My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 83 - "You're The Monster!"

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Silently muttering words under his breath … his expression didn't change.

Distress and anguish were just as though written on his face.

No, at this point, the words weren't even written--rather, they were carved.

Deeply carved into the man's skin.

And no, no. Deep wasn't even a suitable word either. What word would be fitting? I didn't know.

Ever since the beginning, that's how Calming had been doing. Although sometimes a big bright and colored smile he hung on his face, had he ever been freed and detached of all his worries?

I bet he wasn't.

Carved as deeply as they could be, right through and into the man's skinny face.

It was just part of him, at this point.

The same old chorus of 'sorrys' and other apologetic words didn't waver one bit.

He was a sorry sight in himself.

And that was Calming for you.

What got him that way?

His situation.

Whom else was that situation about?

The princess.

She, too, wasn't left scarless from this whole issue.

And at some point, from her tiny stature, she could only cast and keep her eyes downward as though didn't have any strength lingering in her anymore.

The fighting spirit she'd been showing off to us from before had to calm down and settle down with her.

Calming still muttering things to himself like a madman, at this point, she joined in and did the same as him ... "They'll get away just fine, I'm sure of..."

Paying attention to her whispering lips, I could make out what she said just fine.

"They'll just have to run … just like myself."

Well, well, well.

Both of them really were a woeful sight to the eyes, weren't they.

The one I'd pity the most among the two definitely was the princess, though.

I could feel her pain, somehow.

Just like me, she seemed to be lost.

And you don't like that, being lost.

Utterly lost she was.

Of course, I'm talking about being utterly lost. Not just any kind of 'lost'.

Being utterly lost, you don't like that. No, no.

Calming wasn't in the same state as her.

He could see just fine what could and could not happen. He could study their chances of performing this or that plan. He could expect such or such consequence to befall them if they acted this or that way.

Meanwhile, the princess, up till this point, she'd only been lost. That's what I can understand from their little circus of just a few seconds ago.

And, once again, being all lost and blind, no one liked that.

I was just about the same when I first got … let's be bold and say 'born,' yes. I was born and utterly blind.

Things turned out pretty good for me in the end, I assume, but well.

Still got through one good hell of trouble.

I could understand the princess and relate to her pains, somehow.

Well, in any case, it was all too damn complicated.

I didn't like complicated things.

No, I didn't.

Assuming I even had one at all, my brain wouldn't really enjoy finding itself lost in such things.

Why was I taking part in this, then?

Well, I had yet to actively take part in their drama, as a first point.

And secondly, it concerned me … kind of directly, I believed.

My upper body was to be straightened. Placing my hands on the ground behind myself, and rested my back upon them.

Should I be standing up for what's to come?

Was their internal quarrel reaching a climax?

Or maybe it was reaching an end.

I didn't know.

And the atmosphere had been silent for a good 10 seconds or so, now. How was I to tell? Aside from the usual I'd grown used to, nothing much was to be heard.

The little girl's sobbing and whining sounds; the grown-up's sorrowful mumbling sounds, and this was about it.

My ears had grown used to them.

And yes, I should be standing up for what had to come.

I wasn't able to tell, right? Whether this was reaching a climax or an end. I wasn't.

Or so would be true if I didn't have it. As usual, my keen [Mana Perception] skill would clue me in about mana's regulations.

I stood up.

And so, again, what was it reaching?

A climax, or an end?

Standing only about two meters away from her 'protector,' distressingly fidgeting her hands, her eyes going about exchanging glances between him and the grass at her feet … she was hesitant to speak.

Calming standing where he was, his entire legs firmly planted in the ground, where he hadn't moved so much as one single inch for a long time, now … his eyes still cast downward, he was hesitant too.

And I stood up. I just did that. My time to intervene was just about to come. I just had to get ready for it.

Her hands still fidgeting, hesitantly, she spoke:

"And now … I will just leave!--"

And without any hesitation whatsoever, he acted:

"--Saritar Ek Olan."

No more hesitantly, the princess went again:


Calming was resolutely going to get his princess back. Out of her volition or not. This man ... really was ready for this.

His hands were just like snakes, getting ready to bit the little lost girl.

And I, without hesitation too, I got to act my own way:

"Quick Pace, ultra!"

Tilting onward, my legs unfolded with very much strength.


Adding that 'ultra' sub-part sure added some more power to the skill, didn't it.

It really wasn't just a cool thing to say.


Piercing through the air like an arrow, I made my way up to their side.

The princess seemed to be assaulted on both sides.

From behind her, I rushed.

And from in front of her, Calming's hands still were threatening the safety she'd been resisting for the whole time.

What did she do?

Only shrank her body.

My flying body skillfully avoiding her--Calming's eyes widened, he tried to step back--

None of them hadn't been expecting such a thing.

Placing them before me, both my feet joined together as one landed on Calming's stomach.

I didn't go in with too much strength, nor did I go too easy on him.

Laying flat my two feet around his abdomen area, I didn't kick him in, but rather kicked him out.

And whack!

The elf was to be sent flying away.

Thud, thud, thud!

It was his turn to go flying in the air.

Though in his case, he wasn't quite so much piercing effectively to one point he'd intended to reach in a hurry, no.

Rather, spinning and rolling around were about the way his body danced.

It wasn't controled.

His shoulders rolled around, his back was dragged onto the ground … finally, he came to a stop.

All of which happened so quickly, he didn't understand.

Why should I be doing this?

Both my feet then landed on the ground, lightly and naturally.

And my eyes were to squint, at that point in time.

Not too far away from me, he rested on his back.

And with a complexion expressing pain and loss, he just painfully looked up at me while I looked down at him--"Sorry, Calming, I just … I just..."

Peering down over to my feet, my eyes went up and up, analyzing and scanning my whole 'character.'

Going up, I saw my legs, wearing these black regular pants I'd been rewarded by the quest.

My thighs were part of my upper legs.

Then there would be my waist, juncture of the black pants, and my beige shirt.

Then came my abdomen.

A chest, a bit higher.

Two arms, and hands.

Shoulders, a neck, and a head.

All of which was mind.

I was the possessor of this.

And it felt good.

What was I also the possessor of, now?

Within myself, I could feel it.

I couldn't quite locate it at a precise location within me … though I just felt it, somehow.

It was just within myself, and it was still lingering as we spoke...

Upon seeing me acting up this way, kicking her guardian in the belly, sending him flying away … the princess took two, three steps back.

She was still hesitant.

Being hesitant was just being hesitant, wasn't it?

When would she snap out of that persisting state of hers?

And then, she just gulped, stopping the course of her feet.

"It's … it's you … it's you--I can recognize it!--You're--You're the monster!"

And I burst into laughter, "Hahahaha!!"

That other lingering feeling, I also was the possessor of, "It just does feel good, doesn't it?!"

And turning over to the princess, in a second time, "I am, princess ... ahem."

Snapping out of it, then, I repeated, "I am."

My 'character' felt good.

And different.

"I am."

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