My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 6 - Finding A New Vessel

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This has been a short life. Really, really short. And lame too, at that. Pathetic me, well, I'm sorry I couldn't get you outside, this was the bare minimum.

I couldn't even do that.

—Suddenly though,

❮The current vessel's HPs are under 5, as such the vessel is deemed defective.❯

The voice ranged out once more.


Did I hear that correct?

My ears had picked that up. It clearly entered them. The voice from the beginning.

I was still lying on the floor and I could hear it.

Though my vision had been blurry, I could clearly read it too.

Wait up.

Isn't it completely dark already?

I mean, what's happening right now?

There was no mistake.

I didn't see anything but those writing words. I couldn't see anything else.

I saw them and understood them.

And this wasn't all, apparently. Several others went on after the first.

❮The user doesn't have completed the quest 'Character's creation' yet, therefore he needs a new vessel to ensure surviving. The player needs to avoid Game Over.❯

Uhh... Come again?

❮Procedure of dwelling: activated❯

And what's that supposed to mean?

Well, whatever.

If there's one thing I've learned todayーYou don't know what's going on around you? Just go on with the flow.

Where was the flow going in my case? Well. Let's just not mention that either, huh.

Thinking that I was already dead anyway, I kept my composure.

Yeah, what worst could possibly happen to me, now?

❮The player needs to find a new 'Suitable Vessel'❯

Oh, that one speaks to me at least--I mean, no.

Sorta, in a sense.

Only so-so, I'd say.

Anyways, going on with the flow it is, then. Let's just do that.

Taking up to where I left off--It was dark.

Completely dark. I couldn't see one thing.

My body felt off, too.

I mean, I'd priorly been lying on my side. I was resting on the ground, basically.

Well, more like dying, but, yeah.

That was pretty much it.

I could feel the cold tile underneath me.

My breathing growing weaker and weaker within the process of each breath.

The grip I had on my throat with my left hand was also becoming weaker and weaker too.

But now though, it was quite different.

First off, I didn't have all of these: no lying body, no left flank, no breathing, and no left hand.

Also, I wasn't cold anymore. It felt hot all around me.

I'd even go a step further and say it was squishy.

No and seriously, what's with these things … Meh.

I wasn't idle. I was moving. And as time went by, I could sense it. It was me moving. I mean, I was the one moving.

When I decided to stop, it stopped.

Or rather, I stopped.

Well, it felt off, somehow.

When I leaned forward--I would lean forward. Backward was backward, too.

Anyhow, I could control it.

This was me.

In the afterlife?


I also felt like crawling in this narrow, squishy place.

It was weird, at first.

And yes, I'm repeating myself but I won't say it enough times. It was weird.

But I'd grow used to it, right?

That being on my mind, I kept moving. Asking too many questions wouldn't have been good, anyway, correct?

Just look where it got me right now.

Anyway, it was eerie. Even more eerie to translate into words.

I was like, crawling basically, with tons of little … tentacles?


I could feel them from under my body.

'Cause yeah, as time went by as I said, I grew more and more aware of my body.

And I felt like that was pretty much it with me. Because I could tell now. I could tell what I was.

A curved ball, sort of, with many, many tiny little flexible legs crawling under me.

No--This wasn't even accurate.

My legs weren't just under me. They were also coming to my sides--if I even had any at all, sides I mean--and gripped on things here and there.

It would be pointless to count them. There were just way too many.

Sometimes propping me up, sometimes sliding me down.

I know it sounds weird but this was how I was.

If you'd experienced it, then you'd have understood.

No doubt.

Whatever, I was moving.

Even though it had not been voluntarily or anything--I still was moving.

I could stop the course of my seemingly endless journey, of course. But what was the point?

I just went on with the march.

What were these things written, again, though?

Finding a new vessel or something, huh.

Obviously, I'm dead--But what if I'm not?

The idea started to become more and more obvious as I thought about it, not gonna lie.

But well, what's that even matter? I thought.

I was just chilling right now and it felt good. Yeah, it felt really good actually. I didn't want to end that so quickly, hm.

Don't wanna cut that short.


I'm not doing this.

And I mean, this didn't even make any sense, to begin with, did it now? No, impossible.

And I've also just been killed, dammit. I can't even get over it within death, huh.

How exhausting. I'm worn out.

When you die, you just die, right?

But then again, maybe if I'm like they said … I would uh--Oh?

Hold on a second, is that…?

A change!

A change in the environment!

As I had been going on and on, it finally came to a stop. I've hit something. Before me, an obstacle.


Thanks for reading!

Don't forget to drop off your power stones if you enjoyed as always.

And that's about it.

See ya.

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