My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 46 - Call To Order

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We were walking towards the carriage.

Me and Old.

Walking, I turned to him and asked, "Be sure to watch me, though, Old."

I also seized the tip of his white dusty tunic's sleeve with my fingertips, "You never know when they're using their, err, what'd you call them again?"

"Their charming elvish runes, yes, yes," putting a hand on my head he continued explaining, "If you do as I told you, there, I strongly believe, will be no instance of them trying funny things, have some faith in this old uncle, would you."

"Yeah, sure, I know, I know," I'd just make sure everything would go as planned, "Still, you make sure you're watching me too, okay?"

"As per your smartly concocted plan, yes."

The plan, I didn't even prepare on my own.

It was mostly him, telling me information about what I needed to be aware of, occasionally giving me directives to follow, but yeah sure, let's just say the plan was mine.

"There, there, it'll be fine, and remember, after you're done, I'll be to the north. Don't lose the talisman I gave you. The fragrance shall lead you up to me--"

"Yes, yes, and from then on, we'll be going about making me very very strong," I nodded as I playfully contracted my arm muscles a little bit, "I remember, Old."

"Since your plan is ready to be put on the move, I shall be off, then."

And just like this, he jumped super high in the air, before fading away in all the branches of the highest trees.

Trees were very high in these woods.

And as such, he had to jump super high himself.


Giving off a light whirlwind after him, he's just off.

That's impressive, not gonna lie.

And, no, in case you might also be wondering, not anyone can just pull that off, what he just did.

Jumping all of a sudden and disappearing in a wild dash all at once, "Really is impressive."

I could do that too, I bet.

Appropriately using 『Quick Pace』, I'm sure I could do that much too.

And so it wasn't something anyone could do. Old was strong too, according to what he'd told me, once again.

What was left after his quick escape was only ambient air mingled up with some flyings leaves and dust that went sent in the air.

That was to illustrate how strong what he'd just performed was.

And just like this, I was left alone again.

"'Don't be worried,' huh."

I went on marching towards my good old carriage again.

Well, let's get on with the plan.

Step after step, I promptly got before our dull chariot.

What greeted me coming down there was Calming's usual saddened expression. No, it was even more saddened and sorrowful.

"It's normal for you to be afraid and scared, princess," he said opening the door I'd wildly slammed open in my run, "It's going to be--"

"--Shh," I waved a hand at him. "Don't speak for now."

There were three steps. Three high steps were composing the short yet long staircases I had to climb up.

Three hard steps.

After these steps, the inside of that lousy carriage was opening itself to me.

I went inside.

"Really tight in there," I commented.

On the same bench I'd been priorly resting, I put down my butt.

"Hurry it up and come in here, Calming," I ordered him, "I have to talk to you guys."

Punctually listening to me, the standing elf jumped the three stairs quite easily, bent his back, and hardly got in the chariot.

I didn't have to tell him where to sit.

Naturally, he chose the same seat he'd been sitting in previously, just like me.

My eyes squinted as I looked at them.

Calming had my attention, and I had his.

Angry just looked as always, that is to say pathetic.

Despite all that had happened before. Still not ready to arrange himself, that man.


"Your princess."

Regardless of whether he listened or not, I had the most important one's attention.

I just have to buckle down to it, now...

Argh, I don't wanna say that, though.

"Your princess, huh," my eyes were cast downward, my elbows resting on my laps.

"Your princess … right?"

"What is--"

"I am your … princess…"

And I said it.

That was so much embarrassing.


I wish I'd be dead right now.

"I am your princess and you will do as I say.

"Is that clear to the two of you?"



With an angry pair of eyes, I called Calming out.

"You will speak when I say speak."

I wanted to get that clear above all else with them.

Oh, and..?

Am I pressuring them again?

So was that the 'rough form' of mana, that was leaking from within me?

Aura, huh.

I kinda like that.

Calming eyes were up till now facing and meeting mine.

Now though, they were facing downward.

And I could feel him trembling, too.

It was only a tiny little tremor, but still a tremor nonetheless.

I should regulate and take down that 'aura' thing as best as I can.

Or should I?

"And as your royalty, I have something I need the two of you for."

I wouldn't be against getting them all afraid of me for a little while, hmm.

What of him?


Even him who was always playing tough, I could feel him being fidgeting and sweating--Even though it was faint.

Poor guys.

"Indeed, we will go and meet with the Dryads.

"I assume you know who the Dryads are, am I not correct?

"Well, we will go and meet up with them.

"'Cause--For I might have a way of dealing with our enemy, the dark elves."

Calming was agitating himself too much by now.

He knew how to show some restraint.

"That's very commendable of you, Calming--Uh I mean Laerd," I extended a hand in his direction, "You may speak briefly, now."

"Y--Yes, princess!" in his state of agitation and restlessness, he even tried to get up at once only to whack his head on the ceiling.


"Princess, far from me the idea of offending you, but," he still remained composed after having performed something this embarrassing, huh.

I should be learning from him.

"It is currently not possible for us to--"

"Meet with the Dryads, I know, we still have to somehow, however."

"And about the dark elves--"

"I know that too, Calm--Laerd," correcting myself, I went on, "I know that too, yes. I knew you'd be opposing yourself to this.

"Don't worry, I considered your good advice: Whether we succeed in executing my plan or not, the aftermath shall be yours to decide."



There would be no aftermath anyway.

'Cause after we deal with my quest, I'm outta here, man.

Like going all the way up to meet the Dryads was to deal with the dark elves in the first place.

Old had told me about them, the people behind all this.

Dark elves, lizardmen, and orcs, mainly.

Their war wasn't any of my concerns.

No aftermath, no.

"I know how much displeased you might be with my plan, still though I am asking for your cooperation.

"Worst, you might even be even more displeased with this whole situation we're finding ourselves in. But I won't change my stance."

"Y--Yes, princess!"

Oh, and that's surprising.

"We will do according to your plan, then!"

He's been working on himself very well, from what I can see.

Calming agreed without putting too much opposition.

It was good.

After having me notified that we still were tight on time--meaning we should hurry it and not linger too long with my plan, I think--Calming's mind was to be put at ease.

I thought I'd have to force them so that they'd just be rolling with my plan at first.

These were good results.

"Angry, you take the horses."

According to Old, we were already facing the good direction.

So we were ready to go.

"We're setting off north, boys--Ahem, I mean, my loyal subjects."

Thus, the princess, and her two priorly non-dutiful servants became dutiful back again after some call to order.

And together, they set off down the track, to pursue the princess's goal and get her (me, actually) what she desired.

Was she after the noble adventurous undertaking of saving her ill-treated people's deliverance?

Surely, she wasn't, hahaha.

I just needed to get that character created and start whatever the guide is getting me to start was once and for all.

Creating my character, I'd soon start the Game, yes.

Whatever that meant, I'd start it.

My purpose.

It was the Game.

(I'll be going on my own for now, Kind Ma'am.)

(Sorry I won't be able to help you with the inn customers for now!)

(One day, we shall meet again! I promise!)

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