My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 42 - New Plans (2)

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My story.

My beginning.

My state of consciousness and sentience.

I decided to tell him everything.

And so I'd do.

Surrounded by the four walls and accompanied by an old man, my lips moved and moved.

The burning furnace that was the source of the warmth of this house continued to crack with repeated and calculated measures, telling its own story on its own.

The same old sipping sounds were to be emitted from the old sipping's absurd way of drinking.

Me, I was just talking, stretching my hands here and there, adding in descriptions to what I'd been through.

I went all slashy-slashy and whacky-whacky with my hands, describing decisive moments of my story.

I slashed at people a lot, and whacked myself a lot, indeed.

Slashing movements, there were particularly many of them.

And adding themselves to this harmonious and peaceful chorus of sounds, knock-knock sounds ranged out from time to time, breaking my pace and disturbing me.

The elves.

They knocked repeatedly but didn't come in.

So it was fine.

To sum my story up so far in a few words: there is a flightless bird; the bird gets wings somehow, the bird flies; this bird is me.

"Mhm-mhm, isn't that a wonderful story, young lad."

Commenting on my soliloquy, Old Sipping spoke from time to time.

And I just continued.

My story was long, already.

Still in the middle of it, I interrupted myself, "What about your story, Old?" There was something I indeed wanted to clarify.

I made it look as though it was simple curiosity.

'Cause I'm talking, but you could be talking too, Old.

He pointed out to me I wasn't finished yet with my story, didn't I want to finish it up before hearing his?

I replied I was fine.

"Well, well, do you want to know this old man's story?"

"Yes, please."

"Hmm… You're quite catching me off-guard on this, young lad … I think you might be deceived as to what the content of my story would be."

"Still, go on," I was eager to know.

"Ahem, ahem," putting down his cup of tea, finally he spoke, "My story, hmm? Where shall I begin? It's … It's a very long story, young lad."

"I'm looking forward to it," stretching my arms on the table, I rested my head on them.

"In one little village, there were my parents--"


I was astounded.

"So you're really going to tell me?"

"Hmm," Old gripped his teacup, "Young lad, you lost me. Weren't you the one asking for me to tell you?"

"Uh, yeah, sure," that was true, yes, "But I mean, I didn't think you'd tell me."

His wrinkled face turned and faced mine. One of his eyebrows was to be raised in interrogation.

Knock, knock, knock!

Both of our pairs of eyes then turned and looked at the entrance, the door.

"Do not just pay them any mind, young lad," his interrogating face went back looking at me, then, "So, shall I tell you, now?"

"Err, no. I'm fine," I waved at him, "I just don't care about your story, Old. Just keep it to yourself."

"--Oop. Am I being rude right now, though, Old?"

If so, I didn't mean it.

I'm just not interested.

I just didn't think he'd tell me.

Oh, and he kinda looks disappointed, now.

"This old man doesn't understand, but, put your mind at ease," his hand went and gripped his cup once again.

It was as if his hand couldn't wait any longer.

Bringing it to his mouth, he muttered, "I reckon I can expect that much out of young folks, hmph!"


Kinda feel bad.

Was he that eager to tell me, hm?

"If you say, so..? You can tell me if you want."

"No is no! I wasn't looking forward to it! My story, it's boring, young lad!"

"I can--I can explain," my face grimaced a bit.

It didn't take long before I chuckled a little bit, though.

I mean, Old, don't be so blatant there.

Well, it was funny.

I had to explain to him.

"I mean, yes, I thought I was the only one talking here."

Taking his time to sip and drink, he didn't reply yet.

And it was just fine.

Sipping tea ASMR was one of my favorite kinds.

Just kidding, heh.

After some point, he finally opened up his lips, his tongue moved.

"What? Do you think this was some sort of investigation of some sort?"

"Uhh, yeah mainly, why?"

"Because it's not! Come on, little one!"

Hmm, and I stopped the course of my story for this answer.

So it wasn't questioning of some sort, right?

I just thought, maybe this old human hitting me with his 'So, tell me your story, young lad' meant this was some sort of interrogation or something.

That's what I'd been eager to know. He'd provided me with an answer.

And glad to see Old didn't dwell on me not liking his story.

I mean, I didn't even get to listen to it, right? Maybe I'll listen afterward, he's fun.

"But then again, I mean, what are you?"

The guide spoke of him. The old man. That's how he was being referred to.

"Hmm, what? So you think you have to be wary of this old lonely old man that I am," a dry chuckle was to be let out of his dry old throat.

"To answer your question, just an old uncle dwelling here in these woods, without single relative breathing, I guess…"


Is that so?

He didn't speak further so I didn't inquire more.

"Ahem," so he wasn't anything for me to be suspicious about, "Just wanted to know."

Still, this situation was the first of its kind.

The Guide, she could also tell me to team up with other living beings, huh.

Up till now, wasn't it all just about getting new hosts?

"Ahem, ahem, anyway. So, this story of mine, Old, aren't you eager to know the rest?" I tried to cheer him up a little bit.

After he'd nodded to me, I continued.

Still gotta accompany that old man through his loneliness. And I mean, at this point, it wasn't even like I had to do it.

Quest or no quest, I'd gladly accompany that old uncle for a little bit more.

I was acting as per the guide at first.

Now though, different story.

Poor old man must be feeling pretty lonely too.

And thus, my story continued.

Again and again.

Time passed and passed.

I was nearly done with it.

"And thus I got here, within these woods. After I taunted them, I could flee.

"And uh, these people from the inn I talked to you about? I wanted to go back to them, yes.

"I really was willing to be part of their home--Even though, well, it was complicated 'cause I'm a monster.--

"Ohhhh! And, argh!

"I'm so dumb, Old."

I just understood something.

"Couldn't I just follow the path to get back to the village? It's so obvious now that I think about it, huh."

"Indeed, you could have done that, young lad," he commented, "Still, your mistake is not of the worst, I believe. "

"Yes. And me, I wanna get there at all costs.

"Now that I think of it, I could've just gone back to them in a jiffy after exiting the carriage.

"But well, that's that, huh. My mistake got me there with you--"

"Sorry to interrupt, young lad, but--"

With the same 'Sorry to interrupt,' Old stopped me. He would comment on my story, like he'd been doing all this time.

"No, you're not interrupting, go on."

"Hmm. These people, they didn't even try to stop the hmm, shall I refer to them as 'stinky elves' as you do…?

"Hmm. These stinky elves, they tried to get you away. How come now this kind madam of your story didn't prevent them from doing so?"

"Oh, that's 'cause she didn't know it was me."

"Hmm. But then again, young lad, what if she had known?"

What if she'd known, huh.

I can understand what he means.

"Didn't the one you called 'big sis' also told you you weren't their ally in any way…? Quite the contrary, actually."

Yeah, sure.

I understand where he's going like this.

My hands were slammed on the table.

"So, to me, I mean, and excuse my bluntness but, why would you return to them?"

"What are you tryna say, Old?"

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