My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 63 - Noble Spirit

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From the top of the sky, they were coming, rushing down.

The sun rays were diving, from high high up above the sky. Just like ... just like sun rays!

And my forehead?

It'd collect a whole bunch of these before having them welcomed on my skin.

And all that process?

Well, it made me sweat a little bit.

Beads of sweat were accumulating on my temples.

I sighed and swiped them off with my forearm.

It felt hot.

The sun.

It was the sun which was doing all this.

What else did it do, the sun, now?

It gave me the time, didn't it?

And saying its sun rays were diving down to me right from the top of the sky wasn't exactly true.

In fact, rather from the top of the sky, they were coming from a bit lower point.

The sun wasn't at its zenith any longer.

Time had passed.

And the sun passed too.

So, yes, the sun was there in the sky, and he'd been tilting to the side for pretty much a long time, by now.

Well, that was as far as the sun was concerned.

And me, where was I, you ask?

Crouching down, I was peering over my knees, still going about this new business of mine.

"So … should I rather take this one…?"

In front of me and my knees, they were all extended and presented on the ground.

Many many weapons.

All extended before my feet.

None of them were missing.

Neatly ranged and lined up by myself.

None of them dared to deviate from their place.

And me, I was just examining them all.

"Or maybe I should take this one … mmm…"

Many many weapons I'm telling you.

So much so that the poor me didn't know which one to choose.

Among these weapons, there were regular human swords, elven ones, and orcish ones.

There were also axes, tons of them. Oh, and there were these things too… "Clubs, right…?"

"Tsk, tsk," clicking my tongue, I didn't like them.

Not as stylish and cool as the swords and axes.

Holding on that puny club, I made some more clicking tongue sounds.

"Ugly, ugly, ugly," and I tossed the one I'd been holding in my hand to the side, "Garbage is with garbage."

In front of me to my right, "And you stay here." right there, yes, there were all the other garbage weapons.

"Hmph," I snorted at Garbage Club. "'That understand??"

I hope they got the message.

Shaking my head, I got to chuckle.

Of course they can't understand.

They don't speak.

They're just weapons.

And I was sorting them out.

It was fun.

And so, just like that, I got to crouch back down before my little babies standing before myself, "Should I take this one, then…?"

My eyes were squinting … I came across a sharp-looking sword.

"You … you picked my interest!"

Standing back up, I jumped and jumped, two times, as I skillfully avoided all the weapons with my feet, just about landing where I should. "Come here see daddy!"

And picked it up.

This sword was cool.

It wasn't super big and heavy like a longsword would be.

Nor was it too damn standard and boring, no.

Can't you see it? It's actually sparkling and glittering a little bit.

In the air, I bent it and lined it up with the light coming from up here ... it was relatively faint ... but yes!

Definitely has some aura in it.

I can sense mana coming out of it.

"All of that, plus it isn't an ax!" I nodded repeatedly, a satisfied look on my face, "Not that I got something against axes, though…!"


Axes were fine too.

Though, me, I'd prefer using a sword.

I was used to it, in a way. A super eerie way, I'll give you that. Still though, I was used to them.

That [Hoyathu Style] Passive Skill I stole was just mine at this point.

Swords are mine~

And anyway now, the weapons assembly!

All of them, I'd patiently gathered and arranged this whole time.

And just like this,

"Ahem," coughing into my hand, I nodded again, "Okay, okay, folks … you're dismissed!"

Turning my heels on them, this was my departure.

I'd assembled all of them into this little gathering so that I could choose one of them. I wanted to swap weapons.

My tiny dagger (I'd snatched away to Calming, so wasn't even mine in the first place) wasn't as cool as this glittering magical human sword!

Waving it around in the air, I chuckled more, "Be happy to serve me, new sword."

It was decided, this sword was mine.

And time had passed too!

I mentioned it earlier. Time has gone by. Time had to go by. And so time did. Time just went by.

"Hey!" dashing along with quick little steps, "Calming, finally waking up?!"

To the other side of the weapon gathering, he was right there, the poor guy.


Yes, Calming was resting onto the side of the weapons assembly.

Just sleeping by, agonizing, he was there.

Well, sleeping mostly, I'd say.

And now, he was done with it.

The weapon assembly had killed enough time.

"You're finally done, right, right?!"

"Gnn … princess…?" rubbing his eyes and wrinkling his face,

"Princess?! You're covered in blood, are you okay?!"

Painfully taking up his two heavy eyelids, he placed one of his fragile-looking hands on the ground, abruptly propping himself up.

"Really went hard at you, didn't it, huh?"

"Princess…? Wh--Where are we?!"

"Shh, shh. Take it easy, silly. You gotta take it easy, alright? It's really taken its toll on you, that super attack of yours."

Though super worn out and tired, with his pale complexion, his adrenaline went up again.

Throwing his head from one side to the other, he was scanning around us, without uttering a single word.

It went right, left, right, left, behind, front, right, behind, front, left.

What was up with that elf, now?

"Just chill out, why don't you.

"We're good.

"We're safe.

"You took them all down, remember?"

"No--No, princess! They knew about you…!" and casting back his eyes downward, just like he used to do in difficult times, he was only going about shaking his and muttering about words of lamentation to himself.

Trying to work out a solution, too, duh.

That's Calming we're talking about, right?

Hurriedly trying to stand up, facing behind himself--

"Don--Don't just go that way, I'm telling you you need to rest, you ding-dong!"

I tapped my sword on the ground, catching his attention, his eyes darted on it, "We. Are. Good.

"You understand?"

And from the tip of my sword tapping on the earth, his as though as dead eyes climbed all their way up to my eyes.

I nodded to him.

He nodded back to me.

He truly is in a pitiful state ... would you look at that.

But good, anyway.

He understood and calmed down. He wouldn't try to run after the escaping orc. He was calmed and relax, I think.

Or maybe he wasn't.

I wouldn't know much.

"Hah~" I sighed.

It was a friendly sigh, though.

Calming had been through a lot.

Calming, right?

Calming, hmm…

Calming did many things. Super surprising things, yup. You saw them too.

If he was in this pitiful and worn-out state of his as we speak, that wasn't for no reason.

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