My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 60 - Hero

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Big Man didn't move an inch.

He was still right there before me, half-lying and leaning back with a complicated expression decorated on his chubby sweaty face.

His eyes were cast downwards just as usual. The complicated feelings lingering in himself of right now, weren't tiring one bit. His expression had to be hardened.





The little rat had gone on the move.

One step after the other, she was going all out, leaving only her white back and blond hair, swinging from right to left, following the rhythm of her steps.

Huffing and puffing, her straying feet weren't shying away from their running escape.

Suddenly though, "Kyah!" she tripped on her long priestess' robe.


"Damn, no! Hurry it…!" with panic, she cursed.

Falling, she'd hit the ground on her belly.

Painfully getting herself on all fours, she tried to get up--All of which had been in vain.

Me, jumping over Big Man, I finally landed on the ground--

"Quick Pace!"

Diving into the air at full speed, I crashed myself on top of her.

Further escaping for the rat was impossible.

Next thing I'd do, without leaving her any second to react, was to grab and push down her two arms.

"Kyah! Let--Let me go … damn monster…!"

She was on her belly, while I was immobilizing and pushing her down from the top of her back.

"Let go of me!" huffing and struggling as she was, she eventually managed to make me let go of her arms.

She did try to get herself off my grip and managed well in doing so. Struggling and flailing around, she got me off her for a little time.

I hadn't expected that, huh.

With that weak princess' body, I had barely enough strength to seize and immobilize her for more than a few seconds.

Somehow, she managed to get herself facing me.

She was still underneath my body, though now, she'd be more in control--


In our struggle, a slap landed on my cheek.

With that very slap, she made me tilt on the side, up till, with the sole strength of her body, managed to get me to fall completely on the side--

And she went skedaddling like a crazy rat again.


I'm not being careful enough.

But I'll not give in that easily, Rat.

First time I tried to get myself a rat, I failed. Now though, I was different.

"You better know that!"

<Quick Pace> wasn't an impossible thing to accomplish.

I got mana.

My dagger was to be placed back in my gripping hands.

In a jiffy, I got back up too, "Quick Pace!" and dashed right into her,

And shortening the already quite shortened distance between us.


Piercing through the air, holding Calming's dagger real tight before me with my hands, I was just like a human spear.


"Ahn…!" she moaned.

And got my dagger through her guts, before I twisted it and tore it to the side.

She fell forward. I fell with her too.

The white of her robe was becoming red.

She passed on the spot.

❮The Player has reached level 37.❯

"Good grief," thanks to her, "Huf, huf," I was being huffing, too, now.

"I just wanted you to heal me, human priestess..." she shouldn't have just run out of the blue, duh.

"Well, even though I'd have still killed you afterward…"

But, hey, c'mon.

She could've at least … well.

She could've at least healed me. Maybe I'd have shown mercy. I don't know.

--No, actually.

Mercy was out of the question for her. She'd just abandoned the poor Big Man and tried to run.

She'd been dealt with now anyway.

What's done is done.

Still huffing, I had to stand back up.

Doing so for the umpteenth time today, I looked over to Big's side.

Turning to him, my fists were to be pumped in the air, "Saw that, Big?! Got her down, yay!" and I smiled at him.


My proud pumped fists slowly came back down to rest next to my lap, I attached Dagger back to my belt.

"Wh--Why are you crying, though, Big Man…?"

Poor human. He must've still been scared ... right?

And as surprising as it may have been, even crying and whining, he was silent.

"I said I won't kill you, you don't have to worry about that, y'know."

I wouldn't kill him, no. Like I could even do that.

Am not a monster, hey~

"I told you, right? I'd not kill you, I'd not," I shook my head and presented him with my empty hands. They held upon no weapons.

"You're one of the cool humans after all~" I explained to him, throwing in a smile at him too.

And that'd settle it.

I mean, I was done here.

Annoying humans were to be dealt with.

Living all their corpses behind, I walked forward.

And just like I said, turning and facing the opposite side, I'd just be off--

Thud, thud, thud, thud!

But the big man was coming running at me from behind.

What was he thinking about?

Should we shake hands before going our own ways?

Like, maybe we were friends, I don't know. Friends needed to greet each other.

Thud, thud, thud!

I peered back over my shoulder.

His big and loud body was there to be found, sluggishly coming rushing at me, with big, dull steps.

They went, thud, thud, thud!

And no, on second thought, he didn't look like this at all. Feeling like shaking hands with me?

No, no.

I didn't buy that.


'Cause instead, it must've been a big happy hug he'd wanted to give me.

That's so cute.

But well, as being cute was being cute, I just couldn't afford to do that, huh.

That big mass of his ... it was just ... meh.

Too sweaty and plumpy.

I didn't like it.

"I'm sorry I won't just--"

I tried to stop him, but oh well...

Still painfully working his way towards me, "Mon--Monster…! Ugh!" he grunted while giving a punch in my direction.


I evaded him, but…?

What was the meaning of this?

"I'll kill you…! Monster…!"

Throwing his big sluggish punches one after the other, he did cry some more tears.

And so that was it.

Seriously, though?

My face twitched.

I mean, the heck is that supposed to mean.

I help you and you do that to me.

"Weren't you disappointed she tried to run off too?!" I tried to talk to him.

And avoiding another pathetic assault from him, "She tried to leave you behind like you were worthless, don't tell me you can be sad over her death, Big."

Big Man had to pause, "Huf, huf, huf…"

And so I came to a stop too.

"You--You promised you wouldn't harm us…!"

And here we go again.

My face twitched even more.

I didn't even promise a damn thing about her safety.

He must've misunderstood something, that human.

Should I tell him?

I could go like,

Stop that, will you?

Snap out of it, come on.

Get your shit together, Big Man, you're not that weak.

These three sentences, they could be said.

And so many other lines, actually. I could've told him this and that, trying to knock some sense in his dull head, but well.

I was being tired right now.

"I--I loved her…!" he uttered too, before throwing in another "Ngh!" as he tried to punch me.

A sigh went out of my mouth, desperately.

Dealing with this, I'd just evade one more attack, jump in the air, twist my waist around the best I could, and in a quick movement,


His huge cheek was being slapped by my rapid-moving tiny hand.


My feet landed back on the earth, "Oh, did I put too much strength in that slap?"


He blacked out.

I was the one being right.

What was it with him being all that faithful to the smelly priestess…

She didn't hesitate one second before leaving him behind, while he…

He was ready to give his life to hers all the long!

Without flinching before the one they'd called a 'general.'

I'm not saying he wasn't having a fun time just like I was, no.

It's just ... come on.

I'm the one every single one of them was afraid of…

And he still stood up, though sort of half-lying down, before me to protect his girl, all the long.

Big Man was a hero.

My hero.

Not the priestess'.


Bidding farewell and bowing my head to him, as he was just sleeping and breathing here on the earth, I turned and went away.

To my good (and dumb) friend, I paid my respect, before going away.


[Name: Skill]

[Race: Demonic Parasite]

[Title: Fratricide]

[Level: 37]


[HP: 2310/2390]

[MP: 512/820]

[Vit. 36]

[Strength 37]

[Agility 37]

[Intelligence 37]

[Unique skills: [Boramana's Benediction]]

[Parasite inherent skills: <Dwelling procedure> <Host Copying> ]

[Passive skills: [Consciousness][Mana perception][Hoyathu Style (Swordsmanship) ]]

[Active skills: <Quick Pace> <Four Deadly Black>]

[Main quests: ❮Following the guiding fragrance, head over to the Dryads, and ask them for help.. Surely, they will help the Player.❯ ]

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