My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 5 - Lost In Here (4)

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"Just go and see your uncle, Inera."

"Father, promise me you'll not do anything reckless first! Promise me that we'll try to save him first..!"


For some reason, he didn't instantly reply.

Yeah, of course, why would this human save me in the first place?

What then came out of his mouth had me surprised.

"..Save him? I'll try that," he continued.

"Ha?" I was astonished.

"--Go now."

Did I actually misjudge them ever since the beginning?

Uh?? I feel so stupid, now.

Ever since the beginning, they were only trying to save me?

Saving me in a weird way, I'll give you that but, still.

Was that all about me--being saved by these people as I had expected in the first place?

They must've known something about me as I expected.

And there I spoiled everything...

I stopped the course of my feet, watched the girl exit the place we were in by the back door.

My fingers resting on my chin, my eyes turned to a slit.

I was in interrogation.


It's wrong.

After due consideration, I shook my head.

"My gosh, I was wrong."

There were just me and her father now, I turned my face towards his own and I spoke,

"I'm sorry I misjudged y--"


I couldn't even finish my apology., though.

As he had done previously two times already, he did just now.

At an incredible speed, he appeared right in front of me. It seemed even quicker than before.

What followed was the tightened grip I felt upon my throat.


And without even me realizing it, I was now hanging in the air. What's more? It only was due to this human's absurd strength.

I mean, I shouldn't have been that light. I thought.

—Still, I really was the one hanging in the air.

My legs kept moving on their own as I was suffocating.

"L--let go of.." I tried to speak, but it was in vain.

Everything went so quickly.

"Did you really think I'd just let you go after you forcibly took my son-in-law's body and future?"

Powerless I was.

Hopeless my situation seemed to be.

I was then fiercely tossed on the floor.


Cough cough cough!

Crap, it actually hurts a lot.

"Now I'm curious, monster," he said while he got his hands on his sword's black handle.

"Who sent you to our Hoyathu Clan? What's your goal here?"

I didn't even have time to respond to him.

Other questions were immediately tossed at my face.

"What's your level? Which faction are you working under? Answer now."

"Wh--What are you even talking about?!"

"Don't play dumb with me," he asserted.

"High-level monster like you? Wandering off in this shithole? Come on, now. What are the odds?"

"How else would you be able to dwell in a body and be able to speak right away after that."

"No one is buying it, I'm telling you."

"W--weren't you.." I was heavily panting.

I tried to catch my breath the best I could.

My interlocutor didn't seem to question me any longer.

He only seemed to be waiting for my answers, now.

Pant, pant

This was now or never.

Here was my opportunity to defend myself.

If I did not so myself then, who would?

The girl had not long since left, after all.

"Weren't you talking about saving me," my breathing was still rugged, I paused for a second or so.

"...Saving me or something just earlier?.. With your daughter I mean..." I questioned, still lying on the ground like the frail creature I was.

"Oh? Saving you, hmph! Don't make me laugh," He coldly retorted before he added,

"You don't want to talk? Fair enough. Death shall be the salvation you so much wish you had."


This line made it pretty clear but, I mean, really?

Wasn't this misunderstanding going a little bit too far?

The murderer now didn't dare to be slow as he drew out his long sword and,

"Wait, I really don't understand the situation here--" I snapped hurriedly as I had beforehand straightened my stance.

I stretched my hand towards him.


It was in vain.

There's no way he would've listened to me more than that.

Because as a matter of fact--my right hand had just fallen as it had been cut off.

And it then landed on the ground, giving birth to a light thud.

What was next was my blood as it also poured out and fell.

"Weak," said the swordsman before he went on, "You'll die because you're weak, insect."

He sheathed his sword back in its adorned, black sleeve.

"I'm quite disappointed. I actually was looking forward to this fight," he then added.

My eyes widened in pain as I looked at this hand on the ground which no longer was part of this body.

Well, it couldn't be helped but ... I really was weak.

Red blood was flowing, staining this restaurant's white tile.

Then, once again, in a flash, another gash was to be dug in me.


This time, it was my throat.

My weak body felt a seemingly endless feeling of warmth flowing out of my throat. The pain was spreading all across my body.

Despite that, I placed both of my hands on my throat--No, wait, there was one missing actually ... the right one.

Desperately wishing it would be sufficient to make it stop —though it wasn't.

My blood just wouldn't stop.

It was merely covering more and more the white, cold tile of the floor, upon which was lying my dying body.

Weak, helpless, powerless. Name it however you want, it was me.

My left, left hand covering my throat wasn't sufficient at all--as expected.

My blood just kept flowing out.

Funnily enough, there doesn't seem to be any pain, now.

My blood? Still going out, though.

It was as if the pain was flowing out along with my blood.

Apparently, I was dying.

Was it how death felt like?

"Weak, he said." I muttered silently.

The sense of sight I just got not too long ago became blurry.

This was but the beginning, however, after having experienced all of that, there were at least two things I was sure of.

First of all, I was weak.

Secondly, I needed to be strong so I wouldn't die--it was too late, though.

According to the blue writings from just a little while ago, I had just started to be conscious and sentient.

Damn, doesn't that mean I somehow only came into existence at that moment?

Well not really but, you get my point, right?

I mean, was I really going to fade away just like that?

No way.

"I.. can't… accept that…" I said painfully.

My larynx wasn't even damaged after the stroke I received.

I could still speak.

There was no way I could accept that.

Tap, tap, tap

Only the lone sound of my leaving assailant's footsteps was now resounding throughout the silence of this lonely place.

He was going away after he had cut me down, leaving only his back to me.

Then came to a stop.

I stretched my hand towards him and I stated,

"I will kill you."

Why was I even speaking nonsense at that moment? Aren't I dead, already? I thought.

Yes, I was dead.

I just had to accept it.

That's the way.

The only way.

Thinking back on it, I really was lost after all...

It had not even begun, yet it was already over…

Well, I guess it can't be helped anyway.

This has been a short life.

—Suddenly though,

❮The current vessel's HPs are under 5, as such the vessel is deemed defective.❯


❮The Player needs to avoid Game Over.❯

The voice ranged out once more.


Hope you enjoyed reading as always.

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And that's about it, see ya.

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