My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 59 - Questions Time

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It was time to get moving.

And with the same absurd movement he'd performed when he was down, "Hop!"

Except I didn't stand up at all.

Only making some weird attempt to move and got up on the ground, wiggling around like a fool.

"Ahem," I coughed in my hand and eventually decided to lift myself up in a normal way.

"You okay with that, Big Man? Certainly, you must be."

And from that point on, it'd be me asking questions to his colleague.

After I'd stood up, I began circling around him and got to see the priestess … but…

Though he'd hesitated in doing so, Big Man was indeed moving his whole massive body as I turned around him, "I mean…"

He was hindering me from reaching out to her.

Priestess was even more wildly trembling and fidgeting, now.

"I promise I won't hurt her, okay?"

Saying this would most likely reassure her.

And staying true to himself, what did he give me as an answer, this big man?



That human, seriously.

"Let me talk to her, seriously, Big man … or maybe will you answer my questions??"


He isn't able to pull that, no he isn't.

"That's what I thought, yeah--"

"Ye--Yes … uh … Ma'am…!"


"I'll--I will answer your questions ... Ma'am!"

Well, okay.

"Hmmm…" I didn't expect that, but it was actually good. I mean, I didn't have to promise not to hurt her, in that case.

Well, that and I'd get my answers anyway.

Few things were on my mind.

These few things being, as time went by, assembling in my head as clouds would assemble in the sky, they resulted in many questions.

And the two of them, being both humans and still breathing right now, well, it wasn't just for naught, no.

They'd answer my questions.

"I will … I will answer your questions … Ma'am! … But … please … don't harm us...!"

Nodding and telling him I'd not harm 'you,' that is to say, him, I could ask safely.

Sitting back my butt on the floor, I got myself into a comfortable position, just like before.

And without missing up a beat, it was interview time.

First question was, are you guys adventurers?

"Ye--Yes, Ma'am! Our whole Squadron … the--the one you obliterated … Ma'am, we are adventurers…!"

Hmm, and so they were adventurers, just like Angry said.

Adventurer, I kinda like the sound of it.

Does it mean, like, adventuring and having fun?

Adventurers, what are they?

"Ye--Yes … adventurers … they … they make a living by doing the quests … Ma'am!"

That's not really my question, I'm asking you what are they?

"So--Sorry, Ma'am…! Adventurers, they're taught the basis and … and are registered as adventurers within their respective guilds…"

What's that mean? I'm asking you what they are … like, are they necessarily humans?

"Ye--Yes, Ma'am! No! I … I mean … I--I quite..."

For some reason, he was unable to answer my question.

But, ahem, whatever, moving on to the next.

How do adventurers live?

"Yes, Ma'am! We--Ugh … we …"

Same goes for this one, after stammering the same way he did for the previous, I had to stop him.

I gotta be more precise in order to expect an answer from this chubby boy.

Therefore, do you get to eat food and have a good shelter on top of your head?

"Ye--Yes, Ma'am! Very much so!"


First time I saw him answer with such eagerness and willingness. Big Man pumped his fist in the air, emblematically, "I insist, Ma'am!"

His eyes didn't shy away from sparkling one bit too, huh.

As soon as I uttered the word 'food,' he knew how to answer me.

Guess I'll have to become a chubby boy too, hehe.

Food is yum yum.

And ignoring the shelter on top of your head part, I pretty much got my answer, yup.

Is being an adventurer super fun just like right now?

"Fu--Fun … I--I don't know about fun, but … fun…"

Hmm, he didn't know how to answer that one question too, I'm sure of.

Though I'm sure he was just hesitating in how to describe how much fun all this was.

I mean, his life as an adventurer.

Just take the moment of right now, for example.

Isn't it super fun?

Well, and since it was way too much to be even classified as a fun thing along with the other fun things of life.

How can I join your cause?

"You--You... "

Shaking his head repeatedly and casting his eyes downwards, I just thought, okay, you see me as a threat, it's fine, I won't join in.

Where do the adventurers get their, erm, quests…?

"Yes, Ma'am. In the city at their respective guild bureau, Ma'am."

A city?

"Yes, Ma'am. Cities, Ma'am."


Vague answer.

Or maybe it was just vague to me, duh.

I'll inquire to Old further about this matter.

Moving on to the next (important) question,

Is it possible to stare at the flying fireball of the sky without going blind? An old sussy man told me it was impossible, but maybe does he simply not want me to get a taste of it?

"Ug--Ugh … Yes, Ma'am…? Are you talking about the sun, Ma'am? I … I don't think Ma'am should mistrust this old man Ma'am is talking about…"

Okay, good.

I'm sad about the sun, but ahem.

Old was to be trusted.

And now, the last question, do you think I didn't notice your little scheme ever since the beginning, you little piece of shit?


This question wasn't being addressed to the Big Man, no.

Interview time was over.

Let's call it a day.

Crackling my neck to both sides, I had to quickly stand up--

She immediately twitched as she understood I talked to her, the priestess.

"Squeak!" after lifting her long white and blue robe along with her staff, she tried to run off.

Now, now, now.

How could she even do that? Being a coward was being a coward, huh.

Just like the other humans.

Her poor chubby boy had spent this entire time talking to me as he sweat and stammered due to his fears, and priestess, she just runs away like my big boy hadn't spent all this time being caring to her?

"I'm talking about the squeaking rat behind you, Big."

And her squeaking surprised sound? "Squeak!" it resounded one more time. She bolted onward and went off on the run.

She truly was the epitome of a rat. Rats were cowards. And they squeaked. Probably. Not sure.

"Yeah," I went nodding to myself my head four, five times with quick repeated movements, "A rat. That's what she is."

That shall be her name.

The rat was running off.

Her blond light hair was swinging from left to right in her back.

Looking back down at Big Man, he only lowered his head and frowned his face.

Sighing, I shook my head.

He must've been disappointed, just like me. I mean, surely, we weren't expecting any heroic attempts of her to save the two of them, but still.

"Do you think she's getting away with that, Big?"

Still motionless, Big didn't reply to me. He was back to his usual self. It was fine.

"You don't have to answer, it's fine, I'll get her to pay for abandoning you, Big."

Okay, now wasn't the time to slack off, then.

I placed my dagger's handle in between my teeth and clenched them real tight.

Folding my legs, I concentrated my strength in them, and, "Hop!" I jumped over Big's body.

Placing one foot before the other as she ran, the rat was getting away.

And I'd just landed back on the earth with joint feet, "Quick Pace!"

Without missing a bit, I dashed along, my head tilted forward. I was at full speed.

But, oh--


She just tripped on her robe.

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