My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 37 - Capture

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"Princess! You don't seem to understand! That many points of strength are just gigantic...! We're talking about years and years of experience here...!"

"There, there," I gave him back his hands, "Keep these, you'll need them. Also, I'm level 30 myself, by the way."

Angry didn't have anything to say, he stayed stilled and silent.

And now, on the other hand, Calming was done talking about whatever was on his mind.

"I don't really know if I was making myself clear or not, but I told you I'd be going, now. So, if that's all, I'll be going, then."

"--Princess," Calming's hand once again went to grip on my arm, "Just wait."

"--Look, I'm just pissed off when you do that," his personality was fine. He looked soothing and relaxing, this man. But that, I really couldn't stand, "Don't just touch me. I hate it."

This time about, he didn't grab me without a reason, though.

"Saritar Ek Olan!"


And that came back again.

Part of why I didn't want to face them in a fight another time.

It surprised me, but I could avoid being sent to sleep this time about.

Wiping off his arm of me, I jumped backward.

As expected, his brightened hand had to come in contact with my skin for his spell to work.

"Don't just try to mess with me outta nowhere, Calming. I can understand you're desperate for some reason," I glared fiercely at both him and Angry, "But don't you just attack me out of nowhere, you understand?"

Angry was an asshole.

Calming wasn't.

I thought of letting him fix that part of his personality.

My back showed itself to their duo.

And I departed--Though, no.

"Sa--Saritar Ek Olan!"

I darted onward and avoided him, once again.

"Okay," I sighed, "Now that's annoying."


Calming clicking his tongue, huh. How rude.

"How can she just…! Where's that speed even come from, Laerd?!"

"I… I don't know, either. We must capture her, though. We have no choice."

Come on, now.

I just listened to them talking.

"Why are you guys even..."

From where they stand, I must've been like some sort of super-strong genius kid whom they hadn't suspected to be the owner of such strength before.

And still, they wanted to get me. I mean, what are the odds they're pulling that off, hmm?

I didn't bother asking.

Annoying. Truly annoying. Beyond annoying.

They didn't want to let me go.

And, ugh.

"Now that I think about it, I'll have to deal with you guys anyway. Otherwise, there's just no telling when you'll stop following me," I marched onward, "Follow me."

I had time.

The inn? It'd just wait.

It'll have to wait.

These two, I'll cross a line on them. They'd be dealt with.

Inviting them to follow me, they just took me to the words.

And I led them.

We were still in the forest.

How would I deal with them?

As of right now, I couldn't fight. I didn't have a sword.

In terms of attack, I was just as weak as they were against me.

Marching onward, I glanced behind me, they were here. Big dudes were struggling even more than me with all the leaves and branches.

Following my steps, they chatting secretly between themselves.

They may have thought I didn't understand their little chitchat, but well, Mana Perception was super versatile, to say the least.

I could hear distinctly the content of their moving lips' chattering.

They talked about me, obviously.

The princess really is strong, they said. They didn't know about it at all, they also said and as such, it really surprises them.

They could be proud of their princess. They didn't doubt the potential of their princess.

Nonetheless, they still needed to capture me.

Otherwise, there was no telling how the True Demon Lord would punish and debase their elven brethren.

All of what they were doing, they justified it via the greater good. The well-being of their people.

Apparently, I wasn't the only one with a funny story, it seemed.

Sure seemed complicated on their side, too.

Was life the same for everyone?


Enough of that anyway.

Let me rather talk to you more about that awesome skill, [Mana Perception]

I could hear the two of them talking secretly.

But hey, this wasn't all. Apparently, I could also expand my senses to my surroundings.

Reading all the mana particles to get an actual image of the vicinity.

When I first got to discover that, it was quite demanding to use it that way. I was trying to eat rats at the time. Time sure's passed, huh.

Now though, it was another story. I wasn't strained physically nor was I doing something overly complicated.

I could just walk, close my eyes, and concentrate.

Exercising the Mana Perception skill, I'd get to see.

How far did my senses go?

No idea.

But the more I buckled down to it, the farther away I could go.

I didn't know. Though if I was to guess, I'd say, something like, far but more than that. Far, far.

Yes. Far-far. A distance along those lines.

I really needed to buckle down to it, though.

I wouldn't use that at any moment. I just couldn't allow myself to.

And now, far-far in the direction we were walking towards, there was a home.

Just a regular habitation.

It was surrounded by trees and bushes.

A fine little cozy home.

In that home ... it was blurry, guess I wasn't that good at it, but still, I could identify many things.

From among these many things ... there was cookware.

Yes, cookware, I can see that's cooking utensils.

And yes, that was the important detail.

Oh and also, an old man was eating in this home, right as we speak. But that was a separate matter upon which I hold no interest whatsoever.


There might have been a hole on the earth I was treading...

I fell again.

Thankfully though, I'd time to get back up without a problem.

In a brief moment, I sensed their footsteps accelerating in my direction.

These two… Good grief.

I could only sigh inwardly.

They really were in on their project of capturing me, huh.

Anyhow, I stood back up and went on marching again, without a word.

And we just marched.

I did as though I'd sensed nothing coming from them.

I'd better not alarm these elves.

They tried to engage in conversation from time to time. I didn't respond, though.

Ignoring them, we walked a bit more.

Until they started to see the cozy house in front of us.

They went back again, chatting to themselves, whispering.

Uh? Whose home is that? They inquired among themselves.

Were there even inhabitants in this part of Foret before? Calming pointed out.

Must be something only her father knew, right. Angry found his explanation.

At first, I was kind of worried about the relationship between those two, (not at all actually) with what happened between them back when Angry slapped me again.

Well, they seemed to be back to where they previously were.

Isn't that beautiful, now.

It didn't take long before we arrived at the mysterious inhabitant's home.

All in all, we'd walked for three minutes or so.

Facing the habitation which was resting in front of us three, I turned towards them, "Are you guys ready?" A playful grin was on my complexion.


"--Shhh," I placed a finger on my lips, "No more princess this, princess that."

I had their attention.

"Ahem, ahem," I coughed emblematically in one of my hands marking the beginning of my speech, "Gentlemen, as you might well be acquainted with, we're having an issue. My party is unfortunately in conflict with yours."


I waved a hand at Calming, indicating to him to wait.

"Now, let's just get straight to the point. We all know here, as grown-up adults that, issue begets conflict; conflict begets violence," they were still following me, good.

"Grown-up adults… pfft--"


Angry went back in his line when I indicated him to, too.

Was it my status as a princess that made them that docile when I talked? Most likely, yes.

It was fun. Having abruptly hushed him, he was quiet.

Ah, "And, uh, violence, in its turn, will beget … some other thing! Some other bad, bad thing!" I lost my track of thoughts.

I just wanted to sound cool.

Did it work?


Let's continue then.

"So, well, basically ... hmm … ugh."

Ah, screw that.

"Ok, so, basically, we just fight, whoever wins leave the other," I briefly explained. "You guys good with that?"

That way, we had rules. With those rules, they wouldn't be getting in my way anymore.

Did they understand?

"Don't you mean, whichever party wins gets to get what they want…? Otherwise, I mean, princess, no matter who wins you get to leave us, dum--Uh, princess."

"Uh…" I made a mistake, "Yes! Very much so, yes. You understood correctly, gotta hand it to you this time, Angry."

Oh, and I also forgot to tell them we'd fight inside. Would be our private arena.

Mhm. No matter. They must've understood that too.

My hands were put on the handle of the rusty door.

Before pressing the handle, my eyes squinted, I turned back to the two boys behind me one last time, "Just for the record, I made that mistake on purpose, that clear??"

Calming looked at me and nodded silently.

"Just wanted to see whether you guys followed or not, mmhm."

And calming went on nodding again.

Angry just bit his lips and looked away, for some reason. It wasn't like he was suppressing laughter or something.

"Follow me in, then," my hand pressed on the handle. Following the click of its handle, the door opened. "I'm allowing myself in."

❮Quest: Character's Creation.❯

❮Head to the old man's place: 1/1❯

❮New instructions: Keep company to the old man up until he decides on helping the Player. 0/1❯


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