My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 84 - Leafana

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The monster, Calming, and the princess.

It was just us three. No one but us was to be found, lingering in the forest core, at this point in time.

Still at the same place. Surrounded by nothing but the same good ol' green trees, lying about in the nearby distance ... we were getting the last scene over with.

It was the finale.

The finale was coming, yes.

And surely, we wouldn't just shy away from getting it dealt with.

It was our finale, after all.

Though maybe only one of us three's finale, in some ways.

And ... what's a finale, in any case?

I question lots of things. I always do that. Or maybe not always, but oftentimes, really. And I am right to do so.

Things are and were to be questioned at the time.

This finale would be opening to new upcoming events.

Events that even I didn't foresee.


The finale.

The monster was here, just about standing up, in the middle of all things.

And this 'all things' was just revolving around the monster.

Before this, the things weren't certainly revolving around the monster, no.

It's all only 'cause I acted up again, sort of.

And I just kicked some ass.

Or no, rather, it was some stomach.

I'd just kicked in the belly Calming and blown him away.

And just like this, he was a bit away from us, right now.

About lying on his back, with eyes that expressed loss and discord looking up to the sky, he started straightening his upper body from down the earth.

I didn't mean any harm. Calming was a good dude, I think. And I wouldn't mean any harm to good dudes … well, not just yet, at any rate.

Quickly, I waved a hand at him, "Sorry, Calming … I just…" and sort of got lost in my thoughts at once.

Next to me, rested the princess.

Or was she resting?


The princess was being assaulted.

Therefore, she couldn't just be in a state of rest.

And that's part of the reason I got to act up, preventing Calming from sending her down to one profound state of slumber.

The princess wasn't resting at all. But still, she was resting right next to me, on my side. Only one meter separated us.

I turned my face towards hers.

And panting as if she'd been on a wild run for around ... an eternity, her eyes met up with mine as they trembled.


Should I be naming her trembling?

Even her lips trembled.

"You're the monster--I can recognize you!" she managed to shout under her ragged breathing.

And she called me a monster.

Calling the monster a monster.

It was one right thing to do.

My eyes dived into her red, fatigued, still tearing up ones.

Still being lost in my thoughts … I just burst into laughter.

"Hah, hah, hah, hah!" I laughed with strength, a playful grin adorned on my little face, "It just does feel good, doesn't it?" (this character of mine really felt light and comfy) I continued shouting.

"But ahem!" calling myself back to order, "I am, princess," I nodded.

"I am."

Her eyes and limbs still all fidgeting with her panic tendency, she then fell silent and hesitant.

And, although only for a short while, this was about us, and would just be about us.

But it wouldn't just stay that way, would it?

There still was Calming, after all.

He was the one whose ass I got to beat up. Only slightly.

The fragile-looking elf nearly got knocked out. Maybe I overdid my blow on him. Maybe he was just feeling tired and sickly. Maybe he just wanted to be knocked out.

Maybe, maybe, maybe, "What--What is the meaning of this … O Noble Spirit?"

His upper body was entirely straightened up, at this point.

Putting up a good, slightly angry frown on his face, he seemed to be feeling a bit of resentment over what I had just done.

I could understand the man just fine.


I just squinted my eyes, turning over my head to his side, "What's the meaning of this, you ask, huh."

The princess was still by my side ... she didn't move and only cast her eyes downward.

Calming, too, didn't go about running off to someplace else or anything of the sort.

The sole thing he did was inquire.

And it'd be the sole thing he'd inquire about.

Time paused.

It really did.

And I sighed.

What is the meaning of this?

This was needing questioning, wasn't it?

I was acting this way ... but why?

And while I could go and go, for a long, long time, addressing this very question … I just decided I'd keep it simple.

Rather, I'd just be turning myself over to the still hesitant princess' side and get this straight, as bluntly as I could.

This situation really looked and sounded nonsensical, but well, it was real.

Calming down to the ground, a few meters away from us; me standing both in front of him and next to his princess; and this latter, just about standing right next to me too, holding both her hands in worry and expectation: it was just about the setting.

Though it felt weird, I still did go and talk--I needed to get something clear.

"You are the object of this question, princess," I stated, addressing myself directly to her.

Our eyes met again.

Taking one timid step back and gulping, she decided that no, this time about, she'd be taking a step forward.

She spoke, "See, I--"

Did my silence indicate to her she needed to speak? "--Just listen to me, princess," I cut her short.

"What of it?"

What of it, I asked her.

This particular point interested me. It strongly did. I was eager to know something.

"What about the monster…?"

"You've got a problem with the monster too, is that it?"

Stinky monster got into and snatched her body away--the princess isn't just cool about this, right?

She must've been resentful, just like everyone else.


"Why you want to see him?"

A little while after I woke up, she inquired about the direction from which my voice was coming … she'd heard me.

Was she looking for me?

Just to let me know she loathed me?

No way, right?


Oh, and bluntly, once again, was she eager to talk?


Surely, she wasn't. Or she didn't seem that way, at the very least.

Still though, taking another step--still very punny, but very unhesitant and direct, this time about-- "Don't just leave me behind!" she simply said.

Her words just resonated, quickly got into the holes of my ears ... and, uhh?

Was this a request of some sort? A reproach? A complaint?

Only one of my brows went high, high, on my face, arching and bending up real high.

When his twin did quite the opposite: it dropped and dropped, falling upon my eye.

I was … in the process of … interrogation.

An interrogative state, yes.

My arms were now to be crossed upon my chest.

And the next thing acting would be my head, as it also, as sluggishly as possible, just went and fell over to one side, nearly coming in contact with one of my shoulders.

"'Don't just leave me behind,' hm … hm … hm."

And the princess wouldn't start to fall back all timid and hesitant again.

She started to fidget her hands back nervously.

"You … you and me … we're the same…!

"We're both lost!

"I felt you ... when you...

"--So … don't you just leave me behind at this point!

"This … wouldn't just be right ... would it, now.

"Uwaah … not like I can just tell him that, though!" still, and even more fidgeting her whole body, restlessly, she concluded with.


Only 'hmm.'

Mostly, it was nonsense.

At the same time, though, it did hold much sense.

And that's the kind of feeling I got from this all.

Surely, I wasn't the kind to stay and lurk around this place for no reason at all, was I?

I knew she had some business with myself.

But if anything, this business was just unknown and dark to me.

I had my assumptions: I was the smelly monster who hadn't just been ... cool with her, I guess?

I didn't know about it.

And I wanted to know.

It was me we were talking about.

I was a monster.

A monster, yes.

We already talked and reminded ourselves much of monsters.

Monsters were just monsters.

People reject, ostracize, and chase away monsters.

They aren't just welcomed anywhere (it seemed) … it's a bit sad, I'll give you that, but that's just how it is, right?

I mean, if anything, I was kind of sad about it, at the beginning.

I didn't know about this fact, and being introduced to it the way I was, well, it saddened me kind of a bit.

And now … "You're saying you … don't loathe me, elven princess…?"

Pausing in between each bit of words, I spoke. In the end, she got her hesitation rubbed off on me, it seemed.


❮A new additional quest has been found.❯

This time, it was me taking a step up in her direction. I'd snapped out of my sudden and deep interrogative state.

And, well, she must've done the same with her own state of loss--"You--You have to help me, monster!" and brought up a new idea to me.

"I just … want to get … to just get out of here!"

❮Additional Quest: 'The Princess' Hero'❯

She just keeps talking, doesn't she?

I am just flustered, at this point.

❮Quest's Instructions: The princess of the elven kingdom has required your help. Figure out and help her out with whatever might be aggravating her mind.❯

Everyone is just chasing me away and just … wants me dead … but this girl?

❮Accept the quest? Yes/No❯

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