My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 43 - New Plans (3)

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"So, to me, I mean, and excuse my bluntness but, why would you return to them?"

He had a point.

Still, though.

"What are you tryna say, Old?"

"No, no. Don't misunderstand, young lad. If you will to be with them, then so be it. I just thought this old man's experience would be useful to you," he calmly explained.

"Still though, I told it to you earlier, you still don't seem like you're ready to reflect," he then muttered to himself, "Just a kid, after all."

"I'm not a kid!"

"Did you not tell me yourself, that you were only 'born' a few days ago?"

"I know what I am, Old. And I'm not a kid!"

"There, there, you're not a kid. That's okay, hush, hush."

"Tsk," I folded my arms upon my chest, pouting.

Knock, knock!

Two hesitant knocks ranged out.

We grew used to ignoring them, at this point.

And now, that was interesting.

Why would I even go back to the inn's folks?

They didn't stop me from leaving them--To that, I replied they simply didn't know about me having exchanged vessels.

Why didn't I tell Kind Ma'am about it? Simply because I felt like it was possible for me to work with them regardless of my identity.

Be it a young homeless guy or a young homeless girl, they'd be helping me for sure.

Or would they?

They indeed seemed to have had a different way of dealing with me. Like, they were so much kind, it seemed.

Maybe they simply got a thing for me, I don't know.

Now though, what if I had told them?

Surely, they would have just freaked out.

The old man had a point. I knew it deep inside me. I just didn't want to give it too much thought.

Me, I was their enemy.


What should I do?

I need more material to think about.

"So, Old, tell me your story now, I'm eager to know."

It wasn't like I was eager to know or anything, though.

It was just as I said--I needed more material to reflect.


More material to think and reflect on.

It wasn't like I was trying to deflect the topic of our conversation to something else, no.

Hitting me with his good, proper, oh sounds-based laughter, he didn't take long before getting into it.

He seems kinda happy but dubious at the same time.

Let him just speak and tell.

This old man, he was long.

Yes, long.

If it even made any sense at all.

During his childhood, he lived in a castle, he told me. After having lost dad, he and his brother had to get out of the castle. Not having any mom either and after a following of unfortunate events, they'd eventually become homeless.

They were like, err, the word he'd used was orphan.

Apparently, I was an orphan too, by the way.

Anyway, they went through misery and poverty. It was hard, but they'd managed to get by by questionable actions. He didn't give any details.

He and his brother, they just wanted a home to survive--There were similarities between our stories.

I was drawing circles on the table, idling.

"And so, where'd you find it, Old?"


"Your home … where'd you find it?"

A home.

I needed a home too.

Well … I already have one at the inn, but …

"... Where's the monsters' home, Old?"


Old Sipping had a point.

Why'd they want me again, huh?

I ask myself.

Why would these people want me again?

Didn't I just need to be looking out for other monsters?

I was pretty sure I wasn't the only one like this.

It's not my home down there, at the village.

It certainly isn't.

Had he been trying to talk me out of it, this old human?

"I know what's on your mind, young lad," the old man stated, "I'm a monster, too, you know."


What was that?

"Is--Is that true, Old?!"

Abruptly straightening my back up, I slammed the wooden surface with both hands, "He--Hey...?! Talk?!"

He'd surprised me.

Maybe I just needed to stay with that old man, after all?

As per the guide's instructions, too.

"Feelings," his lips moved and I listened, "Feelings," he repeated.

"I know you have feelings. You told me your story according to what you felt, not what you saw. Feeling and seeing are two different things. Humans feel and see while animals only see and hardly feel."


So, you're a monster yes or no?

"Humans, they live in the past, the present, and the future. Animals, they only care about the present moment."

Spit it out, quickly.

"Young lad, you are a sentient being. You feel, then you live according to your feelings, do you not? Wasn't it that which brought you here, within this poor dwelling in the first place?"

"Just get to the point, Old."

"If being a monster is having feelings, then we're all monsters and we're all humans at the same time."


"I believe in peace between all."

So he was just bullshitting me with that.

I really thought he was a monster for a moment.

Wasn't the monsters' home near monsters?

Too bad for me.

Well, regardless, isn't he the first person to tell me that?

He's a good guy.

Rather, he's charitable.

There's no problem with other humans not liking me, no.

I'm not liking them either, so that couldn't be any better.

Still, though, that human's kinda cool.

I sighed, "Don't just …" I was about to tell him to stop shitting me the way he'd been, "Well, aren't you a good human, Old. I like you even more now."

I changed my mind before, however.

"Oh oh oh. You flatter me, young lad."

After his beautiful discourse, it wouldn't have been cool, now would it.

Well, and now he'd told me the story he was so eagerly waiting to tell, we could sympathize with each other.

I mean, obviously, he already was doing that with me, this Old.

But now, I could join him in doing this.


Oh, and his story wasn't finished yet.


Well, let him just speak.

As I wasn't listening, I'd just nod my head from time to time, letting out some mhm occasionally.

And the quest?

Still not completed yet.


❮Accompany the old man up until he decides on helping the Player. 0/1❯

Helping me doing what, precisely, by the way?

Creating my character or something?


Guide stated the quest would get me a noble form.

Oh, Kind Ma'am. I miss you already.

"Sigh," I let out a sigh.

They say monsters are bad people.

They'd turn me in if they had the occasion.

They told me that themselves, didn't they?

"Oh. You are not listening, are you now?"

Old came to a stop. His story had been on the go for quite a few minutes by now.

"You must be overthinking your situation again, aren't you, young lad."


"And so, did you think about what I said…?"


"Come on, little one. Give it some thoughts."


"Heh. That is only for you to decide, anyhow, young lad."

"I don't wanna leave 'em, Old," I frowned, "Me, I want food and sleep and really, that's about it.

"I don't ask for more. I know I wanna fight too, though.

"But still, food and sleep is all I want for now. I don't want to sleep on the streets, y'know.

"I want to be strong, strong, strong. Super strong. When I sleep on the street, I'm weak."

He tells me that at the end of the day I can go back to them whenever I want, right, if they're my family like they pretend to be.

"Okay, Old. It's not like I didn't think about it, y'know. That path, yeah, sure, I could take it, why not. But how?"

Only silence replied to me.

"It's fine, yeah, sure, I know you're just tryna help in your own way. Though now, how'd it all work out, huh?"

This old man, he's clearly trying to get me not to go back to them.

"I mean you're talking me out of that it's fine you're helping me, but now, you gotta present me with some solutions, too."


That's what I needed.

"Isn't that quite easy, young lad?"

"Tell me?"

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