My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 36 - Whack

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A family.

I had gotten myself a family.

And now, did they want to take me away?

Did they just expect me to give up on my household, just like that?

Hmph. That'd be underestimating me, right.

I couldn't just lose it without putting up a good fight.

Kind Ma'am told me family is precious. She insisted, there's nothing that can replace family.

And maybe that was right.

Well, while thinking you'd first need to get yourself a proper family first, I just couldn't disagree in any way with her.

Kind Ma'am was precious.

Even though my circumstances were a bit … complicated, to say the least, she was precious.

As if I'd give up on her that easily.

I was on the run.

"Hey, you brat, get back here, immediately!"

"Quick Pace!"


A piercing whooshing sound was being emitted by me.

My foot landing on the ground, my steed increased instantly.

During a whooshing movement, my steed decreased significantly, too.

But once again, my foot would land on earth in a quick movement. Dirt would fly off with the impact of my heel.

And right at the moment, I'd go wooshing again, piercing through the air. My speed would likewise be increased.

Repeating that process over and over again, I was constantly increasing and decreasing in speed.

This was my skill.

And it sure proved useful.

Without it, I'd still be far behind.

"Princess! Please, you need to come back, you know your people need you! Please!"

It was faint, but I still could hear the two of them calling me out.

I really was super fast.

Would it be that easy for me to escape, though?

Like, I was going all out right now. But, they'd surely go all out too at some point, right?

Argh. When will they understand I'm not anyone's princess anymore, huh?

Right now, I'm running away from them.

And so I wasn't wrong to expect some resistance out of these two, too.

They decided to chase after me.

Are they that desperate about their princess? Yeah, they're pretty damn concerned about the current situation, if you ask me.

Gets me wondering now, what can their story even be?

Will they too, get me into trouble? The thief brothers sure did.

Well, regardless, I'm off now.

The forest was dense. I was fading away within that density.

Where was I headed to?

After having hopped off the chariot, I was in the middle of the road.

Scanning around me, I could see the path was just like a regular one. The likes of the ones I'd seen in the village. But even cruder than that.

There were simply two directions available to me. I needed to run off, and quickly.

To the right?

To the left?

Peering back and forth, both ends seemed to be endless.

So we were far off the village already. What a pain in the ass it was.

Was I making the right call?

In any case, I was already doing it. I was already on the run, though. Too late to turn back.

I couldn't just find enough time to get paused here and decide on which path to take, either.

So, in doubt, I just decided to go right through the woods.

Branches were dense, but hopefully, I would find myself a way out in there.

As it had been extremely leafy and dense, it was still the case right now.

There are so many branches.

My eyes.

I needed my eyes to see properly.

Stretching my arms before me to shelter my eyes, I still was proceeding onwards.

I'd just avoid the bigger branches. They weren't that many, thankfully.

Well, and I won't say it enough times but, the 『Quick Pace』 skill sure proved useful.

And luckily, this host I was dwelling in right now, she could take it.



I tried my best not to look behind me.

They must've been putting on their strongest voice for me to hear them. I was super far off, after all.

How far were they, though?


But now I'm tempted to just … yes, just take a look at them.

Were they near me?

Were they far off?

I'll just take a quick look at them.

A tiny little quick look, only that much.

It wouldn't possibly hurt me, right?

I was at full speed.

My pupils hesitantly tried to go ahead and peer behind me, from the corner of my eyes.

And just as my face turned and peered behind me…



I ... what?

Why's everything turning again…?


That tree … ugh.


They're far off, I could see that.



I fell to the ground unconscious.

I whacked myself hard on a tree.








My ears were ringing like mad.

I … I've been too careless.

Ah ... is … is that blood?

And my brows was frowning like mad, too.

A dull sensation was striking me from within my head.

I placed a hand on my forehead.

My vision was only faintly blurred out, it was okay.

Or was it?

I was still on all fours, trying to get a hold of myself.

There weren't any blood pads before me.


Okay, I'm not dead yet.


There still was blood on my left hand, though.

My left brow has absorbed all the shock, I think.

My face frowned.

"Princes…! You must be hurt?!"

Ahh, what did I do, now?

I must be looking like a dumb person.

As painful as it may have been, I stood up.

I nearly stumbled down.

My arms were to be extended in circles near my sides, "I'm… Okay, balancing's just fine…"

I could stand up.

"Here, princess, you can grip on my arm," an arm was extended to me.

"Shove it!"

I clicked my tongue. When had they time to catch up with me again?

Princess this, princess that... I'm nobody's princess...!

Will you stop calling me that already?

Didn't I overreact, though?

"Ahem," I coughed on my hand, "Sorry about that, I'll be fine on my own from now on. Don't worry, Calming."

"B--But… Princess… Are you going on again with that?"

"Look. Just don't worry about me. I repeat, I'll be fine on my own from now on," I tried to as gently as possible brush his hands off my shoulders and started to move.

Why was I having this conversation again?


Talk about ridicule.

And, "Oh…!" I darted on my side, "Easy, you. Easy."

Angry joined in, too.

So what happened was, while I'd knocked myself unconscious (in the most pathetic and moronic way) they'd time to catch up with me.

Just now, Angry tried to grab my arm.

With a simple stare from Calming, he'd stopped, though.

He was huffing significantly more than Calming.

What's more, he didn't utter a word, either.

What had happened between these two after Angry had slapped me? I didn't inquire.

He must've been called out or something.

Angry sure seemed way more docile than his usual self.


Not my people anymore, these two.

I'll be off, now--

Calming stepped up, "Obviously, princess, we weren't familiar with the fact your … your father had enlightened you in the art of skills. Though I'm afraid, princess, we cannot take such risks…" his sight was now cast downward.

"Uh… My father or something? I don't have--Ahem, I… Well, I'm just not--"

I sighed.

"Look, just kindly leave me be, would ya?"

"Princess, your mastery over the fast-paced technique you've been using is beyond impressive," he went on blabbering about who knows what again. "One can indeed see how much time and effort you must have spent in its mastering."

About that skill? Quick Pace? Well, I just sorta obtained it without giving it too much apprehension.

Was it really that good, though?

He spoke to me.

Honestly, I wanted to leave now. I didn't urge him to stop, however.

Why is that? I dunno.

Not like I enjoyed being praised right now. Nu-uh.

I'd at least give him that much and play along if he so happened to want to talk to me.

"Yeah, pretty damn impressive, sure, and what?"

"I reckon you've spent great quantities of effort to get to that level… Anyone can see that…"

Hehehehe ... not at all actually.

Maybe am I just too strong for the likes of them, though.

"Just get right straight to the point, man."

"But even with that much, the enemy we're dealing with is just too robust and vigorous."

Hmm. Does he think I should be afraid...?

I gesture to him with my chin to continue.

"Princess ... you know too much well that the foes' average strength point is far above than ours ... some say it's 23 and but some others say 25..."

And he stopped talking.

Was that all?

Plus, what were the strength points he talked about?

It could've been useful information.

As I was about to inquire--I thought no.

I needed to get going already.

Plus obviously, he must've been referring to the levels.

I was level 30 from what I recalled.

But regardless, was that finally over?

"Err, and can I go now?" I raised one brow in interrogation.

Calming's face twitched. It was now adorned by a grave and agitated expression. His eyes were cast downwards.

Suddenly, he took a step in my direction and grabbed my shoulder firmly with both hands.

I didn't avoid him.

If it was him, I don't think I'd get another taste of their elvish spell.

He crouched down, facing me with his sorrowful expression, "Princess! You don't seem to understand! That many points of strength are just gigantic...! We're talking about years and years of experience here...!"


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