My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 56 - Stalling For Time

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He wasn't one of Sturdiest Orc's followers, no, certainly not.

He was a sturdy human, when Sturdiest was from among the orc.

"Shoulder Charge," his big shoulder went rushing at my face, "And Finishing Blow…!"

The 'finishing' part was a bit audacious on his behalf, but why not.

"Hoh!" I darted and avoided that one, too.

Had I not jumped that high, though ... don't know what'd have happened to me. It wouldn't have been pretty.

And so I was on the right track.

Avoiding all their skills and stacking up experience was necessary.

"Don--Don't falter!" Avenging turned to his comrades and shouted, "At some point, she'll be tired, too."


"Already tired, humans?"

I'm certainly not going to lie to you, though. I was starting to get tired too, duh.

And so, more importantly, that was a war of attrition to them, hmm?

"Triple Arrow!"

Following the big man's assault, three other arrows went at me, piercing through the air.

At this point, I pretty much understood how they worked too, the people at the rear.

And there Big Man went back at me with his big sword, "Finishing Blow!"

Rushing at my left shoulder, it wasn't a complicated task for me to avoid it back again.

Now that I understand them, isn't it time for me to attack too?

I leaned onward and dived under his rushing sword.

His sword dived too, trying to reach out to me.

Rapidly, his wrists were exposed to me.

"Four Deadly Black!"

Concentrating many in and on my dagger, "Haah!" I slashed upward, vertically, but--


Well, he blocked it.

That was super quick.

Leaning back, he also backed off, briefly exposing one of his knees to me, "Hiyah!" so instead of his hands, I went and tried to cut his knee off his leg, following my first blow.



He was lucky this dagger of mine wasn't a sword. The range wasn't long enough for me to mortally wound him.

Dagger only brushed on his left lap.

He still managed to back off, though.

"Heh," I scoffed at them, "You'll have to be trying harder if you wanna take me out, humans."

"Triple Arrow!"




Swiftly moving my head from left to right, then from right to left, and that same process one more time, I'd evaded all the arrows.

"... Followed by, Head Shot!"

This time about…

My dagger was to be brought up--


Then brought down!

And I diverted the strong arrow that was aiming at my head.

Oh, and it must've impressed them.

Seeing what I just did right now, throats gulped, and feet stepped back.

Shaking my head, "Good grief, humans…"

How would it surprise me when they just filled me in with some details of their skills?

Dumb bowman...

No, it wasn't only the bowmen, right?

"What's up with you guys uttering every skill's name you're using," extending my arms around me, turning and facing each one of them, "What's with that, huh?"

It spoiled everything.

And it was especially true for that <Head Shot> skill of right now...

"Surely, hadn't you shouted it out loud, I'd not have been able to deflect that shot of yours, bowman," I had to get that clear with her.

And she understood.

Understanding the powerful general she'd been trying to take down ever since the beginning of that battle, she only squeaked and shrank her body, "Squeak!"

"Like," I sighed and shook my head repeatedly, "Don't just say the words? Head Shot this, Triple Arrow that. Your names are just way too obvious, you understand?"


And now to add itself up to that whole nonsensical ununderstandable circus, "And why aren't you boys at the front continuing your attacks?!"

I'm pretty sure my words reached them all.

All of them were just sort of standing there, their feet planted in the ground, just like trees, I'd say.

They must've started to be really aware and mindful of me by now.

I recall Calming said something about level 25 being already quite strong.

And I was far above that puny level, yahaha.

Some of them were trembling and weak-willed. Some of them were still firm, willing to put up a good fight.

But none spoke.

"Well," my shoulders shrugged, "Keep the silence if you want, humans."

It was even truer for the female bowman over there. She was being dumb, I was just trying to help her a bit so that it'd all be more fun.

They wouldn't talk to me, huh--

"Ye--Yes, Ma'am! I--I can't just modify a skill's name, Ma--Ma'am!"



And all her partners were now turning their faces to look at her. Their eyes were all calling out, "Hah?!" and their tongues, too.

Realizing she was being even dumber now, "So--Sowwy!" she had to bow her head to all her partners, in this and that direction.

Weren't we in the middle of a fight?


They just ignored that.

Anyway, their teamwork.

Shaking my head, I chuckled a bit.

Their teamwork, I understand it now.

Through and through, yes.

In close-quarters, there was nothing much to say. I'd just taste the usual. Them trying to circle me around supposedly to corner me and destroy me from all sides.

That was easy to deal with.

I just had to avoid all of them, and to step off their formation before they'd get all around me.

Close-quarters were done. I could handle that much. Nothing to be surprised of.

Now, on the other hand, at the rear it might've been more complex than that.

Six humans were holding the rear. Among them, there were mainly bow users. A magician, too, I think, probably. It was only a timid female, and she wasn't doing so much as attacking one bit at all.

I couldn't understand her role.

What I couldn't understand too was, "Why are there so many bowmen, when they don't even use all their bows…?"


Oh, maybe being up against only one foe wasn't that helping to them, even though it was at the same time.

I reckon they can't just shot randomly at me, 'cause they'd be hitting their friends if they're not careful enough.

The bowmen, they couldn't shot just randomly. Nothing much of a threat to my life, then.

But well, it wasn't all.

Indeed, it left one last human of whose function I wasn't quite sure of, up till…

Oh, it's a priest!

Big Man I had wounded on the lap was over to his side.

The priest's side, yes.

Her function and purpose would be to heal the wounded, right?

Hmm, indeed. Big Man didn't hesitate after he'd been cut. No, he didn't. And I just figure his goal was to be healed.

Avenging's two annoyed eyes were set upon me, "We're still over here, elve!"

Why aren't you attacking, then...?

I kept silent.

Maybe he understood he was way out of my league, hm?

That really was weird, though … maybe they got their own strategy of their own, hm?

Yes, maybe they were just stalling for time.

"I know, Avenging, I know," I was just trying to understand all their jobs here. I'm not being a coward, just being careful not to be weak again.

"Don't you dare belittle us…!"

The front-line fighters tightened their formation against me once again.

"That's precisely 'cause I'm not belittling you that I'm doing all of this," I decided to stop analyzing them, my eyes went and stared back into his.

"Though I have to say," my lips arching up, "You guys are weak."


"Lea--Leader!" someone chimed in on our little exchange, "Maybe… we just can't!"


"We surely can!"

"Bu--But! Remember Sir Aeltacus' instructions, Leader!"

"I--I know it's hard, guys.

"But we gotta hang tough!

"Think of the reward!"

"We can't just be weak like she says!" oh, they seemed to be impacted by my words, huh, "We're just stalling for time, anyway!"

Stalling time.

They were stalling for time.

I mean, I just figured that out just now, though I wasn't entirely sure.

But well, it was me saying it. I was fine with it.

"Hmph," I snorted, "Stalling for time, huhhh?"

I thought of that reality, but didn't think it'd be so true.

It'd been around five minutes or so we'd been playing together now … but, hey, "Do you guys think you're the ones holding me?"

I was the one holding myself. Analyzing their fighting structure was just what I'd been doing.

Though now, "I'm done analyzing you anyway."

That wasn't entirely true, although it still held some truth.

For the better part of their group, I got them all figured out.

Stalling time, they said.

That's annoying for some reason.

They think they're doing super well when they're not.

"Targeting Stab!" Avenging's hands tightened their grip on his spear, "We're holding you just fine!" he tried to stab it at me.

"You're not," with cold eyes and dagger, I deflected it.

If that's what they think … if they think I'm weak, it's time to go on the offensive, then.


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