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Calming's pitiful and worn-out state wasn't just for no reason.

He'd given his whole.

With his sword, he'd stabbed many enemies in one go.

An impressive sight to behold. Very much so. Calming was super strong.

So much so, that he'd gotten rid of two … rather three enemies in one go.

All of them in one go.

Why'd he do that?

They knew too much, right?

That's what he'd said before falling down, fatigued.

As for why he'd killed the two orcs, I understood there would just be a feud between the two groups that they were.

They'd no bigger foe anymore, so quite naturally, they'd be getting at each other.

And adding itself to all of that, they knew I was the princess, didn't they?

They called me 'the princess,' remember?

But anyway, it was their feud.

Hmm … and so he killed them using that strong technique I'd never expected he'd be the possessor of.

That really went pushhh to the side, then slash slash at all of them, to finally staaaab in them all.

And yup, pretty much dead, his opponents, huh.

Now, that'd settle it for the two orcs.

This was reason enough to slay them, right?

Maybe there were other reasons, like the way they knew too much things about me, or whatever. I had much time to think up all these possibilities.

Fact was, they were dead bodies, now.

That was just how it was--That, and I didn't care at all.

None of my business, as usual.

Their feud, it was theirs.

And he had to deal with that with his only swords and elven runes or whatever.

By the way, that sword, it was dead now. As tired as its yielder. So, no, in case you wondered, I couldn't just pick that one up. Not usable no more, duh.

In fact, yes, the sword couldn't just rest and sleep it off to become brand-new again.

Calming could, thankfully.

He was so much drained of all energy after that big critical strike.

It cost him a lot, let me tell you.

Killing many folks, right?

Even that one little angry elf…

Kinda miss him now that I think of it.

I mean, yeah, killing many folks, but...

Even Angry, though?

Killing Angry, huh.

"It was a necessary sacrifice, prin--princ…

"It was just a necessary sacrifice to ensure I'd stay alive in the end and that no information would be leaking out…

"The princess needs me.

"And our people need the princess...

"Not like it's any of your business anyway, isn't that correct...?"


I mean, of course it's my business. I'm the princess, right?

I only snorted and looked down at him.

My lips didn't move, and neither did his.

This discussion had to be continued, though.

"The last one you were afraid of, he's right there," my sword went and pointed at his head to the side.

It was a single head, without a body, about standing up on the side as it was hanging out with its new friends, the flies.

"You didn't directly put him to death," still standing up, I looked down at him half lying and bowing towards me, "I understood you wanted them dead,"

He wouldn't have pulled that super strong attack off without a good reason, he needed to wipe them all, "And so, me, I just went after him to finish the job.

"Thought I'd bring you the head so that it'd ease your mind, Calming."

His eyes did go and peer at the head that was his. Still looking down, he nodded his head before muttering to himself, "Yes ... I saw," with the same pitiful look on his face.

He must've been thinking Angry was a necessary sacrifice, though I could've just wiped all of the orcs myself.

Let's just not destroy his spirit further.

And he's still looking down right now.


"You really surprised me anyway … back then, I mean."

And I had to cough back again into my hand, sort of chasing that weird atmosphere away…


He'd rested enough.

And so, now, we should just go on with the princess' adventure time.

I turned my back on him, and trod a few steps.

"Well, why don't we get moving, then--"

"I'm sorry!"


"I'm so sorry!

"I truly am…!"

Upon hearing that very loud whacking sound, one of my eyebrows arched up.

"I had to understand."

Turning back my face to him…?

What was that?


The whacking sound, it was Calming's head.

Whacking onto what?

Onto the earth.

"I understand I had to…!

"And yet, I didn't!"

"What's up, hey," I smiled and peered around us awkwardly.

Didn't know how to take all of that.

Was he being this apologetic because he'd endangered my life with this whole battle thing?

Surely, I'm fine, "Don't worry about it, I'm good--"

"--O Noble Spirit!"


"Why am I even surprised?!"

That oh-so-familiar name made me jumped, my jaw dropped!

"Pardon me!

"And please, give us back the princess!"

He'd understood it!


When he talked to me just now ... the way he'd referred to me as 'the princess,' should've clued me in!

My blunder!

But, hey, wait!

"I'm so sorry, O Noble Spirit!"

"--I'm--I'm not … I'm not being attacked by you … right?!"

Taking a few steps back, I could only be wary of him … right?!

I even had to strike my battle stance!

"I'm so sorry if the Noble Forest Spirit may think that's the case!!"

And he went whacking his head back again onto the floor.


My gosh.

Like, woah.

What was the hell with the way he'd been whacking his head like this onto the solid earth, huhh?

Wasn't he super tired and worn out, that elf?!

Surely, this long long nap of his did him well, from what I can see, at least!


Well, sure, why not.

Should I run?

Should I not?!

My oh my…

Me, O Strong Me, think something up, real quickly...!

And duh once again!

I mean, wait up.

Angry was up to date with me not being their princess.

I know this.

I even considered getting rid of him to let it all go under the carpet.

Now, how was it that he became aware of that…?

He'd heard me speaking fluently their human tongue, right?

That, I wasn't supposed to be able to do, right??

And Angry, when he was alive, he'd had ears, right???

Didn't Calming also have ears?!

Wasn't also Calming right next to me when I was conversing with the orcs' party???


I'm so dumb.

Who wouldn't have thought of this?

Since Angry understood, Calming too must've understood!

Thinking back on it, he was kinda acting weird too…!

Don't tell me his little rant back then with these … no longer living orcs was a way for him to let off some steam…?

There was also the way how he'd only dryly gulped and looked at me awkwardly when I told him I'd be handling and resolving his feud with the orcs…

Duh, duh, duh.

I wish a brain.

And as I was thinking back on all that,


"I'm so sorry, O Noble Forest Spirit!

"Will you please, give us the princess back?! After we're done with your honorable affair, of course!!"

Still prostrating himself before me, his whacking head didn't waver in whacking more and more, giving some punch and power to his way too long, unwelcomed, and not even desired apology…

Good grief.

I can run again, can't I?

"Meh," peering behind me, that'd be about the direction I needed to take.

Though, no.

I shall not flee.

He just mentioned it, didn't he.

My 'honorable affair,' he said.

Me? Going alone and wrapping up the quest on my own, dealing with the Dryads?

That certainly was not a possibility.

What if I ran into other complications, after all?

Plus, there were these mysterious Dryads beings I didn't know anything about…

Wait up ... was he maybe confusing me with one of them?


That's just it.

I'm way too lost.

And so, two choices were offering themselves to me.

Running off on one hand.

It'd mean dealing with a whole bunch of wild things, that I'll refer to as complications, on my own, it was a NO.

Not running off on the other hand.

And this one option would mean having to deal with that one 'complication.'

And … it was also a NO, duh.

Which was the bigger NO, though?

Well, well, well.

Here we go again.


"O Noble Spirit! Forgive my sins!"

Will ya shut up already?!

I ain't no Noble Spirit or nothing, duh!

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