My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 61 - Feud

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Being weak was something.

But being strong was another thing.

"And right now," playfully jumping as I walked onward, "I'm being strong~"

So, quite naturally, it was fun.

Being strong was fun, yes, yes.

If I hadn't been strong, then I'd have been weak.

Weak, huh…

My joyful hopping around gradually died down, my feet had brought me to a stop, "Me, I'm an elf right now, and I got a throat."

It wasn't really mine, that throat.

But well, I still placed a hand on it and gripped it real real tight.

My face frowned.

Biting my lips, my eyebrows lowered and knitted together.

But it was still mine. I had to protect it. This throat ... I won't let it be gashed again by any swordsman, or whatever, really.

I gulped, clenched my jaws, my eyes squinted, then shook my head, letting go of all this.

Snapping out of it, "Let's not just remind ourselves of that, shall we?"

And my footsteps returned to their task--Taking me to the elves.

I've had my share of fun today.

Hopefully, they've had some fun too, my two loyal subjects.

They, along with their friends (supposedly) the orcs, must've had some real fun, too.

I mean, they were all together.

And just like what Old said about adventuring and having fun, 'The more, the scarier, oh ho ho!'

Or was it that?

I dunno anymore.

Well, it was something along those lines.

And all these funny words, pieced together, forming that even funnier sentence, well, they basically meant…

I don't remember that either … duh!

The words must be wrong, then.

Anyway, Calming and Angry.

They must've had some real fun down there.

The other side of that tiny battlefield was right up ahead on the path.

I was walking towards them.

Few meters away from me, there was this huge wooden chunk in the middle of the road.

Neither too shabby nor too luxurious.

My poor princess' rusty carriage was to be found there, lying about in its sorry state.

Still walking, I got nearer to it.

My hand went and rested on its flank's wooden surface, "You did well, Carriage, you did well."

Going alongside it, my hand brushed the woody surface, and quickly, I got past it.

After the wooden dead carriage, again a dozens meters away, they were here.

Orcs, elves, humans.

"Finally nearing an end, their battle."

My side of the battle was wrapped up already.

It went pretty quickly. I'd taken care of that. Humans didn't last much long.

On this side, though, things weren't still wrapped up entirely just yet.

Taking a few steps back, I leaned my shoulder against one side of the carriage and observed.

Orcs, three of them remained.

Humans, only one sorry individual was to be left standing up.

And finally, the elves, "Hehehe, I can be proud of my boys," there still were two.

The three orcs were circling and cornering the last standing human.

Smart on one side, painfully swinging his sword at him.

One other big orc still painfully standing and huffing with one big sword and shield in each hand.

And another last one, pretty regular, going about--



Going about nothing, now.

Or maybe yes. Going about falling, and now whacking himself on the earth, staring off in the distance, one arm missing.

Just going about dying, now.

It was a surprise they'd survived for that long of a time.

And I'm talking about the orcs, obviously.

The last human they were confronting right now wasn't any human.

Unfortunately for them, he was tenacious.

And, "Holy Charge!" in a super quick and elaborate movement of his sword, he'd just slashed the arm of the orc that went falling seconds ago.

Remember the human who'd launched that big offensive against the poor lot of us at first?

Well, behold the man, "Growth Shield!"


And a dull clang resounded.

Blocking with his shield one of Smart's short swords as he went slashing at him in his back--

A wide blinding green light was to be emitted--Even though it only last one second.

It was enough time, "Shield Charge!"


The same dull clang sound resounded--Smart's left short sword blown away to the side.

It was a surprise the orcs had survived this long, really.

That's how it looked to me, at least.

This man, he wasn't giving off any good vibes at all. He sounded like danger itself.

I insist, yes. The last human wasn't just your average human.

He was still holding up. As painfully as the orcs, it seemed, but still holding up nonetheless.

Truly a surprise.

What was more of a surprise, now?

Yes, there was even more of a surprise in this scenery.

The elves, now.

I mentioned the elves.

My people, hehehe.

My two little boys were holding up just fine too.

Calming must've been the reason they'd survived this long, right?

I mean, without him and his quick-witted calculating brain, Angry would've been dead by now, I'm sure.

"Hey--The elf!" Smart turned to Calming and shouted at him, "Where your other healing talismans at?!"


And so that was how they'd gotten themselves a place among the orcs, most likely.

"I'm no longer having any, didn't I tell you already, the orc?!"

Even in this situation, as all of this was unfolding, they got time to yell at each other, these two.

They're really getting along well, hm.

The orcs were fighting fiercely at the front, circling and cornering the human paladin, wearing him down as time went by.

And the elves in all this?

Angry got himself a bow and a few arrows,




And he could handle it pretty well.

--Though he missed all of his shots … yeah.

And he just ran out of arrows, "Tsk!" so he clicked his tongue--That was angry we were talking about.

Tossing his borrowed bow onto the ground, he drew out two daggers.

Though reluctant to go and join at the front, "Go help them push him, Sakage!" he quickly had to buckle down to the task.

Human Paladin wasn't still going down.

Calming was right in his instructions.

And by the way, Calming, what was he doing in all this?

I mean, what was his job?

I knew he certainly wasn't useless, that was for sure.

Though now, what is he doing, hm?

Angry joined the orcs at the front line. Quickly setting himself to work, he was helping them pushing the strong paladin into a corner.

All three, they were fighting against him.

Like a cornered beast, though, Paladin didn't do so much as wavering one bit…

Orcs and Angry were fighting.

And Calming was just standing by on the sideline. In each hand, he was holding many elven talismans at the moment.

Must be preparing and scheming something on his own.

That's what I'd expect from him.

And I was pretty much right to think that way.

What could he be up to?

My eyes were set upon him, I observed attentively, "Ten ... nine … seven," was he counting down?



The two orcs along with Angry closed their circle around Paladin.


Being cornered, Paladin had to work a way out of this.

Quite naturally, he went for the weaker of his opponents, trying to break a breach into their formation.

Both swinging his sword at Angry and blocking off both of Smart and his colleague's assault,


Needless to say that at his peak, Angry wouldn't have stood any chance against him for more than ten seconds.

Right now anyway, Paladin was fatigued and worn out to an imaginable point.

Marveling at how he'd still be standing up in this situation, Angry was getting by too, thankfully for them.

Deflecting all the savage blows coming his way--


Smart finally got an opening.


Paladin's shoulder dropped off.


His shield went and hit the ground.

Calming was still counting, "Six … five … four…"

A breach was to be found in the seemingly impenetrable defense of the paladin enemy.

What followed quickly after that was another slash.


Digging itself deep into the human's neck, he passed away, still standing up for a brief moment before…


And Calming on his side, "Three … two … one…"


The floor lit up in a bright light.


The battle had just ended … yet, no.

Another one just seemed to have started.

The orcs were up against the elves now…


"Sakage, get in line," Calming shouted, "We're not done yet!"

Their fight was over, and they couldn't rejoice.

Internal feud would be the term, I believe.

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