My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 45 - Sussy

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An opening creaking door, again.


Calming was standing not too far away by the entrance, sort of guarding the dwelling.

"Princess! You finally go out!"

Like the loyal dog he was, he didn't dare to be slow as he went on barking at his master.

"Princess this! Princess that!" I complained, "Will you only shut up?"

He then rushed to me. I just exited Old's home. I calmed him down.

"I thought you understood! Damn it!"


Good results, he calmed down obediently.

"Don't you also even think of touching me, you keep your distance!"

Exiting the dwelling after me, was Old.

Walking beside me, he put a hand on my shoulder then whispered in my ear, "That is brilliant, just like this, be firm with them, they're still your subjects."


So was I doing well?

Glad to hear that.

"Keep your distance away from me, Calming," I puffed up my chest and stood straight, "You go back to the carriage and wait for further orders, you understand?!"

"Ye--Immediately, princess!"

Oh oh oh.

It really works, huh.

Ordering them around wasn't an impossible thing for me to do. And I was practicing just now.

Apparently, as per Old's telling, these two, they're still my subjects.

And as such, it's very taboo for them to disobey a direct order from me.

Like an untouchable thing to do.

Disobeying an order. It was out of the question.

Maybe was that another reason for them to put me out. By making me slumber with their spell.

If they did knock me out, I wouldn't be making any opposition, now would I?

Avoiding orders, huh.

Now, they couldn't disobey me, their ruler.

It was all thanks to some sort of forest's spirit benediction, that allowed them not to disobey their ruler in some instances.

That fact being as it is, I was good, I think.

I don't really know.

It was all Old's telling. He told me many things.

Many things among which, dark elves becoming what they are due to being unfaithful to their chosen leader.

Well, he did give me many details, but well, let's not just dive into this.

And right now, he was executing my order.

"That's an order, Calming!"

He turned to me, still executing my order, "Yes, princess."


He had already obeyed me.

That line I'd prepared beforehand wasn't necessary.

I gotta relax, eh.

Just made a blunder.

Let's just shrug it off, why don't we.

Calming obeyed me without a problem.

And I was still walking my way outside with my helpful elder.

"So, was I doing a great job, Old?"

"Yes, yes, very much so, young lad," Old chuckled before he went on, "I know you are not in any way fond of them, but don't also be too harsh on or suspicious about them."

He was right about me not being fond ot them.

"I'm not."

"They're just going through tough times, hoh."

But hey, 'don't be suspicious,' huh.

Should I tell him?

"The one I oughta be suspicious about definitely is you anyway, Old."

"Oh? Do you, now?"

"Yeah, like, who in their right mind would go about following and helping an unknown little thing they've no bond whatsoever with?"


"And there's also the fact that you keep calling me a young lad, right, Old?"

I never really thought about that before, but, am I a boy or a girl?

Wait, maybe I'm neither.

But this Old, he keeps calling me young lad.


"You thought I hadn't picked that up, right?"

"No, no. Far from me this idea," Old crossed his arms and tilted his head a bit, "I gave you plenty of explanations. I can give you more. Do you want another explanation?"

He'd taught me lots of things about life already, was he willing to teach more?

Didn't he say the thing he'd called 'teachers' needed to normally be paid for their teachings?

"Hmmm. Your curiosity will bring you high, young lad."

Old's footsteps stopped their course. With his old wrinkled fatigued hand, he stopped mine too.

"Aura," he brought a hand to me, "Bring your face closer, don't be afraid, ohohoh!"

And without a word, I just did as he indicated.

"So, can your skin feel that?"


"It--It's warm…"

I couldn't see anything, but it definitely was warmer over his hand.

Was that aura?

"This, son, is similar to aura," closing his hand, the warm feeling disappeared quickly, "Though it isn't."

"Uh… And where are you going like this? Don't play me, Old. What's the relationship between that and you calling me a young lad?"

"Hush. Just listen. What I just showed you is mana--"

"And why are you teaching me this all of a sudden, I didn't ask for it--"

"--Just listen, why don't you. What I just showed you is mana. It was refined and controlled. Aura is just a rough version of it--well, not always that rough, however--and it is let out from your mana core, and uh, mana core, hmm…"

Argh, this old man.

That's terrific.

When he talks, he talks.

And dare you to interrupt him during his speech.

All he'd just said and broke down to me--I didn't understand quite much.

There were many details. Way too much.

"--Stop. That's enough, thanks."

I actually even had to stop him, duh. At some point, he'd finally listened.

Short story long, I gave off an aura, and from this aura, he could tell I was a male.

Don't ask me how all that works in detail, I don't get it either.

Bottom line is, I'm a male, apparently.

Well, like I said, I never really got to think about it, but it always felt that way.

That's a shame, though.

No meatballs for me.

Not important, not important.

What was more was--This old man, I really oughta be suspicious about him.

He totally strikes me with those weird vibes.

"And what is that look on your face about, now, hmm?"

"I still oughta be suspicious about you is all, Old."

Or did I need to?

Oh, and surprisingly enough, he took it seriously this time.

After letting me know that he wasn't in on helping me anymore, he quickly went on and swallowed all his steps back to his home.

I had to stop him, seriously.

Come on, old man, cut the tsundere act and stick around me, would ya?

His cheeks were puffed adorning his funny wrinkled face, "Don't just say this out of the blue, then, hmph!"

Yeah, I told him I didn't need to be suspicious about him after all.

I needed his cooperation, right?

Plus, maybe I was just being inexperienced and not versed at all in the science of the things of life.

Old isn't suspicious.

No, he isn't.

I certainly don't have to be wary of him.

"What's more, young lad, you're being sus too, hmph!"


Yeah, maybe he was right.

I dragged him with me, going towards the carriage where the others were waiting.

He didn't miss an occasion to complain.

"This gentle old and oh, 'funny' old man, as you might have wanted to say, believed your whole incredibly amusing story without flinching, did he not?"

Yeah, you pretty much did.

"There there, I won't say you're sus again, Old, okay?" I tried to pat his back to comfort him.


That's true he didn't have to believe me.

And maybe I was the one being suspicious in the first place, yes.

Like, go wonder, my goal could've been, I don't know, whatever, seriously.

Driving an old senile man out of his dwelling to rip him off of everything he has.

It could've been, right?

No way in hell, I would never do that. Or maybe I would. At the moment of right now anyway, no, I would have not done that.

But well, that's what he just came up with to make me feel like a culprit.

All of this wild scenario, according to him, could've been a thing. Yet, he nonetheless chose to believe me.

"Ahem," I coughed in my hand, "Yes, thank you for having believed me too, Old. I'll never repay you enough for your kindness, really. There, there."

Well, moving on.

I didn't have to be suspicious about the elves, he'd told me.

They're just going through hard times, was what he eventually added.

They could still be a danger for me, but, well, as long as I was firmly getting myself obeyed as their ruler, there would be no real problem whatsoever.

The carriage was stationed a dozen meters away from Old's home.

Calming too, was stationed there, right next to the big chunk of wood. He must've been waiting for me to come so that he could open up the door, allowing me to come inside.

Using [Mana Perception] I could see Angry was inside, patiently waiting for me to come too, I think.

We were walking towards it.

Me and Old.

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