My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 55 - Strategy

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Both the weather and the atmosphere down here were getting hot.

The sun was high up in the sky. We were in midday.

And it was beating down on the earth.

All the sun rays were falling hard on us.

Surrounding us on both sides and even occasionally diving into the trees and woods, finding their ways down to the earth, reaching it occasionally.

We were just on the road, at the sun's mercy.

He was casting down our shadows and keeping them right beneath our feet.

And now, the shadows?

They all took steps back. Slowly and steadily. Gulping sounds were to be heard at the same time.

They even looked into that human's direction. All the eyes previously set on me watching out for any occasion of slaying me, they were set upon him.

Avenging Leader was coming to me.

And he wasn't alone, no.

As a leader, he had his troops. In close ranks, they didn't take a step without being filled with more confidence.

Why was that Avenging Leader guy approaching me with all these troops he'd called 'Squadron C'?

It was most likely one of the bigger leader's instructions.

Words had been conveyed to him.


I'm talking about Paladin.

That tough and hard looking human. He was like a rock. A sharp rock that no one ever wanted to stumble upon during their journey or whatever.

Even though that was just a rock, yes.

I mean, just to illustrate how you'd feel about him if you saw him right now.

And I had to stumble upon it.

Hehehe ... was I 'no one,' now, though? No, no, no.

I wasn't anyone, please.

I was cool with all that.

That big sturdy rock wouldn't be any problem at all.

Anyway, Rock Paladin.

One sorry adventurer went up and talked to Paladin.

"A general, you say?!"



I only overheard that much.

A 'general,' once again, they'd already talk about that.

And just like that, Paladin had decided on sending his other squadron to take the general down in real quickly.

Avenging and his group were getting near me.

They formed the Squadron C.

And the sun was still beating down on us. Therefore, beads of sweat were accumulating on our foreheads.

They rolled down, eventually, and finally hit the ground.


I knew there would be many beads of sweat, on today's day.

They were all gathering before me, the humans of the Squadron C

"Come at me," I said to the lot of them.

My lips had talked quickly but consistently.

My words were being conveyed now.


This was a bold statement, wasn't it.

But I'm not stupid, "I know just what to do against all them."

Waving his sword in the air as he was still walking relatively slowly, "We're going all in, friends!" and without letting go of any second, Avenging came leaning in, rushing at me like the mad dog he was.

Following him, every member of his troop did the same.

Their footsteps were quick to get down to the job.

"Piercing Spear!"

Avenging didn't dare to be slow. He decided to kick it off pretty actively.

He seized his spear with both hands and, "Hah!"

I got skills too, though. When he attack me, I could attack him.

For now, though...

<Quick Pace> on the side. I evaded his attack. Pretty easily at that.

I decided on only evading for now.

That was his attack. How he'd play. But he wasn't alone.

Coming at me to both flanks, two swordsmen tried something on me, too.

"Basic Slash!" they shouted at the same time.

Evading them, "Ohh!" I darted up and fell back behind on my legs.

And that was it.

The real fight would begin now.

Out of the good dozen of people attacking me, only seven of them were coming up close to me, swinging and slashing their blades at me.

Well, I say only, but hey.

That was quite a lot even for the strong me, you know.

But well, as victory wasn't just an option, many enemies or not many enemies, I'd just evade them all.

A big human also eventually chimed in on our fight and, "Iron Skin, followed by Whirlwind!"

Jumping again a bit behind, I evaded his big spinning sword.


Was it called frustration?

None of their attacks landed on me. Like they could only scratch me.

"That's good, guys! From the looks of it, we can certainly do it!"

The leader wouldn't miss an occasion to cheer his team up, though.


But do what exactly?

And so, all of this was as far as the close-quarters fighters were concerned. The folks of the front.


They weren't the only ones attacking me.

An arrow was shot

Barely evading it, "Huh!" I grinded my teeth.

That was a close call. So much so that, it ... it scratched my left cheek…

… I'm losing credibility, aren't I?! I just got scratched!

A bowman.

No, two bowmen.

Not even close, so many of them ... were they four?


Another arrow was coming my way...

With a quick movement of my head, I avoided it, too. This time about, I'd got the gist of it. Safely avoiding it, I also had to pay attention to the front humans.

Meanwhile, the other humans who'd fight in close-quarters, they didn't waver one bit.

"What are you guys doing? Still trying to circle me around, huh?"

Performing quite well (according to me the newbie) on both attacking and circling around, they really were going at it.


That's what I'm talking about, yup.

There's at least a good dozen people attacking me, right now.

Not all at once, no, they couldn't afford that, I'll bet. But still, they weren't all that boring at all.

That was fun.

They were working well together, these humans.

And me? I was still being pushed backward.

I mean, I wasn't really, though.

Why am I not attacking, then?

Just knew what to do against their group, like I already mentioned.

Do I have to remind you of the scary death? The game over?

I didn't wanna die, okay?

Now, to avoid that, what could I do?

I'd need to fight, indeed.

But how to?

I mean, fighting to win. The intention of winning must be there, otherwise well.

There's no such fun game when you lose, is there now? Those who tell you otherwise? Well, they're just being dumb ... probably.

A game is made to achieve victory and to crush your enemies, isn't it?

To not be crushed myself instead, well, there were 'mistakes' I should try to avoid making.

My mistake was to not know the attack of my opponent, to make it short.

Well, it was one of my mistakes. Didn't know whether there were many others or not, but that was it for now.

And so, right now, "That's it, humans," I grinned at them playfully, "Continue your desperate assault just like how you're doing right now."

And so, for now, I'll just concentrate on avoiding them.


"Don't respond to their taunting!"

That was my strategy.

And no, if you may be wondering, it wasn't coming from me.

Old Sipping was a good advisor, to say the least, wasn't he?

He'd clued me in about that.

I figured he was right, and so here I was.

The battle.

My feet danced, and theirs danced too.

Altogether, in a competitive event.

I was starting to understand how they all worked together.

"Targeting Stab!"

Sliding to the safe side, I evaded.

That same skill again.

The close-quarters people, they were all the same, mainly.

Little disturbing roaches that were swarming at me from time to time.

Among them, there was one of Sturdiest Orc's followers, I think.

Though being sturdy, he wasn't as sturdy as the orc.

Still, he was being engaged in his own sturdy way, "Shoulder Charge!" the big man rushed at me with his big shoulder, not wavering a bit, "And, Finishing Blow!"

The 'finishing' part was a bit audacious on his behalf, but yeah.

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