My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 85 - "I'm The Monster."

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❮A new quest has been found.❯

❮Additional Quest: 'The Princess' Hero'❯

❮Quest's Instructions: The princess of the elven kingdom has required your help. Figure out and help her out with whatever might be aggravating her mind.❯

❮Accept the quest: Yes/No❯

And the monster had yet to obtain another quest.

'You--You have to help me!'

'Don't--Don't just leave me behind!'

The setting of right now just let about the three same individuals together.

Yes, still surrounded by woods, standing up there in their clear, elevated plateau that wasn't so much being stalled over by thick and numerous layers of clouds by now.

The monster, the princess … and the other elf.

The monster … that is to say, me, was still thinking.

The princess wanted to get out of here, she painfully insisted.

And the other elf … well.





At some point, the other elf had gotten himself up.

And, one step after the other, he'd been treading along the way--the very short way--and got himself right next to me and the princess.

We'd been standing there for quite a long time, by now.

Forming one sorry triangle, each one of us three taking up and maintaining one corner, we were reunited.

And sunrays did come from above us, occasionally finding their way in between clearing clouds, showering down bit by bit on our group.

My face was turned towards and faced the princess'.

Hers had also been staring at me for quite a few very long seconds … but was only now cast downward, following its weird tendency to do so.

Her still a bit wet, disheveled, green hair that eerily resembled mine was falling down her face.

Her deep, fatigued eyes were still all wet and moistened, too. Although in their case, they weren't quite sheltered away from the rain just yet.

It didn't rain anymore, no.

Though it still kind of did.

I mean, asking her eyes, that's the answer you'd be getting.

But anyhow: that was about it.

❮Will the Player accept the quest: Yes/No❯

The monster, the princess, and the other elf.

Someone spoke--But stopped himself, probably thinking better of it. He hadn't even uttered half a word.

Well, he knew what to do anyway.

He had it all figured out.

Just like the princess.

And just like … the monster?


The monster also thought better of it.

"... Everything has a price, though, elven princess," I told her, before I went on, "That's what Kind Ma'am taught me, you know."

I then went on nodding my head at my own reflections, three, four times.

The elven princess' whining sounds grew silent.

No one else talked.

"And I've found her teachings to be very true. Very very true, actually … no, it's even more than that: very very very true," I insisted.

Everything had a price.

And … well, to be blunt as I so much liked to be, "You got to pay for what you want, elven princess."

And that was it.

Her very silent whining sounds, after that point, grew even more silent.

Just staying still, the same position she'd been keeping for quite a little while, now, she said nothing.

Wouldn't she at least try to run off on her own? That's what I'd have tried, in her shoes. Well.

And now turning my face towards the other elf's own, it was funny how he himself also was practically doing the same thing.

If not for his average height and my little stature, I wouldn't be able to see the elf's face.

And right now, if anything, I'd call him frowning rather than calming.

It was … well, sad.

And he was silent, too.

Feeling like some sort of mediator between them two, it got me thinking:

Ever since he's uttered his last words, 'what's the meaning of this,' after I'd kicked him in the belly, he simply had said nothing.

As alarmed and saddened as he could be, he just said nothing.

And I mean, I could only kind of agree with his dull question, eh.

It was deep. What was the meaning of this? It was just deep. Sort of.

It was only a dull question, but oh how deep the meaning of this could be.

And I still didn't answer it, by the way, the question.

Nor did the other elf, anyway.

Maybe he knew the answer already. And maybe I did too.


The other elf needed the princess.




But the princess doesn't loathe me for being a monster.

Monster… she has said hesitantly.

I understand, I'm the stinky monster who took over and snatched your body away, and you've got a problem with monsters too, is that it (that must be it).

Then again, don't leave me behind, she has also said.

Adding that, words by words, you and me, we're the same, she has exclaimed.




The other elf still needed the princess, though.

And growing nearer to her one step after the other, he destroyed our triangle.

It wasn't in a good shape anymore.

We were forming a crooked triangle, now.

The princess started to pant really hard.

Surely, she was panic-stricken. And not only a bit. She really panted hard, "Huf, huf, huf!"

But she didn't move.

Placing one cold hand upon her neck, the other elf did mutter a few words before some light went on lightening.

In between the other elf's hand and the elven princess' neck, a runic sheet had been placed, it seemed.

The princess held it just fine, and aside from her ragged, panicked breathing--she was 'alright.'

And slowly, she lost consciousness, simply passing out.

The other elf's arms went and wrapped themselves around her shoulders from below.

And so, even unconscious and limp, she was propped up.

Only a sigh went off the mouth of the other elf.

He didn't even look at me, and just paused there for a second.

The poor other elf must've been ashamed of himself.

I didn't move either.

❮Will the Player accept the quest: Yes/No❯

Just looked at him.

But he still didn't move.

Did he really understand, then?

What's the meaning of this?

Did he understand, again?

Maybe he did.

And so the other elf just decided to wait … maybe for me to act up and play it right.

"A home.

"That's something that I want.

"That's what I've always wanted.

"I mean, maybe not always … but still, I've been requiring that home for quite a long time now.

"Everyone just taught me that--it is simple.

"Among many other things, Kind Ma'am has been the first living being to teach me that.

"I needed a home.

"... Such is supposed to be my place of settlement."

And it'll be the price she has to pay.

And he still didn't move an inch, half hugging his princess before me that she wouldn't fall down.

❮Will the Player accept the quest: Yes/No❯

The monster and the other elf.

"I'm just the monster, you know.

"As long as I win … I don't care about pretty much anything else.

"And … of course, I'll accept the quest ... I'll save the princess.

"I say, 'Yes.'"



❮Quest's Instructions: Dispose of what's bothering the princess and get her safe. 0/1❯

"She'll have to become my home.

"The monster's home. Maybe that's what it was all about ever since the beginning.

"She isn't like the rest. And I believe she'll stay that way. Even higher than everyone else, yeah, you know.

"Well, all you have to keep in mind is just that I'm the monster."

My body starts to move. I've been standing right there for too long already. And, getting things clear with the other elf, I am getting on the move.

I say 'get on the move,' but really, there isn't much more than three steps for me to walk before I can just reach out to the princess.

Oh, and come to think of it, don't I actually also need to get that little bead Old gave me.

After getting 'that' done, I will go and find him back after all.

From there on, it's adventure time.


Probably not.

We'll just have to see.

And meanwhile, I'll just grab that short sword of mine, fastened to the princess' belt, that is to say, my belt, in a way.

I can place my hand on the handle, and I do so.

The other elf still didn't move.

Well, guess he'd understood, all things considered.

He'd understood and just decided to keep silent about it.

No words would know how to do anything anyway.

Oh, but I was wrong, he decided to talk … but it didn't take him anywhere--first, he loudly cleared his throat.

And then, "If even the Noble Guardians of this … held you in this great deal of respect … courtesy … you might even be an even bigger deal yourself … O Noble … Spirit…?"


I took my blade off of its sheath at once.

"In the end … I deserve to die … too."




Kill it.

Just kill it.

I'm stronger than it.

That's my right.

This is just like everyone else acts according to … probably.

Aren't these the rules of the game?




"It's fine, Calming," I turned and smiled at him … he did the same. "In the end, you are just weak."

Quick Pace.

Appearing behind him.

Thrust my sword into his left flank.

And tore it off to the side.

Tore open the man's belly and guts.

Coughed a handful of blood.

Lost his balance.

Fell down, coughed some more blood.

His knees hit the ground, his expression cried painfully.


And fell back on his back, letting his legs go and spread themselves before himself.

"Her name is Leafana..." and finally, he spoke clearly. "Take care of Leafana..."

His eyes dived up into the sky, sunrays adorning his white face ... he smiled, "... thank you ... very ... very ..." and even in death, that elf overdid it, "... very much."

My expression was just ... expressionless.

What should I think of this all?

This is life.

And that's it.

Let's just get out of here.

❮A new Mandatory Quest has been obtained.❯

❮Act I, Chapter I, 'Orcs and Humans' - A war breaks out at the border of the Human Kingdom of Rinceville. Will the Player put an end to it? How will this all go down? Complete the quest and find out.❯

❮Quest's Instructions: The old man awaits the Player. Go find him at the peak of the tree to the south. 0/1❯

"Old Sipping, I'm coming to you."





I have long thought this: how would I write the story of a game? How would I pull that off? Because I mean it for real. A real game. And a real story related to a game hence to a player.

I am glad to have finally written and wrapped this first book of mine already. It's only the first book I write, and I don't think it's too bad, even for one sorry beginner. My many thanks to everyone who's been reading and will continue to read so far and for what has yet to come.

An afterword isn't just about anything. It's about an idea.

Three ideas. But mainly, two particular ideas with this story: one is the system, the other being the MC; these two resulting in the bigger idea that is the idea of this book.

MC is a parasite who has obtained a consciousness due to its ability to host on some living creature and steal away their vital functions--well, that's about it, really, and that's one particular thing in itself, being part of what makes this story this story.

Second particularity is the System. It is being presented like a game. I have talked about it. And that's about it. I don't wish to give informations here, it isn't the point of an afterword.

So, the idea of this book, what is it?

Well, basically, it's just a Game. But a genuine Game. Not just any game-like novel you would find anywhere. This is genuine, because as I just said, it presents two main ideas.

The game--that, many books have.

The system brings about what is required to make it a game. Game-like features and so on.

But finally, the player--that, no-one has ever had (never heard of).

The MC is a player. A genuine player.

How can we have a game without a Player. A real Player. One that will be cold blooded, and without a real common sense. One that will do this and that for the sake of a few golds or whatever, piece of equipment, anything. Without a real substantial common sense and awareness of the world, he just acts.

Cold-blooded, but innocent at the same time. That's the Player of this book.

How to make a game, without a Player, I ask again.

Thank you for reading this far.

And so, this is the idea of my book. I've long thought about it and now it's become a reality already.

I needed a being that'd be totally new to a given world. No common sense, no nothing. A new-born baby wouldn't have made it. I needed someone who'd be able to go about playing the game right after it'd be born.

And so our MC was born.

A parasite was required.

A hosting parasite that obtains a consciousness after it gets into a human, stealing away the human's vital function.

There is so much more to come in the many volumes I've had prepared beforehand. So stick around, and read as I write. We're together on this.

The first volume ends with these words: thank you.

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