My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 47 - Creativity In Title

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"Food! I want real food!"

"Yes, princess!"

"Real food's important," I waved a fisted hand and clenched it even more, emblematically, "Real, real important, isn't it?!"

"Yes, princess!"

Calming could only agree with me.

"Consider it then a matter upon which my decision has come to pass."

"Yes, princess!"

"So, Calming, you keep that nasty bag of food away from my sight!"

"Immediately, princess!"

Glad he understood.

Me and Calming.

We were casually cheering ourselves up.




Good food has to bring about cheerful spirits, doesn't it?!


Good, good.

Emerald calendar, day four.

It was already my fourth day.

"Angry, you stop the horses, park us down there."

It was getting darker and colder outside.

The fourth sun's course had to stop.

And so our creaking carriage's course had to come to a stop too.

The horses were getting worn out.

Without any words of complaint whatsoever, Angry executed my order.

"Good," I stated, we could stop right there.

We were settled.

"We're hopping off.

"Yesterday, Angry took care of the horses," I turned and faced Calming, "This time about, it'll be you."

It was getting late, horses needed to rest, and we needed a place to sleep.

Calming exited first knowing he had to get his job done.

"Angry, Angry, aren't you happy too? You won't sleep on that sturdy bench you're sitting on right now."

Angry's face turned and faced the carriage's gate.

Still not ready to talk, huh.

"Sure, princess."

Oh, well, never mind, he spoke.


I still can't gauge his expression, though.

How rare of Angry. Maybe this was just his usual self, though. Well, it sure changed.

Anyway, there was an inn.

Another one. It was different from the one back in Sville village.

Dilapidated, rundown, and gloomy.

In three words, that'd settle it.

It was still an inn nonetheless, though.

There's food in it. I'm pretty sure. I can smell it.

I desired food and a bed.

Two places.

A place to stuff with food, that is to say, stomach.

And another place, but this time, only to lie down and get some nice sleep.

Food, I already got some. And so, I wanted more.

Now, a bed, I never really tasted it, but from being honest, it really looks appealing, too.

Now, we already had that much.

As much as food and shelter was concerned, we were 'good.'

But still, no.

More appropriate would be for us to say, we were safe.

We'd survive with what we had.

Still am hungry, though.

Hungry for real edible foods. Not just some dried up barely edible stuff.

Indeed, after I'd indicated to Calming to keep his bag of dried food away from me, he just did so.

I didn't like it. It was way too dry. The taste wasn't any better, to be honest. Nor did we have sufficient supplies to get me full.

So well, it was complicated.


"Hush, hush, we're getting fed in a few," I tapped my tummy, "Hang in there, stomach, I know you got this."

Moving on, we got into the inn.

After Calming had taken care of the horses, got them fed and everything, he joined me and Angry as we sat in the inn, around one sorry table.

My seat could support my weight just finely.

It was promising, already.

Maybe was that just because I weighed way less than the two big elves.

Hmm, and among the two of them, Angry must've been the bigger fella, 'cause…


"Sh-Shitty place!"

His stool broke down.


That's our good old Angry right now.

I did consider changing his nickname after seeing how passive and non-angry he'd been the past few days.

But well, there you go.

After he'd sat on his weird-looking stool, it collapsed under his body.

He got angry again.

The current inn certainly was different from the prior inn.

Shall we add up three additional words of illustrations?

Depressing, weak, and lacking.

These were the insides of that inn.

The differences between now and then would go even further.

Indeed, what was even more different now, were the people of this inn.

Lizardmen, elves, orcs, were the majority here.

There were quite a few creatures of the beastkin, too.

And scarcely any human.

Coming with that, there was also the fact that there was hardly any sound leaking out in here.

People definitely talked with each other, sneakily whispering for some, and normally chatting for some others.

I could only imagine with difficulty the same good cries of joy and celebration one would get to hear and see in Kind Ma'am's place.

What was even more surprising, as I mentioned, was the little number of humans here.

There was maybe one, two, maybe three, wearing black hoods with long black caps circling over their whole bodies.

And so humans weren't necessarily in big numbers out in the world, huh.

They wouldn't even stop by and eat, no. Simply going in, and out, secretly talking to some people here and there, exchanging items.

"What's with these shitty materials, huh," Angry complained.

A complaint. That was Angry again. He complained, just as usual, but this time it was in a surprisingly low voice.

Was the bold angry afraid of making a ruckus in there?

You afraid of something, Angry? You're usually so bold and brave.

Well, well, well.

So many surprises.

Angry's ass whacked on the floor. A thud was to be produced.

Angrily, he straightened himself up before going and snatching another chair just next to him.

Aside from a few glances directed at us, nothing noticeable happened.

After Angry got sat with us, it was Calming's turn to take action.

"What will you eat, then, princess?"

"The best you can get me!"

Standing up, he went and ordered food.

I want food, and I'll get food!

And by the way,

That's another strong trait of mine, isn't it.

Had I been weak, I wouldn't have been able to get food~

"Food, food, food~~"

My growling stomach would sing me a song for the next three minutes. I accompanied him and sung too, "Stronk, stronk, stronk~~"

And super quickly, voila!

It appeared before me!

Ladies and gentlemen, hold yourselves, here's a good … a good…?

Lo and behold…? A good...?

"Wh--Where's the meat, Calming?!"

I had to snap.

I'm sad.

"Meat, princess?"

"I want meat, too!"

"S--Since when did you start growing fond of meat, princess. I thought you didn't--"

"I want meat!"

"Bu--But I already ordered this--"

"Hmph! I get it, we ain't got no money, huh."

I didn't know much about payments and monies. But I knew we couldn't pay more.

Too bad for me.

I desired meat.

Let just Calming recall the princess's fondness for meat. Next time, I'll get my strong meat.

"I'm sad, but I'll eat, Calming."

Let him recall that, yes.

And after having sniffed it quite a few times, "Mhmm…"

My growling stomach got to sing his last verse of rough poetry, "Smells quite good, anyway."

Hearing me say this, Calming's lips arched up.

"Still, though...! Meat for the next time!"

He then happily nodded his head to me, with the same smile on his complexion.

Poor boy.

That smile has so much to tell.

And uh, when I said 'away from my sight,' "I meant away from me, in the sense that I wouldn't eat from it, you know?"

"Ah… Are you sure, Princess?"

Calming proceeded and put his bag on the table, if you could even refer to it as a bag.

With gentle hands, he took off two simple chunks of bread, handing one to Angry.

It was time to eat.

Wolfing down my whole plate of food wouldn't take more than three minutes.

Just like this, we were done eating.

Going upstairs was what needed to be done afterward.

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