My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 51 - Relax

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After his loud war cry, Sturdiest didn't wait.


Spinning around his long sword, he went rushing towards the escaping human.

Quickly, Thief fell and died, cut into two distinct parts--But this wasn't all.

Our horses were caught in this wild sudden assault.

Neighing like their lives depended on it, they both died.

Calming had to frown.

"What's the meaning of this, Orcs, are you nuts?!"

Quickly he hopped off the carriage.

Driven away by his anger, it seemed, his feet quickly climbed down the three steep stairs before he was outside.

"Orcs, would you care to explain yourself?! That clearly was on purpose, wasn't it?!"

Well, Calming was being bold.

Oh but well, that was understandable, wasn't it?

He was pissed off.

Therefore the orcs were being called out.

And so, reacting to that, a few of them turned to him with a dumb blatant look.

The likes of which would be adorned on a dumb child who'd be being told off for having done some stupid shit he could've avoided doing.

They simply stared at him like fools.

And hell, this was among the most reactive of them.

The rest of the orcs didn't even mind him. As though he wasn't even here calling them all out.

Calming had to sigh.

I would've sighed too.

And you would've done the same.

A sigh of exasperation, most likely.

Still, he wasn't done here, was he?

Though reluctant to go and face Sturdiest from a nearer place, he still did go and tried to face him the best he could.


The same way he went up and faced him, he cleared his throat to the best of his capability.

"You there! The big--Strong, the strong one!"

Argh, what are you doing, Calming? Naming him that way? I'd have named him Sturdiest Orc, not just Strong.

Calming didn't master the Art of Naming People, from what I could see.

Anyway, he failed in his attempt to name the orc.

Greasing him with a little compliment out of the blue, he tried to greet him.

Sturdiest was being told off from up-close this time.

However, he still couldn't care less. Obviously, right?

I don't know about you, but I wouldn't engage in discussion with someone who'd call me the wrong way, duh.

Even with Calming going all his way over to him, facing him, complimenting him about his absurd strength, Sturdiest didn't react.

"Hey, I'm talking to you!"

Ahh, but no, seriously.

Wrong way of calling him.

That's what got Calming down in the first place. Blew off all his chances.

And now, it was my time to sigh.

Because Sturdiest looked even dumber than the other.

When the others were considered dumb, he himself must've been a retard.

And uh, what was he trying to do right now?

Fiercely gripping on the handle of his long, sturdy, two-handed sword he tried to yank it off the wood of our busted carriage.


What did he expect?

Of course it'd be cutting through the wooden carriage with all his muscles and strength.

The funny trick that consisted in spinning around wildly with his sword, laying waste everything coming his way wasn't so funny now, huh.

Well, it still was kinda funny to me, at least.

But, ugh.

As fun as it may have been, "Maybe it's time for us to help Calming, Angry," we had to help Calming, right?

We started to move. Both me and Angry.

One orc stepped up at the same time, though.

With a quick movement of his rough orcish sword, he wiped the blood off of his crude blade.

He then waved at Sturdiest with a light movement of his chin, he addressed him with a name, I guess.

After the supposed name he'd uttered, few other words went out of his mouth, still talking to his friend, I presume.

This orc, he didn't quite look so dumb.

Sitting back in my seat, I indicated to Angry to do the same.

Maybe things would be driven forward with him.

I'd just wait and see.

Calming could sigh a breath of relief.

Even though any of that thing he'd been trying to pull off wasn't finished yet, maybe that orc would help things along.

Smart Orc finished his soliloquy, still addressing himself to Sturdiest, with dry laughter.

Sturdiest's sturdiest head simply sluggishly nodded.

The whole chunk of muscles let go of his sword. It was still stuck in the wood.

Geez, he surely was the dumber among all of them. I mean, he looks so.

Intimidated, Calming took a timid step back and gulped.


The conversation was engaged.

Sturdiest had a dull and low voice.

Adding itself to that, he was speaking in the most sluggish way ever.

That'd play a role in making it even duller, I believe.

"Me don't gib shit … don't gib shit 'bout you … 'bout you's problem."


"I…" Calming clenched his fists and sighed once more.

"Dumb orcs…!" he then muttered to himself in a very low voice, making sure no one would pick that up.

And so was that it for Calming?

Certainly, it wasn't, heh.

Calming wasn't that weak, now, come on.

Have some faith, please.

"You, orc," he pointed at the smart-looking one, "Yes, you, can you explain to me what's the meaning of this--"

How would the result be different with that one orc?

"No, you know what, never mind," Calming was annoyed, I could feel that, "We'll just have to go off on foot, now," he still kept his calm attitude nonetheless.

Well, and after that he had to call off his little rant anyway.

I mean, what would that have amounted to, anyway?

Horses died, and that was it.

Would the orcs revive them?

No, they wouldn't.

Would they get us some new others?

Probably not.

They hadn't any.

Even if they had, they'd keep them for themselves and that'd be it.

We'd still be left with our motionless carriage.

Hell, even if they did have some other horses in addition to some willingness to talk our problem through.--It didn't seem like we'd be able to make a deal about it whatsoever.

They didn't even speak--

"I don't like it."


"I don't like the way you talk to us, the elf."

Never mind me. I said nothing.

Calming wasn't taken aback by this line just now. He must've known he'd be able to speak, knowing him, "And what is it that you don't like, the orc?"

He didn't shy away from confrontation, at that, heh.

"The horses are on you, the elf."


That orc, Smart, he was likable.

Calm and spontaneous.

Just like Calming, in a way.

"I get that you're upset, they died, your carriage's stuck here," he continued, pointing at our carriage with his blade, "Now, while I understand your loss and am sorry for it--"

Still explaining, some of his colleagues made a bit of ruckus from behind his back

"--Mlac ot oph," seeing Calming was being wary of his words just now, he cared to, I think, translate them for him, "Get ready to go. And be on the lookout for humans."

Calming, with his calculating nature, was still was being a bit wary and suspicious.

"We ain't gonna hurt you, elf," he said as he pointed back at the carriage with the tip of his blade, "But that thing over here, I can tell you're not transporting any big supplies in that."

"What's your point, orc?"

"The horses are on you," Smart still calmly explained, "You elves know well the war ain't done for everyone yet."

"I'm--I'm listening."

"What?" he tilted his scarified head to the side before asking, "Still not getting it? You ain't just lost the war, you also lost your brains, is that it?"


Calm and spontaneous my ass.

"You ain't transporting no big things in your chariot," Smart smiled at Calming, "You can do just fine without it for now and come fix it up after we're done in your lands, right?"

Well, well, well.


And Calming wasn't getting any better.

That surprised me coming from Calming, not gonna lie.

What was he getting all so worked up for?

Hopping off the three steep stairs in one go before opening up the rusty door, "Hah hah hah hah!" I greeted them with laughter.

It was my time to chime in.

And I guess I could just go on with the mood and act natural, without troubling myself in any sort.

Had I been in danger, Old would've interfered, as per the plan.

My feet landed lightly on the ground.

"Now, now, now. Why don't we simply … relax?"

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