My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 50 - Neigh!

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It was kicking off pretty fast.

The clanging sounds didn't waver.

The battle cries, as for them, did waver a little bit.

The folks were concentrated, now.


Oh, yes, and there were these skill shoutings too.

People shouting about their skills before they used them, it seems.

Just like me.

They must be thinking it's epic, too.

"So the paladin's going in with sacrament right now, huh."

"Well, yes, Laerd," Calming went back at analyzing the battle again, "They kicked it off pretty badly, it wouldn't take long before this would happen."

Was that big man the one they called a paladin, hm?

"Adventurers should just know their place, heh," Angry commented, too. "Ain't no playing goblins' playground here. War's different."

Adventurers, huh.

There were only a demi-dozen of these so-called adventurers now.

Not the first time I'm hearing about them.

Maybe I should try that out with Old. He said I needed to try things in order to find my path.

They got to fight, and live--Well, according to my sources so far.

"Come here, Lina, Kara!"

Big white chubby man didn't dare to be slow as he cast his <Sacrament> on his teammates.

(Author's note: I usually used 『 』 these characters to refer to Active Skill, but since that's a pain, I'll just be using <> <Sacrament> from now on.)

"Hang tough, partners!" he cheered himself up, "Don't waver and fight on to live!" and didn't hesitate to do the same with his teammates.

"We can still have it!"

Exchanging glances with each other, the orcs burst out in laughter all at once.

Fighting was funny, and laughing was funny.

I could understand them.

I wish I could fight too so that I'd be laughing.

All of this was happening outside the chariot.

Inside, now, "Rookies," Angry chuckled, "They're dead for sure."

I couldn't fight, but so what? Meanwhile, I could at least comment on their fight.

Just like Angry and Calming.

Sounded like fun, too.

"I mean, no, Angry," I was the one speaking now, "As Paladin Human ordered for them to gather, maybe they'll be mounting a comeback, now."


"Hmm?" I frowned. Did I say something wrong?

Both Angry and Calming turned to me at the same exact time, "Do--Do you understand the human's tongue, princess?"

Human tongue?

What's that?

"Uh--Uh… Just a wild guess, maybe?"

Wasn't that something anyone could do…?

Uh, no, no.

Not at all.

Now that I think about it, I can't understand the orcs' speech, can I?


"Ah … makes sense."


Angry accepted my explanation quite easily. It made sense to him.

I gotta be careful, eh.

Calming on the other hand, though…

He only squinted his calculating eyes at me--which had to make me shiver a bit--before he shrugged it off, too, I think.

"And, no, princess," Regaining his composure, Calming pointed out to me, "The orcs, that's how not to be hunted by them."


Uh, yeah?

What did I say already?

Something about humans mounting a comeback.

I had no clue about that, not gonna lie.

Just wanted to chime in on their conversation. Being a commentator sounded like fun is all.

"They're fearsome when they fight that way."


Well, okay.

The orcs turned at each other and laughed a bit more.

Calming's explanation came to a stop.

I guess it makes sense anyway.

Orcs are winning, yup.

There were ten remaining orcs for six other humans.

And come to think of it, now, wasn't their fight a bit too unfair.

Like, orcs, they were big and sturdy-looking boys.

When the humans, on the other hand, although more equipped, they weren't that sturdy-looking at all.

In height, they didn't win either.

Far from winning, to be honest.

Well, weak-looking boys would be the words.

And according to Calming, the weak-looking boys were cornered by the sturdy-looking ones.

Well, and he was right.

From that point on, what would follow wouldn't be worth my words.

And so, to sum it all up, just like that, along with the clanging and the people shouting both their skill's name and their loud cries of complaints.

The battle had to come near an end.

Chubby Paladin fell to the ground and died. He'd been deadly gashed on the head.

He'd been brave enough. He didn't die without dragging one of his foes down with him.

The orcs were still going at it, though.

After him, a human girl alongside a human boy from among his teammates fell following his example.

Panic settled in for one of the two parties now.

Obviously, it was the humans' party that was being referred to.

Upon falling to the ground, their dying friends sent them off.

They could see, couldn't they?

They'd lost.

And so they tried to run, the three remaining ones.

"Where does the thief think he's going?"

All they could do, though, was to try to run.

Just like they'd tried to best that orcs' party.

"I … wait, no?"

An orc bowman drew his bow.




Three arrows were shot.

They pierced through the air and--



One missed.

The thief … was that him?

The arrow didn't just miss.

Instead, it was successfully avoided.

Skillful Thief must've been good at avoiding projectiles.

"Sh--Shit! Move it!"

It was too bad for him, though.

Way too bad.

Indeed, he wasn't so good at stealing people's horses.

After having avoided the arrow, he continued on what he'd been trying to pull off.

His two comrades, when fleeing, they didn't do so much as a little bit of reflection.

The thief, however, he went right for our horses.

The horses were simply being there, their eyes cast downwards, they'd grown to all the fighting ruckus around here.

Now they were being stolen away.

Instead of reaching its target, the straying arrow went and stuck its head on our wooden carriage.

"O--Oh!--Sakage, you follow me outside!"


Calming wanted to take care of that?

Didn't he see they already got this, the orcs…?

"Calming, Angry," I stopped them by my voice only, "You don't go outside."


"Just wait and see."

I didn't want them to go out because of the awaiting danger lying down there.

It was just as always, I could feel it.

Mana, agitating itself.

Mana, it was virtually always being used.

When I say mana agitating itself, now, what I mean is...

It was leaking off the sturdiest-looking orc out here. In great quantity. Giving off this ominous feeling, even to me, yes.

Sturdiest Orc was the name I'd decided to give him. It wasn't for any reason.

And he wouldn't take too long, before proving it, I guess.


There he goes.

In response to that loud shout, I had goosebumps.

He had an opened window on his target.

Sturdiest Orc didn't shy away from showing his big muscles off.

As he grabbed his enormous longsword with two hands, he went at Skillful Thief spinning around like mad.



That was a powerful blow.

He was real fast too.

The distance separating them was to be cut short within two seconds.

Two super quick seconds, let me tell you.

And as Thief (let's just drop the 'Skillful' at that point) was trying to unskillfully snatched one of our horse away to run off with it--

Still wildly spinning his thick sword around, Sturdiest Orc eventually slashed him into two.

Stealing the horses was out of the question now that Thief was lying, soon to be lifeless, the way he was on the moist ground.

The horses were fastened to the chariot properly.

Plus there were these wooden rods that were going from the chariot's head over to them, forming into a timid yoke.


Thief had to break the wooden rods in order to get one horse.

With his stature, I'd doubt he'd be able to do that, no.

It wasn't an easy task for anyone to accomplish, nope.

Who'd be up to the task, then?

Well, well, well.


The horses were agitating themselves.

They grew nervous.

Because, hey, still spinning around, huh.

Sturdiest Orc.

He was up to the challenge of breaking the horses' yoke to let them free.


He broke through the wooden structure.

Most of the other orcs bursted out in laughter seeing their fella in action.


Weren't they having fun, now.


"What--What's that dumbass pulling off?"

It was a first for Calming to be this taken aback.

"--Hey, Laerd, snap out of it!"

I know right.

In times like this, it was always Calming who'd take the initiative and fix an upcoming problem.

Well, what could the poor elve do anyway?

Sweeping away his enemy that, clearly, I'd be enticed to think, was his only enemy, Sturdiest Orc didn't flinch and killed both our horses.

They died instantly.

What did he do? Breaking off the wooden structure in order to let the two poor horses go free?

No, no, no.

That wasn't pleasant to see.

He'd just slashed them alongside Unskillful Thief.

"What's the meaning of this?!"

Calming was angry.

He fiercely tapped his foot on the chariot, two, three times, as he was clicking his tongue the same number.

Slamming the chariot's sorry door open, he bent his back and got out.

"What's the meaning of this, Orcs?! Are you--Are you nuts?!"

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