My Parasite Skill System

Chapter 89 - The Battle

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I was observing and assessing myself … for the sake of survival. My skills, in the past I've gathered I have quite a few many, I think, and I wanted to know them.

And so, let's just get down to it.

The source of mana within my core, concentrating on itself, I had to visualize it flood out and spread around--It just did.

And spreading around myself, it transformed into my character.

❮Quest's Instruction: Head over to the battlefield. 1/1❯

I didn't quite feel weird anymore about it.

Old Sipping taught me how to do it well.

My human form was to be exposed to the light of the day. It made my eyes squint. It was an insistent squinting but after a while, they grew wide open.

And my equipment was on.

A banal beige shirt, alongside all the more standard, black pants. Old also had given me a jacket. It was a little bit oversized, but I kinda liked it.

He said I lacked it. I didn't quite feel that way, but he still insisted. And so he gave it to me.

What I also lacked, according to him, were shoes.

Once again, I didn't think it was necessary, but, once again too, he said it was. I took his word on that … and didn't put on any shoes he'd give me, since he had none on him.

I didn't care anyway.

My feet and toes were naked and caressing themselves onto the soft grass.

And just standing up there in the field of grass, feeling the fresh wind of that rather hot day, I smiled.

I wasn't down the blades of grass anymore. And though my feet and sword weren't quite as big as the others', they still were feet and sword.

That's right, I had my good old belt with me, fastened to my waist.

❮Quest's Instruction: New instructions...❯

The first things I saw were my silverish green strands of hair.

And upon shaking my head … well, they didn't quite go away.

My hair was a bit too long, I think.

But, no matter.

The whole Very Many Grasses field was before me. I was standing on one of its edges. And before my eyes they were all.

Orcs and humans.

Again, yes.

It sounded familiar, right? My eyes were quite familiar with that sight, at the very least.

Orcs and humans fighting, I already saw some of this back in the forest. And it wasn't too long ago, was it.

All of this took place not too long ago, and was still fresh in my mind.

I could repaint every detail of it quite easily within my head.

A little group versus another little (though not that little) group.

And so I could see similarities in the sight I was seeing just right now. Though only similarities, yes.

As we're talking right now, the scale isn't about the same at all.

There were hundreds. Maybe even thousands.


❮Quest's Instruction: Mingle into the Very Many Grasses battle, and slay the enemies that may come your way. 0/30❯

Very Many Grasses' field extended itself in front of me in the distance. My eyes had just to see.

They could see far far away in the distance. This place wasn't too dense of trees, or high and big obstacles, for me not to see.

Broad and smooth.

The location at the edge of the field I was on right now would have me elevated quite a bit.

I had a plain sight on all of this, mostly.

<Eagle Eye>

It was one of my skills.

And as I am still observing, analyzing and assessing myself, I paused right here.

'Eagle Eye' is its name. My guesses are, I most likely must've obtained it on an eagle, before the 'Consciousness settled in. 'Cause I was still living before that period, of course.

And anyway, Eagle Eye it was.

I just had to concentrate on my eyes … and just see.


❮'Eagle Eye' Positive Magic Effect is obtained - ...❯

From what I understood, just taking into consideration the useful intel, the duration time would be around five minutes.

And among other things, like the fact I could see far away with this benediction, it increases the chances for me to make a successful attack.


Details, again.

They were hundreds or maybe even thousands, I couldn't just tell precisely. Humans are more numerous than orcs, though. That's something I can tell pretty easily, due to the difference between the two groups.

To my right, there were more of humans. A huge load of them. Behind their front were tents and other installations.

Their side seemed organized and effective. It kind of reminded me of ants--even though I hadn't really got to know of ants at all before. But it just stroke me with that feeling.

On the orcs' side, now, there only were tents--but they were scarce. Way, way less installations, too.

Plus they weren't organized. It all looked quite poor and unprepared … but I guess them being orcs must play a role in how well they can put up a good fight against humans.

Or maybe not at all, and they're not putting up any good fight at all against the humans. I simply haven't been here long enough to tell.

And anyhow, what I'd observed was, humans are way more numerous than orcs.

The same good old chorus of clanging sounds, shouting of skills in the distance, and simple shouts of rage, determination and persistence knocked on my ears.

And without even opening any door, it just went in.

Far away at the borders of the battle, I wasn't quite far away from the middle of the action, but nobody had noticed me yet.

Just as the guide says, I'm not mingled with them yet.

And so I just walked onward.

I just trod my way through the rather high grass, steadily and slowly, observing around me.

Then, I was to be noticed already.

Two eyes were set upon me.

Then four … then six … and then eight.

My legs continued walking.

Two humans' eyes, for two orcs'.

Still treading on steadily and slowly, I didn't stop.

Mingling myself into the people's battle was just the goal.

"Hey, kid! What you doing down here?" a voice shouted at me … I looked at him.

One human male, going about waving his arms at me, associated with quick moves of his chin, he looked weird: "There's nothing for you down here, you understand? Go away, run!" his arms still waving, "Shh! shh!"

"Hey, don't say that," when another voice stopped the latter, "At any moment, that kid's one big shot herself, you know--Where's your group … kid?"

They talked as if the orcs' weren't of much concern to them, "It isn't safe here anyhow, just stay behind us for what's following, okay?"

And just as if it were the natural thing to do, they started to circle me around, the two orcs.

And the humans, they must've mistaken me for one of their allies--they really did pass before me, letting me know I'd be safe behind them.

"Just stay behind us … young … girl?--nah, that's a boy--just stay behind us, you're safe."

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