As his nickname indicated, he was angry. Or looked angry, to say the least.

Angry didn't bother looking at me.

Maybe there was bad blood between us. After all, I had slashed a couple of his fingers, not too long ago. Surely, he must've remembered it.

Well, either way, his face always harbored the same shades of hideous angriness, regardless of the situation.


Looking at his hand, it looks perfectly fine, though.

His hand was fine.

Well, whatever.

Surely, I'm not all-knowledgeable about this world's ways.

I also remember someone telling me about healing magic or something.


Why is Angry avoiding my glance, then? No, it isn't even that. He just doesn't bother looking at me, I'll bet.

I don't like that organic creature.

All he gives off is some nasty and smelly vibes. Blehh.

I hope he dies.


Die, Angry.

Just die.

Well, and there was this hideous one, but there was also the kind one.

Calming, on the other hand, he was looking at me. I liked this dude.

If not for these circumstances, I think we'd have been good buddies.

Complicated circumstances, huh.

Well, isn't time to talk, now.

"So, you don't intend on talking at all, Calming?"

"Uh-oh, uh … Calming, princess?"

Without knowing how to respond to my question, he more or less stammered his reply to me.

"Err, that's true. You must be as lost as I am, Calming," I tried to explain to him.

Weren't we all first planning on talking this through? That's what I should've done since the beginning, obviously.

Or maybe not.

Still, it was my blunder.

Now, I must be away from Kind Ma'am.

My face was turned as I peered through the windows.

Yes, I could see we weren't in the village anymore.

A shame.

Don't tell me I'll have to go all the way back to it.

Where are we even supposed to be right now, anyway…?

I sighed inwardly.

Calming was waiting for me to speak.

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