My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 58 - Casually Hanging Out

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On my side, the fight was pretty much over already.

Once I had buckled down and concentrated on the offensive, they didn't last long, the humans.

Weak people die.

Even though I mean, I'd be inclined to think that they weren't that weak. Like, maybe that was true for each one of them if I took them each individually.

Now, though, things were different.

They were a group.

And so, even weak, they were kinda strong as a whole.

They were many. I believe they should've tried harder.

Surely, I'd not have gone down, no, my point, saying all this, is just, "All your comrades left you guys, why'd they do that?" I could only tilt my head to the side in interrogation.

"Does that mean fight's over?"

Only their weapons were to be left after their as quick as sudden departure.

"And that's another thing I quite don't understand, by the way," Big Man and his protege were being displayed on the ground, "Why'd your friends leave all their weapons here, hm?"

I mean, certainly, they'd need to fight afterward or … I don't know, maybe tomorrow?

Why'd they just leave like this?

Taking one step forward, Big Man grunted again and shrank his body a bit, "Do you only know how to grunt?" no words were to be heard from him.

"And you the priestess behind," crouching down and leaning forward a little bit, "Is whining the only thing you know how to do?"

Well, no words from either of them.

The battle was over, and these two, they were the ones who remained for who knows what reason.

I'd just crouched down and enveloped my arms around my knees, and sat my butt on the earth.

And them? They still didn't move a limb.

It was a funny behavior.

These two were interesting.


Big Man was interesting.

"You know, I never really liked humans."

My first humans, they were being rude to me.

Hell, even as being rude was being rude, they went even further than that.

They had to get me dead, actually.

But hey, "I know some of you people are cool, though~" I gave the big human a thumbs-up.


Big Man was interesting and special.

He who was still facing and half-lying before me, protecting his friend or whatever with his big mass, received my thumbs-up along with my sparkling smiling teeth.

My teeth sparkled and twinkled.

So much so, that the one I was talking to, that is to say Big Man, had to respond back with a smile too.

And don't dare you say his was more of a nervous smile than a cheerful one.

He was happy, I know this.

"Just like you, for example, Big," I pointed out so that he understood clearly.

These two humans, I watched them. They were right in front of me, with their fearful complexions, they could only hope not to die at this point.

They'd lost and they knew how to lose. They knew what the aftermath would be, I think, probably.

And as they were being right in front of me, I could analyze them pretty well.

I did that, yeah.

My eyes scanned them, and scanned them more afterward. Making sure not to leave any unknown details.

And, the big human? He wasn't so much wounded, no.

It got me intrigued. My eyes could only squint as I faced him at some point.

Why wasn't he running off, then?

As for the female human priestess behind him, I could dig it. She was wounded and thus unable to run off.

Priestess got hurt, now she has to heal herself in order to run.

And that'd explain the why she's still there.

Now, though, Big Man on the other hand...

Where was I?

Some humans were cool~

"I encountered other humans like yourself before, Big Man," I told him, nodding to myself before carrying it on, "There was the one who gave me noodles, "I counted one with a finger, "Then there was the kind ma'am of the inn," I counted two…

"--Oh! And there's also the daughter who didn't wanna kill me any more too!"

That girl from the very beginning … she was kind too, maybe.

And I counted three.

"And then, Big, guess who's there after all of them??"

Beads of sweat still were accumulating on the brave human's forehead, soaking his short brown hair and rolling all their way down to the tip of his nose.

"What, what? You sure you dunno the answer??" I tried to get him to answer, but it was in vain, "But I mean, who else other than you, silly, hahaha!" I said laughing with him.

Still sitting on the ground, I let go of my knees and leaned back casually.

"Good grief," I sighed, "You really won't talk, hm," placing my hands behind me, I leaned back a bit and got even more comfortable, "I'm fine with that, anyway. I bet you don't even understand why I find you cool."

What I'd be betting about too was that I'm sure she wasn't aware of the fact I knew what she'd been doing, the priestess.

She still was trying to heal her wounds in silence with her trembling hands. Did she think I didn't understand this little secret undertaking of hers?

Big Man, he just stayed there in place, still highly motivated to give his life to her if push came to shove.

And I was there, casually getting comfortable as the fight was over on our side.

I wonder what they'd been thinking. Why is the power general doing that? I most likely was being weird again, huh.

But, no, have some faith, please.

I'm not being weird, this time about.

There is a greater objective, to all this little play.

And even without a greater point, it wasn't weird.

I believe so, yes.

Weren't just after all all three of us casually hanging out outside in the woods, just like good friends would do with each other?


We were in the middle of the road, all hanging out, yes.

Some clouds got on top of us, hindering the sun from beating down too hard.

As a result, the weather was getting cooler.

A dozen meters away, there was my good ol' carriage, still in his sorry state.

And further away, still a dozen meters away … I closed my eyes and made good use of [Mana Perception] ...

The battle still was going down there, huh.

Their side of the battle was way more lively than ours.

Or was it?

Orcs were down.

Humans, too.

And the two opposite leaders, still raging at each other, like the two good hardened warriors that they were.

Well, more humans died than orcs, though.

Their formation really was something, right?

That was one true war of attrition.

Should I go help them?

I mean, the orcs.

Calming and Angry were supposed to be my friends, after all…

"Hmmm…" should I or should I not?

On our side now, things were pretty much wrapped up.

Few dead humans were to be found here and there, lifelessly lying on the ground behind me and my group as we were still hanging out happily.

Quickly, I came to a conclusion.

Helping them? "That's a NO. I still got questions to ask you Big Man, after all."


I figured that this human was quite a good one. And I felt like inquiring to him about some matters…

My eyes went and stared into his.

His breathing quickened and rapidly, he averted my eyes as big beads of sweat rolled down his nose.

Instead of facing me in the eyes, he chose to rather stare off in the distance next to me.

Yeah, right.

He's way too shy.

"But since you're just way too shy to answer me, Big, I'll be entrusting the answering of the question to your friend over there,"

Imitating Avenging at his peak, I entirely leaned backward.

And with the same absurd movement he'd performed when he was down, "Hop!"

Except I didn't stand up at all.

Only making some weird attempt to move and got up on the ground, wiggling around like a fool.

Making a fool out of myself.

It was fun.

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